Osteoarthritis – Treatment, Symptoms| What are the causes of osteoarthritis of the knee, shoulder and hip?

Osteoarthritis most often affects children and the elderly. The most common symptoms of the disease are fever, general symptoms of inflammation, and abolition of limb movements. Learn about the causes, symptoms, and treatments for osteoarthritis.

The inflammatory process is a special type of organism’s response to a damaging stimulus. Its aim is to locate harmful factors and eliminate them. It is possible thanks to the interaction of many mechanisms of cellular immunity and the so-called humoral part of the human immune system. The inflammatory process can arise in all tissues of the body. The most common damaging stimuli are chemical substances, physical and biological factors, i.e. microorganisms.

Osteoarthritis – types

Inthe osteoarticular system, depending on the pathogenic factor causing the inflammatory process, we distinguish:

  1. Non- specific inflammations– most often bacterial, fungal or viral. Microorganisms enter the bones through the bloodstream from other places where an active inflammatory process takes place (e.g. from a lung abscess with weakened body defenses).
  2. Specific inflammations– these are osteoarticular tuberculosis,syphilisandbrucellosis.

Osteoarthritis – where does it occur?

Any bone in the body can be affected by the disease. In children, inflammation most often occurs in the area of ​​the bones:

Osteoarthritis – who does it affect?

In adults, it usually affects the bones of the pelvis or the spine. The disease can appear at any age, butis more common in children with rapid growth, especially boys.Bone inflammation affects the periosteum (the tissue that covers the bone), bone tissue and bone marrow, and can damage joints permanently.

Osteoarthritis – a bacterium

The disease is usually caused by a bacterium –Staphylococcus aureus, less commonly other bacteria:

  • streptococci,
  • coliform bacteria (Escherichia coli),
  • typhoid fever
  • gonorrhea.

The inflammatory process is usually transmitted from distant purulent foci, less often directly from the wound resulting from trauma.

Osteoarthritis – What causes degeneration of the knee, shoulder or hip?

Osteoarthritis of the hip or knee is characterized by a constant progression of destructive changes within the articular cartilage, with periods of exacerbation and remission. The phenomenon consists in excessive and premature wear of joint structures in relation to bone formation processes and manifests itself in morphological, biochemical and biomechanical tissue changes that lead to softening, fibrosis, ulceration, weight loss, hardening and the formation of bone growths in the form of osteophytes or subchondral cysts in the affected area. pond. As a result of the phenomenon, there is a general deformation of the joint and weakening of its motor functions.

Disturbed correlation between the articular cartilage, synovium and subsurface bone is responsible for degeneration of the hip, knee and other movement apparatus. It is favored by genetic and environmental conditions, such as hip dysplasia, Perthes’ disease, valgus knee, shortening of one lower limb, scoliosis, obesity, overloading physical work, some forms of sports activity, past fractures and excessive mobility . Degenerative changes in joints are observed more often in the elderly, especially in women, which is related to the natural aging processes and menopause. Due to the progressive nature of the disease, treatment mainly consists in relieving symptoms, extending the period of remission, and restoring and maintaining mobility

The following factors predispose to the development of osteitis:

Bacteria remain mainly in the epiphyses of the bones as they are the site of slower blood flow. The infection causes an abscess that can form a fistula under the periosteum or into the medullary cavity. The progressive purulent process leads to secondary bone blood supply disorders, the formation of the so-called deadworms.

Osteoarthritis – symptoms

The most common symptoms of the disease are:

  • Fever– it always occurs, it may also be the only observed symptom.
  • Limitation or complete elimination of limb movements.
  • Pain, swelling, redness and warmth may appear over the focus of osteitis. The symptoms worsen with the movement of the limb.
  • In the advanced stage of the disease, purulent discharge from the fistula may appear.
  • General symptoms of inflammation – malaise, weakness, increased heart rate, rapid breathing, chills, muscle pain.
  • Septic shockmay occur if osteitis is not treated .

Osteoarthritis – diagnosis

In the purulent process of bones and joints, it is extremely important to start treatment quickly. If treatment is not started in time, the abscess may break through the skin, there will be an apparent improvement, but the process becomes chronic, difficult to treat.

Suspicion of osteitis requires urgent consultation with an orthopedic doctor.We must pay particular attention to:

  • Development of the above-mentioned symptoms of osteitis, especially in children under the age of 15, diabetics or the elderly.
  • The appearance of purulent discharge from the fistula above the bone during the treatment of another bacterial disease, fever or severe pain.

If inflammation is suspected, the doctor will perform the following tests:

  • General blood tests– for inflammation the following are characteristic: leukocytosis (increased level of white blood cells), accelerated ESR, an increase in the so-called acute phase proteins (e.g. CRP), decreased hemoglobin levels.
  • Microbiological tests(cultures) of the blood to check for the bacteria that causes inflammation.
  • Bacteriological studiesof the inflammatory focus.
  • Imaging tests:X- ray, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. The changes are visible only after two weeks of the disease. These are usually fociof bone necrosis, periosteal layers, obliteration of the trabecular bone structure.

In the differentiation of inflammatory osteoarthritis, the doctor mainly considers:

  • bone tumors: Ewing’s tumor, osteosarcoma, chondrosarcoma,
  • bone tuberculosis.

Osteoarthritis – complications

Possible complications of the disease are primarily:

  • Abscess and purulent fistula on the skin. The formation of a fistula is usually associated with a reduction in soreness and a decrease in fever. However, this is not a symptom of improvement because, as I mentioned earlier, it predisposes to the transition of the disease into the chronic phase.
  • Fracture of an inflamed bone.
  • Damage to the epiphyseal cartilage of the bone resulting in bone deformation and bending.
  • Stiffness of the surrounding joints, contractures.
  • Prolonged purulent process leads to the formation of amyloidosis.
  • Sepsisand the formation of distant abscesses also in other bones.
  • Bone defects and pseudo-joints formation.
  • Limb amputation due to impaired blood circulation in the limb.

It is the most common osteitis, accounting for about 70% of cases. It is one of the most dangerous complications of musculoskeletal injuries, often leading to irreversible damage to the bones and surrounding soft tissues, and then to the entire limb. It can also cause damage to many other organs and systemic disorders. Pathogenic bacteria penetrate the bones as a result of sustained injuries duringopen fracturesand after orthopedic procedures on the osteoarticular system.

Osteoarthritis – treatment

Treatment of the disease is difficult due to poor penetration of the antibiotic in general into the inflamed area. If we give the antibiotic up to three days from the onset of inflammation, the disease can be fully cured. After this time, treatment usually fails to stop the changes that have occurred in the bone. Therefore, it is important to quickly identify and implement appropriate treatment.Diagnosis of the disease usually requires hospitalization.

The staple drug isantibiotics, which are mainly administered intravenously. Today, modern antibiotics can be administered orally or by intramuscular injection. Antibiotics are used for a long time, sometimes even 8-10 weeks. Usually there is a need for painkillers. Proper diet, hydration and bed rest are also extremely important.

The patient should perform exercises with healthy limbs, especially during a longer stay in the hospital. During treatment, there is often a need for surgical intervention.In infants, it is an incision of a subperiostealabscessand drainage of pus.In older children and adults, a wide opening of the bones, removal of purulent contents, fragments of soft tissues, necomas, abundant irrigation of the wound and local antibiotic injection are performed. After the operation, the limb is immobilized.

How To Stop Arthritis?

Degenerative changes require interdisciplinary therapy aimed at stopping or slowing down the degenerative processes of joint structures, reducing pain and improving local and general motor functionality. Comprehensive treatment in less advanced forms of the disease mainly includes rehabilitation, including physical exercises that strengthen the periarticular tissues, relieve joint surfaces and improve the mobility of the apparatus. Regular and properly selected training sessions increase the chance of recovery and prevent the disease from progressing. In the case of osteoarthritis, the decision regarding pharmacological / non-pharmacological treatment is made by the doctor?

In the process of rehabilitation, physical therapy, kinesiotaping, manual therapy and other techniques are also important. These forms of treatment are also recommended for more advanced degeneration of the joints. When it comes to degeneration of the hip joint, natural treatments also include a balanced diet rich in calcium, collagen, green vegetables and herbs (lavender, St. John’s wort, cloves, ginger and rosemary). In some patients with advanced osteoarthritis, your doctor may decide to undergo an arthroplasty

Post-traumatic osteitis – risk factors

The factors contributing to post-traumatic osteitis are:

  • impaired immunity,
  • the extent and depth of the damage,
  • extensive traumatic hematoma,
  • open fractures,
  • poor wound care,
  • operational technique errors,
  • impaired blood supply.

The treatment consists in removing infected tissues, excision of fistulas, external stabilization and intensive general and local antibiotic therapy. Soft tissue and bone defects are covered with autogenous transplants (provided by the patient himself).

It is one of the forms of hematogenous osteitis located in the area of ​​the epiphyses of long bones. It occurs when the patient’s immunity is high and the bacteria that cause infections are less virulent. The focus of infection is usually small and is separated from healthy tissues with a fibrous capsule, which prevents the formation of fistulas. The disease manifests itself locally with swelling, soreness and crushing pain, especially at night. Usually, the radiograph is characteristic and is sufficient to diagnose the disease.

The treatment of the disease consists in evacuating the abscess, excising the fibrous capsule and covering the defect with a graft from spongy bone tissue.

Arthritis – what are they?

Arthritiscan be separate diseases,but it can also accompany osteoarthritis. They are caused by the same microorganisms, and infection occurs through the bloodstream, directly from wounds and from the surrounding tissues.

Locally it is stated:

  • edema,
  • warming,
  • reddening,
  • motor soreness in the joint.

Usually, a radiograph of the joint is sufficient for diagnosis. Treatment consists in relieving the affected joint, and in the case of purulent inflammation, emptying the pus through a puncture and administering antibiotics. Inflammation that is not controlled in time may cause joint contracture and pathological ankylosis.

Osteoarticular tuberculosis – causes

Disease is the second most common disease site after the lungs. The disease is caused by a bacterium –Mycobacterium tuberculosis(Koch’s mycobacterium) entering the blood from the primary focus, most often located in the lungs or gastrointestinal tract. The bacterium is usually located in the area of ​​the venous sinuses of the spongy bone or the synovial membrane of the joints. It is most common in the spine, hip and knee joints. It is now almost exclusively found in elderly and immunocompromised people.

Osteoarticular tuberculosis – symptoms

Musculoskeletal tuberculosis develops slowly and secretly.The main symptoms of the disease include:

  • low-grade fever,
  • weakness,
  • getting tired quickly,
  • pale coatings,
  • sweating.

Locally it is stated:

  • soreness that increases with movement,
  • nightbone pain ,
  • joint effusion,
  • increased muscle tension,
  • contractures and enlargement of the surrounding lymph nodes.

Osteoarticular tuberculosis – treatment

A doctor suspecting tuberculosis of the musculoskeletal system will perform the following tests:

  • Peripheral blood count: increase in ESR, lymphocytosis (increase in lymphocytes without increasing other white blood cells), anemia, decreased levels of protein.
  • Tuberculin test – indicates a current infection or vaccination against tuberculosis.
  • Bacteriological tests of blood and sputum.
  • Histological examination of the bone specimen.
  • Imaging tests: X-ray, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging.

Osteoarticular tuberculosis – complications

The disease usually causesbone necrosis within the focus. The descent of the inflammatory process may be beneficial – fibrosis and bone regeneration, or unfavorable – necrosis, the formation of abscesses (so-called “cold abscesses”) and extensive fistulas. Treatment of the disease is pharmacological and surgical. The drugs used are the same pharmaceuticals as in the pulmonary form of the disease – mainly rifampicin, pyrinamide, ethambutol and streptomycin. Treatment usually takes about one year. Surgical treatment consists of aspiration (sucking out with a special syringe) of the exudate fluid, removal of the tuberculous focus, synovial membrane and arthrodesis (surgical stiffening of the joint).

Syphilis of the musculoskeletal system – what is it?

The disease is caused by a bacterium called a pale spirochete. We distinguish between congenital (intrauterine infection or during childbirth) and acquired. Congenital syphilis takes the form of osteoarthritis and exudative arthritis. The disease manifests itself asdull pains that intensify at night and increasing bone thickening.

The disease should be differentiated from cancer and bone tuberculosis. Syphilis can cause:

Treatment is mainly pharmacological, sometimes orthopedic treatments are performed to treat the deformities


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                                                                                                                                                                                                    Cervical Radiculopathy – what is it and how it is manifested, causes | cervical and lumbar radiculopathy, diagnosis, treatment

                                                                                                                                                                                                    Spondylosis – types and diagnosis. Treatment of spine degeneration

                                                                                                                                                                                                      Spondylosis – types and diagnosis. Treatment of spine degeneration

                                                                                                                                                                                                      Pain in the lower abdomen – Treatment, causes, symptoms. Why does it hurt in the lower abdomen?

                                                                                                                                                                                                        Pain in the lower abdomen – Treatment, causes, symptoms. Why does it hurt in the lower abdomen?

                                                                                                                                                                                                        Pain in the neck: Treatment, causes, what does it mean and how do you prevent Neck pain?

                                                                                                                                                                                                          Pain in the neck: Treatment, causes, what does it mean and how do you prevent Neck pain?