Sore throat: how to get rid of a sore throat fast and sore throat treatment

What is a sore throat and what are its causes?

A sore throat is a common symptom that can vary in severity and can sometimes be very uncomfortable. Patients of all ages can complain about it. The aetiology of a sore throat is usually infectious, but other conditions can also trigger the ailment.

The most common cause of a sore throat are infections of various etiologies. If the pain occurs suddenly and is accompanied by symptoms such as malaise,fever,headacheand muscle aches, a bacterial or viral infection may be suspected. In addition to acute infections, a sore throat may also result from chronic infections and inflammations, such as chronicsinusitis, chronic purulent pharyngitis and tonsillitis, or chronic pharyngitis caused by exposure to factors irritating the throat mucosa, such as alcohol or tobacco smoke.

Another cause of a sore throat may be a foreign body lodged in the throat or in the esophagus. In such cases, the symptom is most often a sudden, sharp, stabbing sore throat that occurs with a meal and increases with swallowing.

Neoplastic changes

Constant, chronic, spontaneous pain accompanied by difficulty swallowing, not related to infection, may be caused by throat cancer. The pain is usually one-sided, it may be accompanied by a lump in the neck, ear pain,trismus, and in the case of advanced disease, alsoshortnessof breath . The most common neoplastic changes occur in the middle part of the throat (oral part). Risk factors are cigarette smoking and alcohol abuse.

What to do in the event of a sore throat?

A sore throat is a common and frequent symptom, so many patients try to deal with it on their own by using over-the-counter medications that are widely available in pharmacies and stores. Quite often, a sore throat is so bothersome that it prompts you to visit your family doctor or ENT specialist. Proper treatment depends on the cause of the pain, and a sore throat, especially if chronic or very severe, can be a symptom of serious medical conditions. Therefore, you should not delay visiting your doctor in the event of chronic pain or sudden onset of severe pain without signs of infection or accompanying disturbing symptoms, such as difficulty swallowing or bleeding. One-sided pain, initially of constant intensity, increasing over time, nagging during swallowing may be a sign of cancer, so this pain should not be taken lightly.

What will the doctor do if we report a sore throat?

The patient’s history, which allows to suspect the cause of the ailments, is of fundamental importance in the diagnosis of sore throat. There are many causes of a sore throat, so the doctor will carefully ask about the nature of the pain, its location, duration, changes over time (increasing, pulsating) and accompanying symptoms.

After that, the doctor will conduct a general examination of the patient, including an examination of the throat. The GP examines the throat by viewing it in the light of a lamp or flashlight, and sometimes uses a spatula to better visualize the entire throat. In case of doubts or suspicion of serious changes, the doctor will refer the patient to an ENT specialist who will conduct a complete ENT examination with a careful assessment of the throat. In some cases, the doctor will order laboratory tests, such as a specific antigen test for group A streptococci if streptococcalanginais suspected , culture for bacterial angina, or blood tests if an infection is suspected, such asinfectious mononucleosis.

Most often, there is no need for additional imaging tests. However, they are used when the doctor suspects a neoplastic process.

how to get rid of a sore throat fast

Per Doctor’s Recommendations, How to Quickly Get Rid of a Sore Throat fast
It is possible to cure a sore throat fast and completely with these home remedies.
Remedies for a bad sore throat

Constant sore throats can be debilitating. Every cough makes you wince, and the only thing on your mind is how to get rid of that lump in the back of your throat.

To alleviate the discomfort, you must first determine the source of your sore throat. Dry air, smoking, acid reflux, viral infections such as the flu or the common cold, and bacterial infections such as strep can all contribute to a sore throat.

Other symptoms such as muscle aches and fatigue are common with viral infections, according to otolaryngologist Chester Griffiths MD of the Providence Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, Calif. The soreness and pain are much more severe when you have a bacterial infection, however, according to Dr. Griffiths. A high fever and severe swallowing pain are also possible symptoms.

“In general, patients don’t feel as ill, and the pain isn’t as bad.

In most cases, soothing the irritation and inflammation in your throat can be accomplished by sipping warm tea and sucking on cough drops or zinc lozenges. This is according to Brett Comer, MD, a head and neck surgeon at the University of Kentucky College of Medicine.

Some of your favorite home remedies may only mask the pain, rather than solving it. The next time you have a sore throat, try one of these over-the-counter remedies to get rid of it for good!

  • Avoid using apple cider vinegar when gargling.

Swelling can be reduced and inflammation and irritation can be calmed by gargling with salt water to treat a sore throat. As an added benefit, it may help draw infections and irritants to the throat’s outer layer, where your body can better deal with and eliminate them. Dr. Mia Finkelston, a Maryland-based family physician who treats patients via LiveHealth Online, recommends dissolving 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of salt in 8 ounces of warm water and gargling every hour or two. Apple cider vinegar gargling may have similar effects, but Dr. Comer advises against using it at this time due to safety concerns. In lab studies, apple cider vinegar has been shown to have antibacterial and possibly antifungal properties, but whether or not this translates to helping viral or bacterial sore throats is unknown, according to him. It’s important to note that vinegar can damage tooth enamel if used for an extended period of time because it’s acidic.

  • Drink a lot of iced water.

It’s possible that the first few swallows won’t be enjoyable. In the same way that icing an ankle can relieve pain and swelling, Dr. Finkelston says that drinking icy liquids can also numb your throat and reduce inflammation, both of which can alleviate pain.

  • Slurp down an ice pop.

A popsicle can work just as well to soothe your sore throat as a glass of ice water if you’ve grown tired of it. Keep an eye out for citrus flavors, which may set off an acid reflux attack and exacerbate your acid reflux symptoms.

  • With a humidifier, you can combat dry air.

Dry air can aggravate a sore throat, making it more difficult to recover. Taking a hot shower or using a humidifier can help alleviate any discomfort caused by dry air. This mucous membrane loves moisture, according to Dr. Abramowitz. As a result of the steam’s moisturizing and warming properties, the vocal cords relax and reduce in swelling.” As he points out, nasal moisture can aid in the removal of mucus and gunk that contribute to the problem.
Ensure that your humidifier has been thoroughly cleaned before turning it on. A humidifier’s water tank can become a breeding ground for bacteria and fungi if it is left unattended, according to a safety alert from the US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSP). While this may not make your throat any worse, it may cause flu-like symptoms or worsen allergies or asthma.

  • Avoid foods that are high in acidity.

In many cases, a sore throat can be the result of acid reflux, which occurs when stomach acids leak into the throat and irritate it. As a result, anything you do to stoke acid reflux can prolong or worsen the symptoms of a sore throat. In light of these findings, Dr. Comer advises against consuming soda, deep-fried foods, and citrus fruits such as apples and oranges. Also, refrain from eating for an hour before going to sleep. Heartburn and reflux can be exacerbated by eating just before going to bed.

  • Take some antacids.

Sore throats can be relieved by taking antacids or other reflux medications, according to Dr. Finkelston. The first thing you should try is an antacid over the counter, such as Tums or Mylanta.

  • Sip herbal teas while you read a book.

Adding turmeric to your diet is the hottest new trend. Some of its benefits, such as its ability to prevent cancer or brain disease, need further research, but its anti-inflammatory powers are well-established and may help you get over your sore throat, says Dr. Finkelston. Tea or salt water gargle with a few dashes of peppermint.
Teas of other flavors can also be experimented with. According to Dr. Abramowitz, many herbal teas have an immune-enhancing and anti-infective effect. A tea with Echinacea, which has been shown to help the immune system, is one he suggests. The following are some of our favorite teas to help ease a sore throat:

  • Take a spoonful of honey and slather it on your throat.

There’s a good reason honey is used in cough syrups and herbal teas: As well as acting as an antibacterial agent, it soothes a sore throat and sweetens your brew. Sip away until your symptoms subside by adding a tablespoon to hot water or tea. In the event that you suffer from acid reflux, keep this in mind: In Dr. Abramowitz’s opinion, honey may not be ideal for throats dealing with acid reflux because of its acidic nature.

  • Pop a painkiller, if needed.

In Dr. Finkelston’s opinion, ibuprofen can help put an end to the coughing and throat-clearing that is preventing your sore throat from healing. Dosing instructions on the label will tell you exactly how much to take.

  • It’s time to try a decongestant.

A decongestant nasal spray or drops, such as Afrin or Vicks, can open up your airways if you’re breathing through your mouth because your nose is clogged. Doctor Abramowitz says nasal decongestants are effective at clearing congestion and drying mucus from the nose. As well as reducing postnasal drip, this will make you feel better.” It’s best to limit your use to just a few days.

  • Take a break from speaking.

A sore throat after shouting and cheering in the stands at a concert or sporting event indicates that your vocal cords were overworked. Rest is the best cure for any overworked muscle. “Walking on it hurts like a sprained ankle,” says Dr. Griffiths. It’s also painful to speak if you have a sore throat.
In order to get the best results, don’t be afraid to speak loudly. The strain on your voice is greater than speaking. In the meantime, try speaking at a lower volume than usual to ease the pain and discomfort.

  • Get rid of that old toothbrush.

It’s possible that your toothbrush is causing or exacerbating your sore throat. Because of the bacteria on the bristles, brushing can introduce these germs into your body if you cause any gum damage. The moment you begin to feel ill, discard your toothbrush. That’s often enough to put a stop to the disease’s progress, too. To prevent the spread of infection, Dr. Abramowitz advises patients with bacterial throat infections to switch out their toothbrush every few days or so.
Whenever you start to feel better and when you are fully recovered, replace your brush if you get sick. To avoid reinfection, do this.

An allergy to airborne allergens like pollen, mold, or dust mites can cause a persistent, mild throat inflammation. As Dr. Abramowitz points out, allergies are a common cause of postnasal drip, which can in turn cause throbbing in the neck and throat. Taking a non-drowsy OTC allergy medication containing cetirizine hydrochloride, such as Zyrtec or Claritin, is a good place to begin. But even if that does the trick, Dr. Abramowitz recommends having your allergies tested to be sure you know exactly what’s going on.

  • Take a break and recharge your batteries.

Your immune system will have a more difficult time recovering if you’re exhausted and stressed out. Dr. Finkelston says that spending time in bed or away from the usual stresses of life, such as work, raising children, and cleaning the house, can help restore your immune system. Sleep at least seven to nine hours per night.

  • Take a steam bath.

Dr. Griffiths recommends steaming your lungs to help keep them moist. “Any humidification can alleviate symptoms,” he claims to have found. It’s normal for your throat to produce mucus, but when it’s swollen, this mucus can become dry and scratchy. Restoring the area’s moisture with the help of humidity can be a comforting experience.

  • When you sleep, raise your head.

In a number of ways, this is beneficial. As Dr. Griffiths explains, if you sleep on your back, you’re increasing the pressure on your neck, which can worsen your throat symptoms. According to him, “Propping yourself up can alleviate the stress and make you feel better.” An additional way to help gravity keep stomach acids where they belong is to elevate your head if you suffer from acid reflux.

  • How often should you see a doctor for a sore throat?

Strep throat is a bacterial infection that can strike at any time and cause severe pain. However, the vast majority of bacterial infections, including strep, respond well to one course of an antibiotic. Some symptoms (which ENT and Allergy specialize in) necessitate a visit to a specialist due to the wide range of possible causes for sore throats. These are just a few examples:

Sore throats that are severe, persistent, or recurrent

Breathing, swallowing, or opening the mouth are all affected by this.

Joint pains, earaches, or a lump in the neck can all be signs of a more serious problem.

Above 101°F, a rash or fever.

More than a week of hoarseness

On the back of your throat, you’ll notice white spots (look with a flashlight)

saliva or phlegm with blood in it


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                                                                                                                                                                                                    Cervical Radiculopathy – what is it and how it is manifested, causes | cervical and lumbar radiculopathy, diagnosis, treatment

                                                                                                                                                                                                    Spondylosis – types and diagnosis. Treatment of spine degeneration

                                                                                                                                                                                                      Spondylosis – types and diagnosis. Treatment of spine degeneration

                                                                                                                                                                                                      Pain in the lower abdomen – Treatment, causes, symptoms. Why does it hurt in the lower abdomen?

                                                                                                                                                                                                        Pain in the lower abdomen – Treatment, causes, symptoms. Why does it hurt in the lower abdomen?

                                                                                                                                                                                                        Pain in the neck: Treatment, causes, what does it mean and how do you prevent Neck pain?

                                                                                                                                                                                                          Pain in the neck: Treatment, causes, what does it mean and how do you prevent Neck pain?