Breast pain (What is mastalgia?) – sharp pain in right or left breast that comes and goes causes, diagnosis, treatment, breast pain in pregnancy, cancer

Breast pain may come inform of sharp pain in right or left breast that comes and goes can occur in women of any age and can have many causes—from completely harmless ailments related to a woman’s physiology, to life-threatening conditions. Each time breast pain should be consulted with a gynecologist, who will determine the cause and decide on possible further diagnosis and treatment.

Breast pain – what is it?

Breast pain, also known as mastalgia, is a common condition among women. In the first thought, women associate breast pain withbreast cancer.However, chest pain does not immediately mean the worst diagnosis.Depending on the cause, breast pain may be dull or sharp, constant or throbbing, with slight aching, moderate or severe pain. It is also classified as cyclical or non-cyclical.

Breasts develop due to an increase in estrogenduring puberty.During the menstrual cycle, different hormones cause changes in the breast tissue that can cause pain or discomfort in some women.

Cyclic pain means the pain is related toyour menstrual cycle. The pain of your menstrual cycle usually goes away during or after yourperiod.

Non-cyclical pain can have many causes, including, for example, breast trauma. Occasionally, non-cyclical pain may come from the surrounding muscles or tissues rather than from the breast itself.Non-cyclic pain is much rarer than cyclic pain and its causes may be more difficult to identify.

Breast pain – causes

In a woman of childbearing age, there are fairly regular monthly fluctuations inestrogenandprogesteronelevels that affect the glands of the breast – the breasts can be swollen, tight and painful. We then talk about breast pain as one of the symptomsof PMS.

Breast pain can also be caused by:

  1. pregnancy andbreastfeeding,
  2. benign nodules of the nipples (cysts and fibromas) that press on the nerve structures of the gland,
  3. mastopathy, i.e. cystic-fibrous degeneration of the mammary gland, which is manifested by the occurrence of numerous indurations and thickenings in the breasts, usually in women between 30 and 50 years of age,
  4. intense physical effort,
  5. injuries, wearing a bra that is too tight,
  6. malignant neoplastic changes.

Most often, however, breast pain is caused by hormonal disorders.Breast soreness is felt most by women in the second half of the cycle. Then, a change in their structure is observed: their distinct tension is felt, they become hard and lumpy, and the nipples themselves are more swollen than in the first half of the cycle. This pain results from the accumulation of water in the glandular tissue and disappears spontaneously with the onset of menstruation.

Breast pain – premenstrual syndrome

PMS, or premenstrual syndrome, isavery common cause of muscle pain. As mentioned above, hormonal disorders in women aged 20-40 are responsible for pain.Before the onset of bleeding, the level of estrogen decreases in women, while the amount of progesterone increases at the same time, which means that a large amount of water accumulates in the glandular tissue.Then the woman’s breasts become very hard and swollen, accompanied by pain.

Breast pain that occurs in PMS occurs cyclically before each menstruation and disappears after the onset of bleeding. These pains do not have to appear during every cycle, sometimes they can be very mild. Sometimes breast pains are so bothersome that they make it difficult for a woman to function every day, causing constantirritationandnervousness. This may contribute to depressive states.

Breast pain can have many causes. However, worrying symptoms are best consulted with a gynecologist.Make an e-visit today.

How Can I Deal With Breast Pain During PMS?

It is believed that a change in diet can bring some improvement to your well-being. It is recommended to limit the consumption of coffee, strong tea, plenty of salt, sweetened and carbonated drinks and alcohol.The listed products should be replaced with products containing a large amount of vitamins: A, B, E, which may have a certain effect on reducing breast swelling.

In addition, cold compresses and diuretic teas are recommended for sore breasts in the second half of the cycle. In a group of women, breast pain is clearly reduced with the use ofhormonal contraception.

You will need special compresses for wraps, which you can buy on Market:

Breast pain – mastopathy

Mastopathy, or hormonal disorders, cause the breasts to become swollen and hard, with numerous lumps. These symptoms disappear with the appearance of bleeding, and then come back again.

The insufficient level of progesterone in relation to estrogens is responsible for mastopathy. The problem is mainly faced by women between the ages of 30 and 40, while in women afterthe menopause, this problem is alleviated. In diagnostics, the doctor recommends an ultrasound examination, examination of the level of hormones in the blood and sometimesmammography. The exclusion of a neoplastic disease is an indication for the restoration of the hormonal balance.

Breast pain – pregnancy and breastfeeding

During pregnancy, your breasts may be tender, and you may even feel a sharp, piercing pain.It is one of the earliest symptoms of pregnancy, usually starting between 4-6 weeks due to an increase in hormonal activity.Women often describe it as the more intense version of PMS. Discomfort can also spread to thenipplesandnipples(the dark area around the nipples).

After giving birth, the breasts of pregnant women will become the only source of food for the baby, so they prepare them for this role.The increase in estrogen and progesterone, in addition to having a higher overall blood flow in the area, makes them feel more painful than usual.They also accumulate fat content, which can cause them to increase by one or two sizes. Because of this, you may feel itchy or seestretch markscaused by the growth.

Breast tenderness is most common at the beginning and end of pregnancy. Wearing comfortable bras for exercise and daily activities is a good idea to avoid increasing the discomfort. Maternity stores usually have a large selection that includes maternity sleep bras.

You can apply the principle of “look don’t touch” to your partner until the pain is gone. There are no medications designed to treat this symptom. There are theories thatvitamin Ecan provide relief from breast tenderness, although, as always, it is important to consult your doctor before starting any dietary supplement while pregnant.

You may experience breast pain while breastfeeding for a number of reasons. They include:

  1. nippleinflammation – this inflammation is most often caused by blockage of the milk ducts. As a consequence, the breasts may become severely sore, as well as cracking, itching, burning or blistering of the nipples. Other symptoms include red streaks in the breasts ,feverandchills
  2. swollen – swelling occurs when the breasts become overfilled. In this condition, the breasts will appear enlarged and the skin will feel tight and painful. The best way is to latch the baby on to the breast, or to express the milk with abreast pump,
  3. poor feeding technique – if your baby does not latch on properly to your nipple, you are likely to feel breast pain. Signs your baby may be grasping incorrectly include cracking nipples and sore nipples.


Breastfeeding doesn’t have to hurt. If you have difficulty breastfeeding, see your doctor or contact a lactation consultant.

Breast pain – cysts and cysts

Breast pain is caused by cysts that have reached considerable size.They are bubbles filled with fluid inside; under the touch, they are smooth and easily moveable against the ground.Then the pain that occurs can spread to thearmpit. On the other hand, small cysts are felt as small, hard lumps.

Changes in the form of cysts usually affect women between 30 and 50 years of age.Breast ultrasoundand mammography are used in the diagnosis of cysts .Sometimes a fine needle biopsyis required to identify the problem , which can also relieve breast pain.

If your breasts hurt – do not hesitate andmake an ultrasound today!

Breast pain – fibroadenomas and papillomas

In fact, fibroadenomas are rarely the cause of breast pain. It only happens when they grow rapidly and, as a consequence, bleed in the area of ​​the nodule. The size of a fibroadenoma resembles a pea and is usually located near the nipple. It mainly affects women under 30 and teenagers.

Where does fibroadenoma come from? Its cause lies in the excessive development of fibrous and glandular tissue in the breast. The diagnosis of this ailment is mainly performed by ultrasound and sometimes a biopsy (examination for neoplastic cells).

In women before the age of 25, fibroadenoma very rarely turns into cancer, but nevertheless a woman should be under constant medical observation.In older women, it is usually removed and assessed forcancerous cells(there is an increased risk of cancer in this age group).

When it comes to papillomas – breast pain can be very troublesome. This is due to the fact that papillomas are formed in the milk ducts, thereby blocking them and causinginflammationandabscesses. Papillomas are an affliction of 40-50-year-old women who have not yet gone through the menopause period. A characteristic feature of papillomas is serous or bloody fluid emerging from the nipple during pressure. It is necessary to surgically clean the diseased area.

Breast pain – cancer

Breast pain in the case of cancer is not felt until the lump becomes larger. Therefore, every woman who feels at least a small lump in her body should make an appointment to see a doctor as soon as possible.


Timely diagnosed disease and appropriate treatment – can save your life.

Breast pain – puberty and menopause

We deal with breast pain both during menopause and puberty. In girls during puberty, pain is associated with the developing glandular tissue of the nipples and the production of female sex hormones.On the other hand, in menopausal women, the opposite is true – pain is a response to the disappearing glandular tissue and the decline of the functional function of the ovaries(decrease in progesterone and estrogens).

Remember that after the age of 50, the risk of cancer is significantly increased, so even after themenopause, regular breast examinations are necessary!

Breast pain – other causes

Your breasts hurt from an inadequate bra– without proper support, the ligaments that connect your breasts to thechest wallcan become overstretched and painful at the end of the day. The result is sore breasts. This can be especially noticeable while exercising. Make sure your bra is the right size and provides good support for your breasts

Breast pain can be a side effect of medications– some medications can cause breast pain as a side effect. Talk to your doctor about the medications you are taking and whether this may be the case for you. Some medications with this known side effect include:

  1. oxymetone, used to treat some forms ofanemia
  2. chlorpromazine , used to treat variousmental illnesses
  3. diuretics, drugs that increase urination and are used to treat kidney and heart disease and high blood pressure,
  4. hormone therapies (birth control pills,hormone replacement therapyor fertility treatments),
  5. digitalis, prescribed forheart failure,
  6. methyldopa, used to treat high blood pressure.

Breast pain – management

If you experience breast pain, the following symptoms should be a cause for concern:

  1. high temperature,
  2. discharge of purulent or bloody discharge from the nipple,
  3. enlarged armpit nodes,
  4. excessive breast warming,
  5. breast swelling and redness
  6. a lump that can be felt when touched,
  7. change in the appearance of the skin of the breast (it may resemble orange skin),
  8. drawing in the nipple.

If your breast pains are worrying and occur suddenly, visit yourgynecologistto help determine the cause of your pain. Treatment of breast pain depends on whether the pain is cyclical or non-cyclical. The patient’s age and medical history should also be taken into account. In the treatment of cyclic pain, the following are used:

  1. using more vitamin E andcalcium supplements,
  2. changing the current diet,
  3. limiting caffeine consumption,
  4. limiting the amount of sodiumin the diet ,
  5. hormonal contraception (oral),
  6. wearing a bra that supports the bust around the clock (during times of intense pain).

However, before treatment for non-cyclical breast pain is started, a thorough physical examination of the patient and an ultrasound or mammogram should be performed. In the treatment of non-cyclical breast pain, it is recommended to use warm compresses and the use of painkillers.

Sometimes more serious therapy is necessary, e.g. taking medications that weaken the secretory activity of the ovaries. Its use is aimed at reducing the amount of estrogen or progesterone.

These preparations can be taken orally or in the form of a gel or solution applied directly to the skin (application through the skin causes the drug to reach twenty times higher concentration in the breast tissue than in the blood, so side effects are negligible). It happens that oral preparations lead to a disturbance of the menstrual cycle andheadaches, weight gain andhair loss.

Recently, the treatment of the so-called analogues, i.e. chemicals that resemble hormones. Their task is to inhibit the work of janików.In addition, they cause the so-called pseudoclimacterium – then the pain in the breast subsides, but there are side effects: drenching sweats, hot flushes and general malaise (like during a real menopause). It should be noted, however, that such side effects disappear at the same time as drug withdrawal.

Diuretic preparations and vitamins A, E and B are effective in reducing breast swelling and pain.


I’m Niky, the passionate owner and curator of . With a keen eye for diverse interests and a heart for sharing knowledge, I’ve created a dynamic platform where readers can explore topics ranging from health and finance to pets and legal matters. As a dedicated writer and enthusiast, I’ve infuses each article with a unique blend of insight, conversation, and expertise, ensuring that every visitor to Niketrainers finds inspiration and valuable information. Join me on a journey of discovery and empowerment, where curiosity knows no bounds and learning is a lifelong adventure.

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                                                                                                                                                                                                      Spondylosis – types and diagnosis. Treatment of spine degeneration

                                                                                                                                                                                                      Pain in the lower abdomen – Treatment, causes, symptoms. Why does it hurt in the lower abdomen?

                                                                                                                                                                                                        Pain in the lower abdomen – Treatment, causes, symptoms. Why does it hurt in the lower abdomen?

                                                                                                                                                                                                        Pain in the neck: Treatment, causes, what does it mean and how do you prevent Neck pain?

                                                                                                                                                                                                          Pain in the neck: Treatment, causes, what does it mean and how do you prevent Neck pain?