The Pekingese is an extremely popular breed of companion dog (Chinese emperor dogs). These animals are small, have a characteristically flattened muzzle and a truly regal look on the face. However, they are not particularly effusive poochs. Find out more about them!

Pekingese is a Chinese breed of dogs that reached the peak of popularity in our country in the nineties and at the beginning of the twenty-first century.Currently, these dogs do not appear so often anymore, but they are still recognizable and liked. Despite their small height, they are definitely not suitable for nice mascots. Check what their true nature is and who will be the best caretaker. Read our article!

It will also be a good idea to use leave-in conditioners, which make detangling much easier.

Pekingese – life expectancy and disease

Pekingese - life expectancy and disease

Despite the fairly demanding daily care, Pekingese are quite healthy and are considered long-lived dogs. The average life expectancy is from thirteen to even fifteen years.

Due to the short muzzle, Pekingese often suffer from the so-called brachycephalic syndrome. They may have breathing problems and tire faster after exercise.It’s a good idea to choose a breeding farm well to minimize your dog’s respiratory problems. As a guardian, you also need to make sure that your dog’s walks and activities are not too strenuous.

Pekingese – breeding

Pekinese breeding

Pekingese are dogs whose reproduction is extremely difficult. Males have difficulty mating, and the puppies’ large heads mean that most births end in caesarean section. Therefore, breeding dogs of this breed requires a lot of knowledge and experience. If you decide to buy a dog of this breed, be sure to choose only experienced and proven kennels.

Take into account only those registered with the Kennel Club in Poland. Choosing a puppy with an FCI pedigree, you can be sure that both he and his parents have undergone a breeding inspection.

Pekingese – price

Pekingese price

Pekinese dogs are difficult to breed and therefore not easy to breed. Their prices, however, are not as high as in the case of the more popular small breeds.A Pekingese puppy with the FCI pedigree costs $1500 – $3000 USD. On average.

Pekingese – the history of the breed

Pekingese is one of the oldest breeds that comes from China. That is why the history of this breed is extremely long and begins 2,000 years BC. Cynologists believe that it was then that dogs of this type came from Manchuria to China.

Pekingese had close ties with Buddhist philosophy. They were associated with the mythical lion-dogs that appeared and stood up for the Buddha when he was in danger.At the time when Pekingese appeared at Chinese courts, Buddhism was the religion there.

Pekingese at Chinese imperial courts

It is worth noting that in those days, lion dogs were much larger than today’s Pekingese. They were miniaturized only during the Manchu dynasty, which ruled China between the 17th and 20th centuries.

For centuries, Pekingese dogs were reserved exclusively for the imperial family and their closest friends.They lived in luxury and were carefully cared for. There was a categorical ban on taking them abroad, so the first dogs came to Europe only in the second half of the 19th century. It happened because the British won the Opium War.

Pekingese in Europe and the USA

It was the five specimens brought from China at that time that gave rise to the first British breeding. From time to time, dogs were able to steal and smuggle into England in order to strengthen the gene pool , which for obvious reasons was very narrow at the beginning.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the first Pekingese left for the United States. In the beginning, the breed was recognized only by the American Kennel Club and the British Kennel Club. It was officially recognized by the FCI only in 1967.

Pekingese and his history in Poland

However, Pekingese came to Poland much earlier, in the 1920s. As one of the few breeds, they happily survived World War II and actively participated in exhibitions in the 1940s. Their popularity in our country grew and fell depending on the moment in history.The last big increase in Pekingese popularity took place in the early 2000s.Currently, they are not seen very often on the street, but they have their die-hard supporters, and Polish breeding farms enjoy a great reputation.

Pekingese – who is this dog for?

Pekingese for whom this dog

The Pekingese is not a dog for everyone.Despite its compact size, it is not considered particularly affectionate or playful. He does not like children and usually avoids them. He needs a predictable and calm environment in which he will have a chance to observe life going on from a soft lair.

Pekingese as a calm dog for a senior

The Pekingese doesn’t require much exercise. Of course, this is not an excuse to enclose the dog within four walls. He needs his walks, but they should be at a steady and gentle pace and not be too long. Due to the shortened muzzle and flat skull, this dog has a tendency to breathlessness. He shouldn’t push himself. It is not made for running or retrieving. All these features make it an ideal companion for an elderly person.

In what conditions does the Pekingese feel best?

Pekingese have lived in luxury for centuries and to this day they value comfortable and clean places.They are domestic dogs and should under no circumstances be kept in a kennel or playpen. Their guardian should also know that they require quite intensive care and do not tolerate loneliness well. They are unlikely to be a good choice for a busy person.

Why can’t you neglect Pekingese training?

Pekingese are not easy to train, which is why many people just let them go. This is not a very good strategy. The dog should at least learn the basics of obedience and master recall.Tricks and fancy tricks do not have to be part of science, but a Pekingese completely left to himself will quickly start doing what he wants.

Pekingese – interesting facts

  • Unlike most animal breeds and species, Pekingese females are larger and more massive than males;
  • A great lover of Pekingese was the last Chinese empress Tsu-Hi, who in her poem wrote instructions on how to care for these dogs when they are ill, what to feed them and how to care for them.
  • Due to their popularity among the world’s elite, Pekingese are one of the most painted and carveddog breeds in the world. Their likenesses can be found in the works of Chinese and European culture.
  • Queen Victoria had a Pekingese bitch named Looty at her court. The doggie was immortalized in one of the Landseer paintings. The doggy was robbed by the British during the storming of the Summer Palace. Of all the Pekingese in the palace, only five survived, because the empress ordered them to be poisoned so that they would not fall into the hands of the enemy.

The Pekingese is undoubtedly a unique breed – not only in terms of appearance.These pets are extremely intelligent, but at the same time stubborn and like to get their way. They will be a good choice for an elderly person who has time and patience to care for this amazing pooch.