Pain in the knee – causes and treatment | how to get rid of knee pain

Pain in the knee is usually very bothersome because it makes everyday activities that have not been a problem for us so far almost impossible. Is there any way to do that? What are the causes of knee pain? Does a balanced diet affect the condition of the knee joints? Can home remedies for knee pain relieve this ailment?

Causes of knee pain

Knee pain can be caused by a variety of reasons, pain can be a nuisance after intense running, climbing, heavy loads, and injuries such as sprains and sprains. Knee pain also occurs due to bacterial inflammations, metabolic damage such as gout and chronic diseases such as osteoarthritis.

Knee pain, however, most often affects athletes who put stress on the knee joints, especially the so-called “armchair athletes” who do not engage in any activity and suddenly decide to go skiing or start running. Knee pain is characterized by reducedjointmobility and swelling of the knees, which often occurs after intense exercise. To prevent knee pain after exercise, use a warming gel for muscle and joint pain.

The first rule of thumb for knee pain is to quit allphysical activityand take anti-inflammatory drugs. When the pain has subsided or has subsided, it is advisable to exercise with relief. Riding a stationary bike is especially recommended, where the articular surfaces move away from each other. It should be remembered that the saddle should be set high enough to allow us to fully extend the legs during exercise.

Knee pain and inflammation

Among inflammations, we can distinguish:swelling, redness of the skin andfever, in the case of generalization of the inflammatory process. These symptoms could indicate inflammation in your knee. Most often it is bursitis. Bursae are small bags that are located right next to the ends of bones, they line the spaces between them and muscles,tendonsor skin.

The bursa prevent the bones from touching each other and there is no friction between them. We can find goo in them, which is a kind of lubricant that nourishes and moisturizes the joints. The synovial fluid has a consistency similar to a viscous gel, the main ingredient of which ishyaluronic acid. Its main task is to ensure the durability and elasticity of the cartilage.

In a healthy person, the amount of synovial fluid in one knee is approximately 0.5 – 2 ml. When the amount of fluid is insufficient, the knees are primarily exposed to cartilage damage and numerous injuries, degenerations and diseases.

The quantity and quality of synovial fluid is negatively influenced by, among others, severe stress,reduced immunity, long-term pharmacological treatment, unhealthy diet and acidification of the body. The condition of the synovial fluid is also negatively affected bysmoking, collagen deficiency, advanced age and the absorption of too little fluid.

Inflammation can be caused by heavy strain on the joint, especially over long periods. This problem is mainly encountered by employees of e.g. delivery companies, who have to carry heavy objects every day, but also office workers or cleaners (i.e. people whose knees are bent for a long time). In addition,obesepeople are at risk of inflammation because their joints must lift many more kilos on a daily basis than they should.

Such symptoms cannot be treated only with home remedies – the knee should be checked by a doctor, because the developing inflammation may cause serious complications. The orthopedist should find out what actually caused the inflammation and what to avoid. Your doctor will order effective pharmacotherapy,rehabilitation, and physical therapy to prevent recurrence of inflammation. If the inflammation is not serious, it should disappear after 1-2 weeks of treatment, but you should still have a checkup and change bad habits that burden our joints.

Inflamed knee pain can be treated by taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and, of course, sparing the affected joint. For two days, use cooling compresses, and then warm compresses (if you feel relief).

Simpler cases, requiring, for example, a prescription for painkillers, can be quickly and conveniently arranged with a doctor.

Knee pain after injury

Knee injuries can affect different parts of the knee joint (however, most often they involve ligaments and menisci). Depending on the type and severity of the injury, acute or less severe pain,swelling, limitation of joint mobility may occur. A torn ligament causes the knee to become unstable. Injuries can occur while performing physical work, while riding a bicycle or as a result of traffic accidents.

What is the treatment of a knee injury after an injury? If there is damage to the knee, you should absolutely not postpone the consultation with the doctor. Only anorthopedistcan recognize the type of injury and treat it appropriately! Before you get to the clinic, however, you should make sure that the joint is not even more injured. For this, it must be immobilized. This can be done, for example, by putting the knee between two rails (made of anything – sticks, wooden spoons for Teflon pans or boards found in the garage).

Position the injured leg in a way that causes the least pain in the knee, then apply a coolingcompress(it can be gauze soaked in cold water with vinegar oraltacet, ice wrapped in a cloth, or another cool compress) and wrap the knee with an elastic bandage. Then immobilize the damaged joint as described above. Horse-chestnut preparations can be taken as a supportive treatment to reduce swelling.

In a specialist office, the doctor should examine the knee joint and, depending on the assessment of the situation, refer the patient (or perform) tests such as: detailed exercise test, X-ray,magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography, joint ultrasound, joint puncture and arthroscopy. Treatment of the knee joints depends on many factors, including the number of damagedligaments, the age of the patient, whether there has been intra-articular or extra-articular damage, and the patient’s physical activity.

Knee pain after 40 (degeneration)

As we age, our joints, like all other parts of our body, wear out. This especially applies to the knees, which are exposed to heavy loads throughout our lives. The changes are especially visible in thearticular cartilage, which becomes less smooth and thin with age. Then, muscle tensions appear, causing additional pressure on the cartilage. Eventually the cartilage may disappear – that’s when the real problems arise.

The initial symptoms of the disease are: knee pain that occurs when we go up stairs, “wooden legs” or stiff joints or knee pain that occurs with every movement. Additionally, symptoms of inflammation may also appear – swelling andredness of the skin.

The aforementioned ailments should be a reason for consultation with a specialist, because the progressive degeneration of the joints may lead to limitation of their mobility, and evenimmobilization, which is practically disability. Therefore, the warning signals sent by the body must not be underestimated. A promptly initiated and appropriately selected therapy can largely stop the development of the disease.

What is the treatment of arthrosis? It is important not to overload the affected joint, avoid staying in the same position for a long time and always follow the doctor’s instructions (also when it comes to the prescribed doses of painkillers and anti-inflammatory agents). It is necessary to sign up for rehabilitation, regularly perform exercises recommended by aphysiotherapist. It is worth changing your current diet: include in your menu products rich in omega-3 fatty acids that are excellent for joints; eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, and limit the consumption of meat and cold cuts.

Knee pain and Lyme disease

What is Lyme disease? It is an infectious disease caused by tick-borne pathogens and can have unpleasant articular, cardiac andneurologicalconsequences . Lyme disease can cause pain and swelling in the knee, which may suggest that Borrelia spirochetes have entered our body from the tick that carries them. The spirochetes together with the blood can reach the knee and cause inflammation (earlier we can observemigratory erythema). Lyme disease, which develops over the years, destroys and transforms the joints.

If left untreated, the disease turns into chronic Lyme disease.Treatment of Lyme disease involvesantibiotics, so see a doctor as soon as possible if symptoms occur. Attention!Treatment should not be stopped, as the joints may be completely destroyed.

Bacterial infections and knee pain

Swelling of the knee, severe pain, highfever? – it’s probably a bacterial infection of the knee. Infections are caused by injuries or cuts, but also by applying preparations to the knee to regenerate articular cartilage orsteroids, in inappropriate conditions (no specialist treatment room).

Treatment of bacterial infection accompanied by knee pain may include: antibiotic therapy prescribed by a specialist, arthroscopy (knee lavage), which is performed when the infection in the knee is very extensive. It is worth remembering not to relieve pain on your own, anotherpainkilleror ointment will not help. Always consult your doctor.

Knee pain and rheumatic diseases

Chronic knee pain and recurrent knee fluid may be a symptom of ankylosing spondylitis (AS) or rheumatoid arthritis (RA). In the case of the latter disease, ailments may also affect small joints of the hands andwrists. With RA, the knees hurt with each step, the skin is red, and there is swelling. Rheumatoid arthritis is also characterized by the so-called morning stiffness in the joints which may last up to an hour.

Ailments that accompany rheumatic diseases also include a lack of appetite, poor mood, sometimes low-grade fever. Such symptoms should prompt patients to see arheumatologistas soon as possible . Treating this ailment with home remedies can harm our health. Pharmacotherapy is the mainstay of treatment for rheumatoid arthritis. If the disease is at an advanced stage, reconstruction of the joint will be needed. RA treatment cannot be done without rehabilitation and systematicgymnastics.

Knee pain after running – symptoms and causes

Knee pain afterrunningis a common condition that occurs after training or among professional runners. Usually, discomfort appears around the kneecap. Symptoms such as a scratching or crackling inside the knee are often ignored. If left untreated, they can damage the surface of the cartilage, which becomes rough and coarse. In this case, an orthopedist should be consulted immediately.

One of the physiological causes of knee pain after running may be uneven load on the kneecap. The syndrome of increased lateral support of the joint is the result ofmuscle imbalanceand ligamentous contracture. Another cause of knee pain after running is prolonged sitting with bent knees such as office work or driving. In the long run, this can lead to the so-called Kinoman’s knees, then the cartilage is pressed for a long time in one place and causes a kind ofimprinton the cartilage.

Knee pain after running can also result from training mistakes. Appearing ailments and pains in the area of ​​the knee joints may be the result of overtraining, too intensivetrainingwithout warming up, bad technique, running on the wrong surface, and even choosing the wrong footwear.

Another reason for knee pain after running is the structure of the knee. While the ligament attachment onthe tibiais in the wrong place, the patella does not move properly and can cause permanent damage to the patellofemoral joint. The final cause of knee pain after running is in women. Walking in high heels places the knees in an unnatural position, disturbing the flow of synovial fluid that moisturizes the joints.

Knee pain without injuries and degeneration – causes

Knee pain does not necessarily result from acquired injuries or degeneration. Recurring knee pain may have other, more prosaic causes. These include: physical work, knee strain due tooverweight, intense physical work,standing lifestyle, and even poorly chosen footwear. In most of these cases, knee pain can be relieved with exercises that strengthen the ligaments and the blood supply to the muscles. Such exercises can be performed by yourself, at home, for example, to perform leg swings while on a propped knee, squeeze pillows that are placed between the legs or roll circles with the leg in a lying position.

Home remedies for knee pain

Home remedies for knee pain are a good way to relieve the pain. Minor inflammation or injury is usually suitable for home treatment without consulting a doctor. One of the home remedies to reduce pain is to apply a compress to the diseased area of ​​three tablespoons of horseradish mixed in a glass of warm milk. However, it is worth remembering that horseradish can causeallergiesand irritation.

Home rehabilitationis a good idea to reduce knee pain . There are many videos and articles on the internet that you can use. Systematic gymnastics and the selection of appropriate preparations to relieve knee pain can reduce the discomfort and help you return to daily activity.

Another home remedy is rest and cooling compresses, e.g. made of ice cubes. Such a compress is the best remedy for bruises after a fall or forcing the knee with exercises.

If we struggle with knee pain, we can try a bath with the additionof Epsom salt. This salt has the properties of relieving muscle and joint pain, also called bitter salt, it consists mainly of magnesium and sulfur compounds.

The easiest home remedy for knee pain is to keep your body hydrated. The cartilage in the knees is almost 80% water. Even low-level dehydration, which at first seems to be just thirst, disruptsthe homeostasis process, which limits the supply of water to the joints.

The last and the most interesting home remedy for knee pain is vibrotherapy. This form of therapy, usually used in hospitals andphysiotherapy offices, can also be carried out at home. It is non-invasive, has a short list of contraindications and is completely safe.

Is it worth using the services of a physiotherapist? Read:Manual therapy. When is it worth using?

Knee pain – how to strengthen the knee joints with a diet?

In order to counteract knee pain, it is worth switching to a well-balanced diet. Nutrient-rich meals increase regenerative capacity and contribute to resistance to infection. Thanks to a good diet, the synovial fluid produced in the knees has a better quality and accelerates the recovery after knee injuries.

The diet should include dairy products, lean meat, grains andlegumes, then the articular cartilage in the knees will be healthy and strong. Why? By consuming these types of products, we provide the body with large amounts of protein andcalcium, which affects the structure of the bones. Eating plenty of vegetables and fruits also matters. Then the body is supplied withvitamin C, beta-carotene and flavonoids that slow down the aging of the joints.

A diet that strengthens the knee joints should also contain products that are anti-inflammatory and strengthenimmunity. They include, among others: fish oil, honey, ginseng and shark liver oil. Natural anti-inflammatory properties also have: garlic, olive oil andginger. The menu should also include fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which have a huge impact on the production of tissue hormones, reducing inflammation.


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                                                                                                                                                                                              Pain in the Lower Back | causes, treatment, symptoms, exercises

                                                                                                                                                                                                Pain in the Lower Back | causes, treatment, symptoms, exercises

                                                                                                                                                                                                Pain in the chest – causes, diagnosis | is it a symptom of a disease?

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Pain in the chest – causes, diagnosis | is it a symptom of a disease?

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Cervical Radiculopathy – what is it and how it is manifested, causes | cervical and lumbar radiculopathy, diagnosis, treatment

                                                                                                                                                                                                    Cervical Radiculopathy – what is it and how it is manifested, causes | cervical and lumbar radiculopathy, diagnosis, treatment

                                                                                                                                                                                                    Spondylosis – types and diagnosis. Treatment of spine degeneration

                                                                                                                                                                                                      Spondylosis – types and diagnosis. Treatment of spine degeneration

                                                                                                                                                                                                      Pain in the lower abdomen – Treatment, causes, symptoms. Why does it hurt in the lower abdomen?

                                                                                                                                                                                                        Pain in the lower abdomen – Treatment, causes, symptoms. Why does it hurt in the lower abdomen?

                                                                                                                                                                                                        Pain in the neck: Treatment, causes, what does it mean and how do you prevent Neck pain?

                                                                                                                                                                                                          Pain in the neck: Treatment, causes, what does it mean and how do you prevent Neck pain?