Cough: Home Remedies for Cough and Cold

Coughing is a protective reflex to clear the respiratory tract of excess secretions or foreign bodies. Medical and natural home remedies for cough and colds will be discussed as well.

After a deep inhalation, with the initial short-term obstruction of the larynx, a rapid exhalation occurs. When the larynx is opened, the high pressure created in the chest and lungs rapidly ejects the air, which traps the particles it encounters.

The cough is either reflex (involuntary) or voluntary. Reflex cough is initiated by irritation of the cough receptors in the bronchi. Nerve impulses are then conducted to the cough center in the brain (more precisely in the medulla), where the action of the coughing muscles is coordinated: the muscles of the chest, diaphragm and larynx.

Due to its duration, there areacute(lasting less than 3 weeks),subacute(3–8 weeks) andchronic(more than 8 weeks) cough.

By nature, the cough is divided intodry cough (without expectoration) andproductive(wet, moist), i.e. with expectoration of the mucus (the expectorant is technically called sputum).

What are the causes of coughing?

Coughing is the most common symptom of respiratory diseases. Acute cough is most often a symptom of viral infection of the upper respiratory tract—throat, larynx, trachea, bronchi, less often a bacterial infection (very strong cough occurs in whoopingcough ) or an allergic disease such as allergicrhinitis. It also occurs when a foreign body enters the airways, inasthmaattacks , exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD),pneumonia,andpulmonary embolism.

Subacute cough occurs most often after a previous respiratory viral infection, when the damaged epithelium of the respiratory tract is renewed (usually it lasts up to several weeks).

Common causes of chronic cough include:

It is less often caused by: lung cancer , irritation of the respiratory tract by air pollution or in the workplace (e.g., dust, various chemical compounds), tuberculosis , chronic interstitial lung diseases, and a foreign body in the respiratory tract. It should be remembered that chronic cough is one of the basic symptoms of lung cancer. Coughs can also be psychogenic.

The doctor may suspect the cause of the cough based on the nature of the cough and the appearance of the sputum. Dry cough indicates viral infections, asthma, interstitial lung disease, heart failure or is associated with taking an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor (occurs in about 15% of people taking these drugs, usually occurs within the first week of starting treatment and resolves after drug discontinuation) , but sometimes only after a few weeks).

If purulent sputum (green or yellow) is coughed up, the cough may be caused by a sinus, bronchus, or lung infection. Coughing up a large amount (even half a cup) of purulent sputum indicatesbronchiectasis. A cough with expectoration of mucous (whitish), thick and sticky sputum, usually in the morning hours, is typical of chronicbronchitisand COPD. Clear and sticky sputum is characteristic of asthma, lumps and plugs in the sputum occur in the course of mycosis of the respiratory tract and cystic fibrosis. Blood, or blood-stained sputum (seehemoptysis), can be caused by bronchitis, bronchiectasis,lung cancer, tuberculosis, and bacterial pneumonia.

If you can see food particles in your sputum, either there is a connection between the trachea and esophagus (tracheo-esophageal fistula), or that the coughing person has choked on the food. However, please note that the above information is indicative only. A full evaluation of chronic cough always requires contact with a doctor!

What to do in case of coughing?

If coughing is accompanied by other disturbing symptoms such asshortnessof breath (lack of air, difficulty breathing), severe weakness, or hemoptysis (coughing up blood), see your doctor immediately. Cough requiring emergency medical service due to possible life-threatening conditions is:

  • Cough with expectoration of a pink, foamy discharge associated with severe breathlessness (and often withcyanosis, i.e. blue lips and skin, especially on the face and fingers), caused by pulmonaryedemaas a result of heart failure
  • cough with increasing breathlessness, with initially audible wheezing in the lungs, which later subsides and the patient experiences a severe attack of asthma that does not stop despite treatment initially administered by the patient and his family.
  • cough caused by inhalation of a foreign body, if, despite coughing, the foreign body cannot be removed from the respiratory tract and shortness of breath increases
  • cough followed by loss of consciousness
  • coughing up blood.

A chronic cough also requires urgent medical consultation, especially if its nature has changed or is accompanied by: hemoptysis, dyspnoea, weight loss, andhoarseness(lasting more than 3 weeks).

How is cough treated?

Medical Treatment

After finding out the cause of the cough, the doctor is supposed to remove it. Cough suppressants (antitussives) are recommended rarely, in some cases, of a dry, very strong or tiring cough. They should not be used in a productive cough. The main antitussive drugs are dextromethorphan and codeine, taken orally in the form of syrup or tablets. Low-dose cough suppressants are part of the combined cold remedies.

In diseases with residual secretions in the respiratory tract (the causes of productive coughing), coughing is a favorable phenomenon because it allows for their cleansing. Therefore, it should not be inhibited, and on the contrary – measures are taken to improve the effectiveness of cough (increase the amount of expectorated sputum). The most important reason for the ineffectiveness of coughing isthe weakening ofthe chest and abdominal muscles. Therefore, the primary role is played by respiratory rehabilitation (physiotherapy): treatments that increase the effectiveness of cough and learning how to cough effectively.

Drugs that increase expectoration (expectorants), thin the secretion (mucolytics), such as acetylcysteine, ambroxol, and mesna, are of secondary importance. They are preferably taken orally (in the form of tablets, syrups or powders for preparation of solutions), although they can also be used by inhalation, i.e., intrabronchial, in the so-called nebulization (medicine produced in liquid form is administered using an [inhaler] generating an aerosol). The easiest way to dilute the secretions in the respiratory tract is to moisten the inhaled air by using a room humidifier or by inhaling a saline solution (0.9% NaCl solution).

12 home remedies for coughs and colds

When we have a cough or a cold, we do not immediately have to run to the pharmacy for special drugs or antibiotics to fight the disease. There are home remedies for colds that have been used by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers for years. Below you will find 12 ways to fight coughs and colds.

1. For a sore throat and cough – onion syrup

The preparation of the syrup is not complicated.Onionsshould be cut into small cubes or slices. Then cover the onion pieceswith honey or sugarand put the container with the mixture aside in a warm and dark place for about a day. This is needed for the onion to let go of juices. To enhance the beneficial effects of the syrup, we can add garlic to it, because both onion and garlic have antiviral and antibacterial properties. Such a syrup helps the body fight infection. In addition, this mixture inhibits persistent coughing by reducing mucus secretion. It is also credited with expectorant properties and soothing a sore throat. The syrup should be consumed 3-5 times a day in the amount of 1 tablespoon.

2. For cough – inhalation

Inhalation is nothing more than inhaling water vapor with the addition of antibacterial, antiviral and secretion-thinning agents. To prepare the inhalation, add a few drops of anoil, e.g. eucalyptus, sandalwood, lavender or pine oil to a container with hot water.You can also prepare inhalation from herbal infusions, e.g.rosemary, fennel, tea tree or chamomile.Add the oil to hot water, lean over the container / pot and cover the head with a towel. We inhale the vapors for about 15 minutes.

3. For cough – proper air humidification

Coughing intensifies in dry and warm air. Therefore, it is important that the air in the apartment is properly humidified. There are ready-made devices for air humidification available on the market, however, a similar role is played byan aquarium– even small, because it has an A4 sheet size. We fill the aquarium with water, we can put stones in it and plant plants. Due to the fact that the water in the aquarium is evaporated, the air in our apartment will be moisturized.

4. For the sinuses – a warming broth

Each of us knows the recipe forchicken soup.Served warm, with the addition of onion and garlic , it will resist any disease. It has warming properties. In addition, it helps to get rid of the mucus that accumulates in the bronchi and lungs during colds.

5. For colds – cupping

The tradition of making bubbles goes back many decades. During the period of easier access to antibiotics, they were forgotten, but now their use is being resumed. The cupping stimulates the immune system, thanks to which they mobilize the body to fight viruses and bacteria that reside in the body. Cups should be placed on well-muscled parts of the body, such as the back and chest. They should not be used on the spine and lower back, i.e. around the kidneys. Cupping is not recommended for people with autoimmune diseases, as it may exacerbate symptoms.

6. For colds – beetroot syrup

Beetroot syrup has antiviral and antibacterial properties. The preparation is extremely simple.Cut the beetroot, grate it or hollow out the center (the choice is yours)and add sugar or honey.Boil the vegetables with sugar or honey on low heat for about 20 minutes, until the juices are released. The resulting syrup should be cooled, after which it is ready for consumption. One tablespoon of the syrup a day is enough to take advantage of its beneficial properties.

7. For colds – tea with honey, lemon or raspberry juice

Add honey, lemon or raspberry juiceto warm tea (depending on your preferences). Tea prepared in this way helps to fight the symptoms of flu and colds. Honey settles on mucous membranes and soothes throat irritations and prevents the multiplication of bacteria. Raspberry juice has a warming and antiseptic effect, making it similar to an antibiotic, while lemon makes it easier to swallow.

8. For a sore throat – gargle with herbs or salt

Add thyme, turnip greens or sageto warm water . Such a mixture will soothe a sore throat. The combinationof salt and water works in a similar way.Salt has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Both rinses work extremely quickly, relieving even the most severe pain and reducing mucosal congestion.

9. For runny nose – horseradish

Horseradish has bactericidal and antiviral properties. The use ofhorseradishis one of the most effective natural treatments for a runny nose. It can be used in two forms:

  • inhaling the vapors of freshly grated horseradish,
  • eating a small amount.

The use of the above options will open the nose almost immediately. As long as the horseradish is sharp enough, tears can run out of our eyes.

10. For colds and fever – herbal tea

In the fight against colds and fever, which often accompanies this ailment, we can use herbal teas, the ingredients of which are:

  • black lilac ,
  • lime tree,
  • raspberries.

These infusions intensely stimulate the body’s sweat glands. After just one hour, our body begins to sweat heavily. As a result, body temperature is lowered and harmful substances are removed (along with sweat). We should drink this tea before going to bed. Pour a teaspoon of herbs with water (about half a glass). The infusion should be consumed once a day, immediately after preparation.

Peppermint or thyme infusion also has antibacterial and expectorant properties. Additionally, it reduces fever.

11. For colds – garlic

Garlic has antiviral and antibacterial properties. It can be taken in various forms: as an addition to a sandwich, in combination with hot milk and honey, and as a syrup. To prepare the syrup, we will need a few crushed garlic cloves, a few tablespoons of honey or sugar, and the juice of one or two lemons. Pour this mixture over with a small amount of boiled, chilled water. Put the container aside for a few days in a dark and warm place. The syrup should be consumed three times a day. To strengthen the body’s immunity, the treatment should be repeated every few months.

12. For fever and colds – amber tincture

We can use amber to create a warming tincture. To prepare it, it is enough to pour alcohol on small pieces of amber and wait a few days. The tincture can be eaten or rubbed on your feet, breasts or back.

It is worth using home methods of fighting infections due to the fact that they are completely natural. However, if their use does not bring results, it is worth consulting a doctor or pharmacist.

Can a cough be serious?

Coughing rarely causes complications. These include: fainting,pneumothorax(as a result of rupture of the alveoli and the leakage of air into the pleural cavity), ribfractures(usually in people with lesions in the ribs, e.g.osteoporosisor tumor metastases), damage to the muscles and intercostal nerves.

The cough must be suppressed after certain operations, such as neurosurgery and ophthalmic surgery, because the accompanying general agitation and pressure increase in the chest may increase the pressure inside the skull and the eyeball.


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                                                                                                                                                                                                    Spondylosis – types and diagnosis. Treatment of spine degeneration

                                                                                                                                                                                                      Spondylosis – types and diagnosis. Treatment of spine degeneration

                                                                                                                                                                                                      Pain in the lower abdomen – Treatment, causes, symptoms. Why does it hurt in the lower abdomen?

                                                                                                                                                                                                        Pain in the lower abdomen – Treatment, causes, symptoms. Why does it hurt in the lower abdomen?

                                                                                                                                                                                                        Pain in the neck: Treatment, causes, what does it mean and how do you prevent Neck pain?

                                                                                                                                                                                                          Pain in the neck: Treatment, causes, what does it mean and how do you prevent Neck pain?