Bruxism (teeth grinding) – what is it? Symptoms, treatment, exercise

During involuntary jaw clenching and teeth grinding—the symptoms of bruxism—the pressure on the teeth is up to 10 times greater than in standard chewing. Thus, bruxism can contribute to the destruction of teeth. Find out about its background and how to deal with this problem.


  • Bruxism is a disease that can cause your teeth to pinch or grind.
  • Currently, one single reason for this has not been established, although there is evidence of a relationship between bruxism and stress.
  • Bruxism occurs in infants and children, and in many cases it is a natural reaction of the body

What is bruxism?

Unknowingly clenching your teeth and grinding your teeth is otherwise bruxism. The term is derived from the Greek word “brugmos” meaning “tooth grinding”. As Klara Saczuk, Paulina Wilmont, Łukasz Pawlak, and Monika Łukomska-Szymańska from the Department of General Dentistry, Medical University in Łódź indicate, the first information about bruxism can be found in the Bible. This is where we speak of “grinding the teeth” as a punishment from God.

Despite the fact that the clenching of the jaws is a phenomenon known to mankind for a long time, it still has not been thoroughly researched and researched.

This is all the more surprising because, as the authors cited above claim, the issue of biting teeth and chattering teeth at some point in life occurs in the majority of the population.

The studies cited by the indicated authors suggest that bruxism may affect from 8 to 31 percent. population and declines with age. In children under 11 years of age, it affects up to 40%. the whole group.

Bruxism is a grinding disease, but its background is much more complicated. The culprits of its occurrence may be, for example, mental factors, such as stress.

Duringinvoluntary jaw clenching, a person can do it up to 10 times harder than during standard chewing of food. Bruxism has a negative effect on the teeth, even leading to enamel destruction.

Bruxism should be worrying for one more reason – usually the disease has a mental background – so it is worth verifying whether the unconscious gritting of teeth is a defensive reaction of the body, e.g. to difficult experiences.

Note that this link between bruxism and psychological difficulties is also reflected in the Polish language. After all, there is a fairly well-known phraseology: “grit your teeth” to describe a situation beyond human strength, which, however, must be faced.

Bruxism in the ICD 10 classification is code F45.8, and its official name is teeth grinding. On the other hand, in the ICD 11 classification, this concept can be found under the number DA0E.7 as “Parfunctional disorders of teeth and face”, and also 7A83 under the name “Sleep-related movement disorders”.

Bruxism is not a mental illness, but it can inform about difficulties related to psychological aspects and, for example, susceptibility to neurosis or stress.

There is a link between occlusive disease and bruxism, namely, occlusive disease, a disorder of the normal movement of the mandible in the joint, can lead to tooth grinding.

Types of bruxism

There are several types of bruxism. By origin, the following are distinguished:

  • primary bruxism– it is said about it when the onset of the disease cannot be established;
  • secondary bruxism– when we are able to identify a factor that leads to the occurrence of unpleasant symptoms.

In turn, due to the time of gritting and grinding the teeth, the following varieties are indicated:

  • day bruxism– clenching of teeth during the day;
  • nocturnal bruxism –occurs at night, during sleep.

According to the researchers Klara Saczuk, Paulina Wilmont, Łukasz Pawlak, Monika Łukomska-Szymańska from the Department of General Dentistry, Medical University in Lodz,this type of division should not be used now, because different people, due to the mode of work, times of wakefulness and sleep are different.

In their opinion, nocturnal bruxism may appear not only during long sleep, but also, for example, during daytime naps. So it is better to point to conscious and unconscious bruxism.

The way of clenching the teeth is also noteworthy. In this context, the following can be distinguished:

  • centric bruxism– that is, strong clenching of teeth;
  • eccentric bruxism– involving grinding of the teeth.

It is not uncommon for dentists to diagnose bruxism with severe unilateral muscle tension.

Each type of bruxism should be considered separately, incl. because the waking state and the sleep state differ significantly.

Consideration should also be given to whether bruxism is conscious or unconscious. According to Klara Saczuk, Paulina Wilmont, Łukasz Pawlak, Monika Łukomska-Szymańska from the Department of General Dentistry, Medical University of Lodz, about 90 percent. cases of unconscious bruxism are the so-called eccentric bruxism, and therefore characterized by grinding, while conscious episodes are centric bruxism, i.e. tooth clenching.

The causes of bruxism

Is bruxism always a negative phenomenon? This is quite a controversial question, but it is worth emphasizing that from an anthropological point of view, bruxism can be used as a tooth sharpening.

Other theories looked for a link between bruxism and malocclusion.It turns out, however, that there is little correlation between the disease and factors such asmalocclusion.

It is worth asking, is bruxism hereditary?Khoury’s research shows a correlation between teeth grinding and having first-degree relatives with this condition.

If you are wondering what are the causes of teeth grinding, please read on for our reasons for grinding your teeth below:

  • Stress and genetic factors

Bruxism may have a genetic basis – this was the conclusion reached by scientists from the Medical University of Wrocław, the Chair and Department of Experimental Dentistry and the Sleep Laboratory of the Chair and Clinic of Internal and Occupational Diseases and Hypertension and Clinical Oncology in cooperation with the University of Tel-Aviv.

According to the researchers, the cause of teeth grinding may be an abnormality in the variant of the dopamine receptor, the happiness hormone. In patients with bruxism, they observed an increased level of anxiety.

Nervous jaw clenching or stress-clenching of the jaw has been confirmed in these studies.

Teeth clenching may therefore occur if you have neurosis or experience severe stress.

  • Problems with sleeping

However, this is not the end of discoveries. These researchers analyzed the relationship between snoring andteeth grinding and confirmed that teeth grinding leads to snoring.

  • Lifestyle

The reasons for clenching the teeth also include taking various types of stimulants. You are more likely, for example, to grind your teeth after alcohol, drugsor even excessive caffeine.

  • Bruxism – parasites and fungi

When you are searching for information about grinding your teeth, you have found a lot of claims that parasites, such as human roundworm, are responsible for bruxism and tooth grinding. Some also point to links between bruxism and pinworms.This is one of the most common myths about this disease.

Meanwhile, yes – people with this type of problem can be diagnosed with parasites, but teeth grinding is the result of emotional tension and stress caused by the physical sensations associated with parasite infection, rather than their mere presence.

The same applies to teeth grinding and mycosis – the emotional tension caused by the symptoms of mycosis can cause bruxism.

  • Teeth grinding during illness

A popular phenomenon is teeth grinding from cold, e.g. during illness, where apart from this ailment there is also a runny nose and cough.

Probably many parents have observed symptoms such as fever and teeth grinding in their child.

  • Teeth grinding – lack of vitamin and nutrients

It is worth noting that the disease may appear as a result of vitamin B5 or vitamin D3 deficiency. Sometimes teeth grinding is the result of a magnesium deficiency.

  • Neurological factors

There are a number of neurological factors associated with various genetic defects, conditions and diseases that can triggerteeth grinding, such as:

  • autism,
  • Down syndrome,
  • Prader I Willi syndrome,
  • depression, anxiety states,
  • cerebral palsy,
  • tonsil hypertrophy.

According to prof. dr hab. n. med. Dorota Olczak-KowalczykThere is a relationship between teeth grinding and tonsil hypertrophy. The third almond may therefore be the culprit of this condition.

In order to sleep well, it is also worth taking care of an appropriate mattress and pillow, because although the mechanism of bruxism has not been fully explained yet, this phenomenon is sometimes associated with, for example, too high a pillow.

Bruxism is classified as parasomnia, that is, involuntary movements during sleep.However, you need to be careful not to confuse bruxism with other diseases and health problems, such as nervous tics, Huntington’s disease, hemifacial spasm and dystonia, i.e. making involuntary unnatural movements.

Teeth grinding in children

Teeth grinding is not only a problem for adults, but also for children. Why is the child grinding his teeth? The causes of this condition may be the same as in adults.

Usually, teeth grinding at night in a child is associated with parasites. There is a link between bruxism and pinworms, but an indirect one, i.e. teeth grinding, occurs as a result of the emotional tension and stress that a child experiences when experiencing pinworms or other parasites.

However, it is a myth that the mere presence of parasites causes teeth grinding. Thus, the correlation between teeth grinding in children and worms is not directly substantiated.

However, it is worth paying attention to other aspects of tooth grinding in children, different than in adults. Their causes are:

  • immaturity of the infant’s muscular and nervous system;
  • teeth grinding and teething – when the first milk teeth erupt in a child, the position of the lower jaw changes in relation to the entire jaw – this process is a physiological and natural phenomenon up to the age of 3;
  • teeth grinding up to about 6-7 years of age – if it does not happen every day and does not damage the teeth – is a natural process that allows for the proper development of the bite and enamel. Most often it passes spontaneously, but if not, you need to delve deeper into the topic and discover the causes of the grinding.
  • teeth grinding in children and allergy –allergy can also be the cause of bruxism, so it is worth verifying the cause of the problem each time.

Bruxism may be a sign that your child is sick. Fever, stuffy nose and teeth grinding are the hallmarks of this condition.

When teeth grinding in a child becomes bothersome, and in addition, the child even “eats his teeth”, it is no longer a natural condition and you need to act as soon as possible to get rid of this problem.

Symptoms of bruxism

The disease does not always produce only the classic symptoms of the teeth, such as tapping teeth or toothache – bruxism can often be identified by the fact that the patient develops, for example, dizziness.

However, it is worth looking at all aspects of the disease, starting with the most obvious ones, i.e. those related to the teeth.

  • Bruxism causes abrasion of the teeth, and therefore also their hypersensitivity. In extreme cases, tooth fractures and periodontitis may occur. It all leads to pain.
  • Depending on the type of bruxism, whether it is centric or eccentric bruxism, you may experience snoring and grinding of the teeth, or smacking and grinding your teeth in your sleep. The sound of teeth grinding may also be heard by bystanders.
  • Bruxism has long ceased to be a dental disease, because it affects many other functions of the body, and may also be a symptom of other diseases, e.g. neurosis.
  • Bruxism and headache – friction may cause symptoms such as headache and pain in the sinus area. According to Grzegorz Zieliński, Aleksandra Byś, Michał Baszczowski, Michał Ginszt, Marta Suwała, Jacek Szkutnik and Piotr Majcher – authors of the publication “Risk factors of bruxism during sleep in children – a literature review”,people with bruxism are 3.25 times more exposed for a headache than others;
  • Sleep apnea and teeth grinding – sleep apnea is associated with bruxism, and the patient is also at risk of developing other sleep disturbances such as snoring;
  • Bruxism and tinnitus – as a result of trismus, bruxism can lead to hearing problems and tinnitus;
  • Bruxism and languagebecause of this ailment, the language on which the impressions appear, as well as the so-called garlands, or folds on the tongue;
  • Bruxism and sore throat – this is another characteristic symptom.Bruxism can also be associated with hoarseness and difficulty swallowing;
  • Bruxism causes contracturesand can even limit the mobility of the head and cause headaches;
  • Bruxism causes pain in the joints that keep working when you clench your teeth.

You should be aware that bruxism may simply be a symptom of an illness such as high fever. If this is a one-off situation, it should not worry us.

Some people say that a child’s teeth grinding is a symptom of helminthiasis, but we have already explained this in this article.

Face with bruxism

As a result of excessive tension of the temporal and masseter muscles, their hypertrophy occurs. Over time, bruxism causes degenerative changes in the jaw.

Bruxism – as a result of changes in the temporomandibular joints – can make the face more square.

The solution is to use aesthetic medicine treatments. On the Internet, you can compare photos of bruxism before and after botulinum toxin injection. This treatment leads to a slender face, which becomes more oval. Additionally, it reduces pain symptoms caused by the disease.

The solution is also facial exercises, which should improve the shape of the face and the appearance of the cheeks.

Bruxism in children

Teeth grinding in children is usually a physiological symptom, as we have already written about. However, if it takes pathological forms or does not disappear over time, then you need to be aware that something bad may be happening.

Fascinating data on what can be conditioned teeth grinding in a child isprovided in the work “Risk factors of bruxism during sleep in children – literature review” by Grzegorz Zieliński, Aleksandra Byś, Michał Baszczowski, Michał Ginszt, Marta Suwałki, Jacek Szkutnik and Piotr Majcher.

They point to the results of studies that explain why the child is grinding his teeth These are:

  • the publications of Rossi and Manfrendi, Ribeiro and Serra-Negra, who link the occurrence of tooth friction in children with sleep disorders and nightmares;
  • data presented by Oliveira and de Alencar show that stress may be a factor explaining why a child is grinding his teeth. Among the most stressful situations causing this descent, the indicated authors mention the divorce of the parents;
  • According to Vieira-Andrande and colleagues, a preschool child grinds his teeth due to habitual biting of objects during infancy and prolonged breastfeeding;
  • interesting conclusions are presented by Drummond’s team, which notes that theygrind the teeth more often of children of mothers with higher levels of stress and with higher education;
  • Drummond also notes that nighttime grinding of teeth in adolescents, or gnashing of teeth in a four-year-old child, may be directly related to personality traits, such as increased aggressiveness. These children are also more likely to be diagnosed with headaches, nail biting, snoring and drooling during sleep.

On the other hand, if you have noticed that the baby is grinding its teeth, it is quite possible that it is teething.Additionally, as we indicated, the infant grinds his teeth during the day because hisfacial muscles are not yet well developed.

Teeth grinding in infants or a one-year-old child may be a symptom of elevated body temperature or other problems we have already described.

The child grinds his teeth during the day because he may just be cold.

In a 2016 study, Tachibana showed that bruxism in Japanese children is independent of their age, movement while sleeping, or snoring. On the other hand, he noticed breathing disorders during sleep, which had a direct impact on the occurrence of tooth grinding.

On the other hand, Petit et al. Presented different conclusions, saying that the incidence of bruxism decreases with age.

In the case of preschool children, the researcher indicates that bruxism affects as much as 45 percent. kids. In turn, in the group of school children, this value drops to 6 percent.

Interestingly, for example, when we observe an infant’s teeth grinding during the day or when the child grinds his teeth while eating, it may be a symptom of habit, closer to bruxomania than to bruxism.

Bruxism at night

Teeth grinding at night usually happens unconsciously, although the patient may feel while dreaming that he is grinding his teeth while sleeping. However, it has no influence on this.

Grinding the teeth in an adult at night can lead to enamel destruction, tooth fracture, and a number of other consequences. Why you grind your teeth at night, and why you grind your teeth while sleeping, have already been discussed in this article.

Among the causes of teeth grinding at night in adults and clenching of teeth in sleep, the most important are stress factors.

A similar background is found in children’s teeth grinding at night. What does grinding my teeth in my sleep mean?

In the case of the youngest, the night grinding of teeth and biting the teeth at night may result from excessive emotions during the day, stress, but also be related to the character of the child.

It turns out thatclenching your jaw while sleeping, according to Oliveira, may be linked to higher levels of anxiety.

Gritting teeth at night can affect people of all ages. It should come as no surprise, for example, teeth grinding at night in a child.

However, this is not an excessively desirable condition, so if you regularly notice that the child grinds his teeth at night, see a specialist.

Teeth grinding while sleeping in children can be inherited, so think about whether you are showing symptoms such as jaw clenching at night.

Bruxism in pregnancy

Bruxism can appear as you become pregnant. It usually indicates excessive stress and emotions, so it should not be underestimated.

Moreover, grinding may be a sign of changes in the mouth, so it is worth consulting your problem with a specialist.

In fact, it is up to the individual organism of each woman to decide whether or not the bruxism subsides after childbirth. Perhaps when emotions subside, he will be able to get the problem under control.

Some people see a link between bruxism and miscarriage – it’s not quite like that. Bruxism may indirectly indicate parasites whose symptoms affect the mood of a pregnant woman and it is these parasites and excessive stress that may be the cause of a miscarriage.

Bruxism diagnosis

Before the doctor determines the occurrence, he takes a detailed history of the patient’s complaints and symptoms. Then he proceeds to assess the condition of the temporomandibular joint, masticatory muscles, and also analyzes the condition of the tongue, cheeks and teeth.

How to recognize bruxism? The doctor in charge of the diagnosis must also make sure that additional tests for bruxism are performed, for example:

  • EMG– also known as electromyography, which is a study of muscle activity, e.g. analysis of masticatory muscles;
  • polysomnography– this is the next step to facilitate the process of diagnosing bruxism. During such a study, various parameters of the body are analyzed during sleep.

You do not know who to go to with suspected bruxism and who diagnoses it?Visit a dentist – he is a specialist in this field.

If you notice grinding teeth in your children, you can also have them tested. Remember, however, that bruxism in children is, in many cases, a natural phenomenon.

Treatment of bruxism

There are many ways to treat bruxism. Unfortunately, they are all paid.It turns out that no branch of the National Health Fund refunds bruxism treatment.

The price of bruxism treatment depends on individual problems, but not only getting rid of the causes, but also tooth reconstruction should be taken into account. The cost can therefore reach even tens of thousands of zlotys with significant losses in dentition.

As part of the treatment of bruxism, you can choose to:

  • psychotherapyto find the source of stress that leads to grinding;
  • kinesiotaping– i.e. physical therapy with anti-inflammatory properties;
  • acupuncturerelieves the muscles of the mandible;
  • treatment– consisting in injection of botulinum toxin.

How to treat bruxism depends on the individual case.

Drugs for bruxism

In the case of bruxism, drug treatment is not infrequently used. How is the drug administered. stom. M. Kuźnik, the most popular drugs for bruxism are:

  • drugs from the benzodiazepine group – they have anxiolytic, sedative, hypnotic and anticonvulsant properties;
  • antidepressants;
  • muscle relaxants.

The solution is also myorelaxant drugs for bruxism, which deal with the increased muscle tension that often occurs in bruxism.

Bruxism pills are prescribed when other methods are not working.

An alternative option to medications is, for example, cbd oil for bruxism. Such oil can be rubbed in the area of ​​the temporomandibular joint or applied directly under the tongue.

To which doctor with bruxism?

A dentist is the primary care physician to diagnose bruxism. Usually, it is the dentist who recognizes bruxism after dental inspection.

Sometimes a patient comes to his office from another specialist, e.g. an ENT specialist or a neurologist. Often, bruxism, such as symptoms of headaches, is confused with other conditions. For this reason, it sometimes happens that a patient is correctly diagnosed only after a long time.

Some people wonder whether to go to the dentist or orthodontist with the problem of bruxism. Well, it is best to start with a visit to the dentist, who may later suggest an appointment with an orthodontist.

If bruxism is caused by psychological factors, such as stress, then a good solution is to start treatment with the help of a psychologist or psychotherapist. A psychiatrist can also help combat the cause of bruxism.

A neurologist can also help with treatment, because many neurological diseases cause teeth grinding.

Rail for bruxism

Occlusal splints for bruxism are a way to deal with the effects of the disease. These typesof dental traysare designed to resist grinding.Remember that in order for the splint to give the desired results, it must be selected by a specialist.

The type of anti-grinding brace to be used depends on the malocclusion and the severity of the condition.

A patient struggling with bruxism puts on a relaxation splint at night, because this is when unconscious teeth grinding occurs most often. Such a rail prevents the upper arch from touching the lower arch.

This type of tooth clamping tray provides adequate protection against the consequences of, for example, tooth wear orenamel cracking.

It is a real mouthguard for bruxism.

If you decide to use a tooth tray, be aware that it is a temporary measure. You will not cure bruxism this way, but only temporarily protect your teeth.

You can buy a bruxism splint, for example, in online pharmacies. Such a grinding insert may – in accordance with the manufacturers’ assurances – be freely modeled in the patient’s mouth.

Opinions about the bruxism splint are divided. Some people praise this solution, while others say that the bruxism overlay will not help with their problem.

In fact, it is worth agreeing with a specialist about the use of overlays on the teeth in the case of bruxism, buy such a brace in a pharmacy and test it yourself.

The apparatus for bruxism

Some people wonder if braces will cure bruxism. If the cause of bruxism is a malocclusion, then yes, the problem can be solved thanks to this.However, one should be aware that bruxism is not always correlated with such a defect.

Ultimately, whether the method of treating bruxism is to correct the malocclusion will be decided by the doctor who will assess the effectiveness of the orthodontic appliance in combating bruxism.

Botox for bruxism. Does it really help?

Aesthetic medicine helps in the fight against bruxism. It is not uncommon for people suffering from bruxism to choose botox treatment. The treatment uses botulinum toxin, which is injected into the facial muscles.

Opinions about Botox for bruxism are rather unanimous that this treatment helps. However, this should be a personal decision given the possible rare side effects of Botox. Complications from Botox for bruxism include migraines, headaches, and imbalances.

However, the effect of botox before and after is remarkable. The face is no longer square and more oval.

When can the first effects of botox on bruxism be expected? Usually in the first few days after surgery. The price of Botox for bruxism is at least PLN 1,500, and it can be even higher.

Home remedies for bruxism

To alleviate the effects of bruxism, you can try home remedies for teeth grinding. What to do to avoid clenching your teeth at night? Here are ideas for home treatment for bruxism:

  • look for the cause – if you do not know how to stop grinding your teeth, think about what may be causing bruxism, then it will be easier for you to find a solution to this problem;
  • control stress – very often the problem is caused by stress and emotional tension. In this case, the method of bruxism will be, for example, herbs for calming down, which have a calming effect;
  • exercise your face according to the tips later in the article;
  • If you want to get rid of bruxism, apply for taping, i.e. face patting that stimulates the muscles to work.

However, these home remedies for bruxism are worth discussing with your dentist, who can suggest other methods for grinding your teeth.

Are you wondering how to teach your child to grind their teeth? What to do to prevent the child from grinding his teeth? First, verify that your child’s grinding is not just a phase of physiological development.In the case of a small child, the cause of bruxism may be caused by a teat that has been used for too long.

Some associate bruxism with emotional tension resulting from emotional discomfort caused by parasites. It is worth examining the child in this regard.

Home methods for grinding teeth in children are primarily reducing the effects of this ailment by choosing toothpastes that strengthen the enamel or using a relaxation splint.

Exercises for bruxism

Ways to reduce or completely eliminate bruxism are:

  • dental physiotherapy– a dental physiotherapist will help to relax the muscles through massage and other treatments, it must be emphasized here that such therapy for bruxism includes not only face massage, but also the skull, spine and even pelvis;
  • relaxation exercises– performed regularly can make the facial muscles a bit more relaxed. One exercise is, for example, pinching the cheeks by gently pinching the skin and stretching it. Another way is to place your fingers on your temples and make circular movements with them, as well as massages behind the ears;
  • Facial yoga for bruxismis another way toavoid gnashing your teeth at nightor at least reducing these symptoms. Such exercises also relax the muscles.Facial yogatraining activities include, for example, opening the mouth to the maximum width, filling the cheeks with air and patting them with fingers, pulling the head back to the maximum and stretching the neck.

Bruxism rehabilitationis still an evolving field.

The effects of bruxism

You should be aware that untreated tooth grinding has many negative effects. Bruxism is not only associated with worn teeth, cracked teeth and other health consequences for your teeth, but it can also be a factor in:

  • headaches and facial aches;
  • biting the cheeks and tongue, which may result in the appearance of erosions;
  • eyesight –untreated bruxism can cause soreness around the eye sockets, problems with clear vision, and dry eye. The question of the relationship between bruxism and the eyes is under constant scrutiny;
  • hearing– can cause tinnitus, earaches, and balance problems

In bruxism, the symptoms and effects are quite closely correlated. Unfortunately, bruxism can often cause toothache, and one of the more serious symptoms is pulpitis as a result of enamel wear.

It is even said that a man with bruxism literally “ate his teeth”.Suffering from bruxism can damage the veneers.

Rebuilding teeth in the case of bruxism is a considerable cost. The price for the reconstruction of teeth after bruxism depends on the degree of damage – full reconstruction costs even several or tens of thousands of zlotys.

Contraindications for bruxism

Chewing gum is one of the contraindications related to bruxism. Long-term chewing of gum causes the biting to take place with greater than natural force, which contributes to the effect of abrasion on the teeth.

What’s more, teeth grinding and biting is favored by taking stimulants, so if you are struggling with bruxism, give up alcohol and limit coffee consumption. Additionally, take care to avoid stress and emotional tension – major factors that can trigger bruxism.

How to prevent bruxism?

We already know the possible causes that influence the appearance of bruxism. So how do you prevent teeth grinding? Here are some of our tips:

  • first of all, take care of your psychological comfort, avoid stressful situations, proper sleep hygiene is also important here;
  • protect your teeth by using a relaxation rail on the tooth, it will protect your teeth from abrasion;
  • avoid alcohol and caffeine, which trigger bruxism;
  • take care of the correct bite, although – as we have already indicated at the beginning – nowadays the malocclusion is not considered to be such an important factor influencing the occurrence of bruxism.

Bruxism is a problem that can and is worth fighting against. It has a significant impact on human functioning. If left untreated, it can cause a number of adverse effects, which are presented in this article. Unfortunately, if you have problems with bruxism, it is quite possible that your child will also be struggling with tooth grinding. Remember that you can take action to prevent bruxism.


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                                                                                                Tonto Dikeh: The reason I am keeping my present relationship a secret is because of AIDS.

                                                                                                Actress Dorcas Fapson is back on social media just a few days after the release of a contentious bedroom video.

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                                                                                                                                                      Osteoarthritis – Treatment, Symptoms| What are the causes of osteoarthritis of the knee, shoulder and hip?

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                                                                                                                                                            Swelling in legs home remedies – how to treat swollen feet

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                                                                                                                                                                pain in the back of the knee (front, under and bending) – causes, diagnosis, treatment of pain under the knee

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                                                                                                                                                                    pain in the Pelvis – causes, diagnosis, treatment of pelvic pain | sudden stabbing pain in pelvic area female

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                                                                                                                                                                      Pain in the Kidney – kidney stone symptoms, diagnosis, treatment. what is the cause of stone in kidney

                                                                                                                                                                        Pain in the Kidney – kidney stone symptoms, diagnosis, treatment. what is the cause of stone in kidney

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                                                                                                                                                                            pain in the anus | pain in anus hole home remedies | What could be the causes of anal pain?

                                                                                                                                                                              pain in the anus | pain in anus hole home remedies | What could be the causes of anal pain?

                                                                                                                                                                              Rotator cuff Tear | causes, symptoms, treatment | How do I know if I have rotator cuff injury?

                                                                                                                                                                                Rotator cuff Tear | causes, symptoms, treatment | How do I know if I have rotator cuff injury?

                                                                                                                                                                                Cramps in the stomach are a common condition. What are its causes? How do you stop stomach cramps?

                                                                                                                                                                                  Cramps in the stomach are a common condition. What are its causes? How do you stop stomach cramps?

                                                                                                                                                                                  Pain in the knee – causes and treatment | how to get rid of knee pain

                                                                                                                                                                                    Pain in the knee – causes and treatment | how to get rid of knee pain

                                                                                                                                                                                    Use of Apple cider vinegar – properties, use, recipes. How to consume vinegar? Is apple cider vinegar really good for you?

                                                                                                                                                                                      Use of Apple cider vinegar – properties, use, recipes. How to consume vinegar? Is apple cider vinegar really good for you?

                                                                                                                                                                                      Use of Clove oil: Composition, Healing Properties, Application | What is cloves and its uses

                                                                                                                                                                                        Use of Clove oil: Composition, Healing Properties, Application | What is cloves and its uses

                                                                                                                                                                                        Olive oil – nutrients and health properties | What is olive oil good for?

                                                                                                                                                                                          Olive oil – nutrients and health properties | What is olive oil good for?

                                                                                                                                                                                          Pain in the heel when walking (plantar fascia) – causes, treatment and home remedies for pain | How to cure aching heels?

                                                                                                                                                                                            Pain in the heel when walking (plantar fascia) – causes, treatment and home remedies for pain | How to cure aching heels?

                                                                                                                                                                                            Tightness in the chest | The causes of chest tightness – how do you recognize them? Treatment of discomfort

                                                                                                                                                                                              Tightness in the chest | The causes of chest tightness – how do you recognize them? Treatment of discomfort

                                                                                                                                                                                              Pain in the Lower Back | causes, treatment, symptoms, exercises

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                                                                                                                                                                                                Pain in the chest – causes, diagnosis | is it a symptom of a disease?

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Pain in the chest – causes, diagnosis | is it a symptom of a disease?

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Cervical Radiculopathy – what is it and how it is manifested, causes | cervical and lumbar radiculopathy, diagnosis, treatment

                                                                                                                                                                                                    Cervical Radiculopathy – what is it and how it is manifested, causes | cervical and lumbar radiculopathy, diagnosis, treatment

                                                                                                                                                                                                    Spondylosis – types and diagnosis. Treatment of spine degeneration

                                                                                                                                                                                                      Spondylosis – types and diagnosis. Treatment of spine degeneration

                                                                                                                                                                                                      Pain in the lower abdomen – Treatment, causes, symptoms. Why does it hurt in the lower abdomen?

                                                                                                                                                                                                        Pain in the lower abdomen – Treatment, causes, symptoms. Why does it hurt in the lower abdomen?

                                                                                                                                                                                                        Pain in the neck: Treatment, causes, what does it mean and how do you prevent Neck pain?

                                                                                                                                                                                                          Pain in the neck: Treatment, causes, what does it mean and how do you prevent Neck pain?