How to Make the Decision to Have or Not to Have an Abortion

Choosing whether or not to obtain an abortion, whether it is desired, unwanted, or unexpected, can be a difficult decision to make. Choice to have an abortion is a deeply personal decision, and only you have the authority to make that decision on your own. You can discuss your options with your doctor, as well as with close friends and family members, but you should never feel compelled to choose one choice over another. Make a thorough understanding of abortion laws and procedures by conducting your own research and reflecting on your own lifestyle and values, and then make the decision that is best for you.

The First Part in a Three-Part Series: Researching

1 Consult with your physician. Set up an appointment with your doctor or obstetrician/gynecologist as soon as you suspect you are pregnant or find out you are pregnant. They can provide you with information about your options, which may include abortion, adoption, or keeping the kid.

  • Your doctor should not put any sort of pressure on you in any way. Simply said, they should present you with information on the various possibilities that are open to you. Prepare a list of questions to ask your doctor if you are considering having an abortion if you are considering having one. You may be ashamed or uncomfortable about discussing an abortion with someone, but your doctor is there to assist you in any way they can. If you feel pressured by your doctor to avoid having an abortion (for a cause that isn’t directly related to your health), you should consider finding a different physician.

2 Recognize and respect your privacy rights. In the case of an adult, you are under no need to inform anyone of your intention to have an abortion. You may, however, want to tell a trusted friend or family member so that they may provide you with emotional support during the surgery.

  • If you are under the age of 18 and choose to have an abortion, you may be required to obtain permission from your parents, or, if you do not wish to inform your parents, authorization from a judge, before you can proceed with the procedure. This regulation varies from state to state, although most states have parental notification legislation in place. Learn about the parental consent policies in your state.

3 Make information regarding abortion difficulties more understandable. Because abortion is a contentious process, there is a great deal of misinformation circulating about about the procedure and its repercussions on the mother and child. Carry out your study. Consult with your physician. Look for information in government publications or from trustworthy news sources to supplement your research.

  • When conducting internet research, exercise caution. Avoid visiting any website that appears to promote a strongly pro-choice or pro-life viewpoint. * Recognize that abortion is completely risk-free. Abortion complications occur in less than one percent of all procedures. It is important to understand that abortion does not cause breast cancer. Furthermore, a simple abortion will not result in infertility or complications with future pregnancies. Abortion will not result in “post-abortion syndrome” or any other mental health disorders in the individual. As a result of the stress associated with the procedure, some women find themselves having a more difficult time in the aftermath of the procedure, whether as a result of prior mental health disorders or the absence of a support network, for example.

Find out if you are qualified for a medical abortion by calling your doctor. Abortions performed medically, or non-surgically, can be performed up to ten weeks (70 days) after the first day of the woman’s last menstruation. Your healthcare provider will conduct a physical exam, which will most likely include an ultrasound, and then prescribe mifepristone (or, in some cases, methotrexate) and misoprostol. If you are able and willing to pursue a medical abortion, you will first need to take the medication mifepristone, which prevents your body from producing progesterone, a hormone that is necessary for pregnancy. * After 24-48 hours, you will be given the misoprostol, which will cause your uterus to empty completely. It is common to experience cramping and severe bleeding within 4-5 hours after taking the medicine. Once this is completed, you will need to visit your doctor to ensure that your body has eliminated all of the tissue that was accumulated. In order to ensure that the pregnancy was successfully evacuated, it is vitally required to conduct follow-up procedures. Failure to completely expel the pregnancy could result in serious complications and infection. * The advantages of a medical abortion include the fact that it can be performed at home and that it can be performed early in the pregnancy (as soon as you know you are pregnant). However, there is a risk of the abortion not being completed properly as well. If this is the case, you will very certainly require a surgical abortion.

5 Investigate the possibility of a surgical abortion. If you are less than 14-16 weeks pregnant, you may be able to get a surgical abortion, commonly known as a vacuum aspiration abortion (this may vary by provider). The technique consists in dilation of the cervix and the insertion of a tiny suction tube into the uterus in order to remove the pregnant tissue. The actual aspiration, or abortion operation, is quick and only takes a couple of minutes to complete. While you are in the clinic or doctor’s office, the most of your time will be spent waiting for the pain/relaxation medication to begin to act, as well as dilation of your cervix in order to create an opening wide enough for the suction tube to pass through. Dilating your cervix may be accomplished with the use of metal rods of increasing thickness, medicine, or dilators that expand through the absorption of fluid. After your operation, you will be required to spend at least an hour in recovery to confirm that there were no immediate issues from the procedure. A follow-up appointment with the doctor may be required in some circumstances. The treatment is known as dilation and evacuation, and it is performed if you are more than 16 weeks pregnant with your child (D&E). Aspiration abortion is a procedure that is comparable to this, though it needs more time and equipment. You will most likely recover more slowly than you would if you had an aspiration abortion.

Part 2 of 3: Taking Your Values and Emotions into Account

1 Take stock of your current condition. As you ponder what to do about your pregnancy, take a moment to analyze what is currently going on in your life and how a pregnancy or child would affect it. It’s possible that you’ll want to take some time to think over some concerns on your own.

  • Take into account your financial status. Are you able to afford the cost of having and raising a child?
    Make a list of your own personal beliefs concerning abortion. Would you consider placing the baby up for adoption if you were unable to have an abortion because of your religious beliefs?
  • Take into consideration your health. Is it possible that being pregnant would be hazardous to your physical and mental health? Would you be able to cope with the mental and physical ramifications of an abortion if you were to go through with it?
  • Consider your network of people who can help you. Who would you enlist to assist you in raising the child? Would the father of the child be involved? In the event that you had an abortion, who would be there to provide support?

2 Talk about your feelings with other people. Consult with your partner, family members, or friends who you are confident will not judge or influence your decision. When faced with an unplanned pregnancy, many women believe they are alone. Talking to trustworthy people of your support network may help you feel less alone in your experiences.

  • If your father is present and actively involved in your life, you may want to talk to him about what he would like to do next with his life. Keep in mind that you do not require his approval in order to obtain an abortion. If you believe he is attempting to exert pressure on you in one way or another, you may want to refrain from telling him.
  • Allow no one to put any pressure on you to make a decision. Saying something like, “If you have an abortion I won’t be able to remain friends with you because I believe abortion is terrible,” you may respond by saying, “I’m sorry you feel that way, but please don’t put any pressure on me.” “I have to do what is best for me right now.”
  • Speak with someone who has undergone an abortion procedure. If you know of anyone who has had an abortion, you should inquire about their experience and if they have a favorable or negative outlook on the procedure. “Do you feel comfortable talking about your abortion?” you could inquire of her. Could you perhaps answer a few queries I have regarding it? “I’m expecting a child and am at a loss for what to do.”

3 Consult with a professional counselor. Counseling services that might assist you in deciding what to do may be available through your doctor, family planning clinic, or community health agency. Insist on unbiased, nonjudgmental counseling services that do not seek to steer the woman toward one course of action over another when they provide you with referrals.

  • Make sure any names or agencies you are given are unbiased by conducting your own research on them. Look for any affiliations that may appear to be problematic to you and investigate them (political or religious).
  • Recognize that any competent organization or counselor will assist you in exploring all of your alternatives without passing judgment or exerting pressure. If you are feeling pressed to make a certain decision, find another person with whom to discuss it.

3rd and last installment of 3: Making a Decision

1 Make a decision in a timely manner. It is imperative that you make a decision on whether or not to get an abortion in the shortest time feasible. You should be certain of your decision, but you should also be aware that the sooner in the pregnancy you decide to terminate it, the more straightforward the surgery is likely to be. You will also have a greater number of options available to you. A woman cannot obtain an abortion after 24 weeks of pregnancy in the majority of states in the United States unless the pregnancy poses a threat to the mother’s health.

2 Make a list of everything. If you are still undecided about what to do, you may want to make a list of the benefits and drawbacks of terminating your pregnancy to help you decide. Putting your thoughts and feelings down on paper may make it easier to come to a choice in the future.

  • Make a list of all the advantages and negatives, no matter how insignificant they appear to be. Compare and contrast your lists. If you know you are not ready to be a parent, you may want to consider all three alternatives (parenting, abortion, and adoption), or just two if you know you are not ready to be a parent.

3 Complete the following steps. Once you have made your selection, you must move fast to the following stage. If you decide to proceed with the pregnancy, you will want to schedule a prenatal appointment as soon as possible to ensure that everything goes smoothly. If you have decided to have an abortion, make a date for it as soon as possible.

  • Keep in mind that you may need to travel to a clinic and that certain jurisdictions have obligatory waiting periods before you may receive treatment. Take into consideration any financial requirements you might have in order to pay for the abortion. Consider continuing your pregnancy if you are not smoking, drinking, or using drugs; eating a healthy diet; and taking a prenatal vitamin containing folic acid, which is an important nutritional supplement for a developing baby. If you are not planning to continue your pregnancy, consider terminating it.

Find out what kind of birth control you will need in the future. Consider addressing your future birth control requirements with your healthcare practitioner or at your local family planning clinic during your next appointment, if you haven’t already. Investigate your alternatives online and consult with your doctor about the ones that may be the most appropriate for you.

  • After making the decision to have an abortion, you may be able to have an IUD (intrauterine device) implanted at the same time as the abortion operation. Consult your doctor for further information on this option. While it is effective in preventing pregnancy, it does not provide protection against sexually transmitted illnesses. Assuming you have an ongoing sexual relationship with someone, talk with them about the level of protection you’d both like to have.

Suggestions * Consider asking your doctor about a free ultrasound clinic in your neighborhood. They may be able to provide you with one, and if they are unable to, they should be able to direct you to where you can obtain one. On the internet, you can also find charitable organizations that provide free ultrasounds. Keep in mind, however, that most charities who provide this service are motivated by a pro-life goal and will be eager to persuade you to opt to continue with the pregnancy if you do.

If you are in a relationship with someone who ultimately decides to have an abortion, you will want to do everything in your power to support your girlfriend following the procedure.


I’m Niky, the passionate owner and curator of . With a keen eye for diverse interests and a heart for sharing knowledge, I’ve created a dynamic platform where readers can explore topics ranging from health and finance to pets and legal matters. As a dedicated writer and enthusiast, I’ve infuses each article with a unique blend of insight, conversation, and expertise, ensuring that every visitor to Niketrainers finds inspiration and valuable information. Join me on a journey of discovery and empowerment, where curiosity knows no bounds and learning is a lifelong adventure.

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