Why do I need a dog run? – Are Dog Run A Safe PLACE FOR YOUR DOG?


Dog runs are becoming more and more popular in urban areas, but why do I need a dog run? We can find them in every major housing estate. Often, catwalks are also created in larger city parks. What is a dog run? A dog run is a fenced area where dog owners can let their dogs run free and interact with other pets. The run becomes a meeting place for many dogs. Keepers are important because they offer what is often inaccessible to dogs, i.e., freedom, and they allegedly give the keepers moments of respite. And although conceptually, a dog run sounds great in its simplicity, unfortunately, dogs often cannot find themselves on the run because it is a place that hinders natural communication between pets. Recently, more and more is said about the harmfulness of running for dogs and the inept use of them. It’s worth taking a look at. It has been conceptually Keepers are important dogs.

Is a Dog Run a Good Idea for a Walk?

Walking is one of the basic needs of a dog. They provide the dog with the opportunity to explore the environment, making them feel safer and calmer. During the walk, the dog sniffs freely, which gives the animal a lot of satisfaction, it is a source of joy and information about the world around the dog. Each dog sniffs at its own pace and reacts differently to different odors. A specific smell may be treated by the dog as an ordinary source of information, but it can also disturb the dog or make it exceptionally interesting and raise its emotional level. Very often collecting scent information is enough for our dog to make a conscious decision that it does not want to have direct contact with another pet. And here the problem very often arises when it comes to staying in dog runs: dogs have a very limited decision-making power when staying in a closed area, which affects the dynamics of their behavior and interactions. There are definitely more emotions and more decisive behavior in our pets, which can contribute to the emergence of many conflicts.

What Happens to a Dog in a PADDOCK?  

  • Paradoxically, although created for dogs and their guardians, the runs are a place where our pupils often feel terrible.
    The paddock is a closed area that greatly limits distance manipulation, which dogs very often use in contacts with other pets. Increasing or decreasing the distance and the way they do it significantly affects your relationship with other dogs. Increasing the distance can ease the conflict, but if this is not possible, the tension between dogs can escalate quickly. Often the runs are too small for a large number of dogs to move freely on them and to communicate with other dogs in a controlled manner.
  • There is often confusion on the catwalk: a lot of dogs are running, there are emotions, agitation and decisive reactions. Often in a different setting, most dogs would choose to increase their distance, move away to ease the situation. There is no such possibility in a closed paddock, which significantly increases the level of stress in dogs and may cause conflict situations. Dogs, instead of moving away, are often forced to resolutely defend their borders, show their teeth in order to chase away an intruder who comes too close and violates our dog’s safety zone. Dogs by nature go out of their way to avoid conflicts with other pets. If they react differently, it is usually associated with a sense of threat and the need to defend themselves.
  • On the paddock, free exploration is practically impossible – the terrain is limited, the smells are very intense, often causing anxiety in the dog. Many dogs even have trouble walking into an empty enclosure because of the amount of odors left in one place by unfamiliar dogs. 
  • Dog handlers in the paddock are usually busy talking to other dog breeders, or passively watching wild animals play. They often become a resource that their dog begins to defend against other dogs as a last resort for rescue. Unfortunately, such behavior, here resulting from desperation and stress, is perceived as aggressive and condemned by dog ​​handlers.

Why is it better to avoid catwalks?

Behaviorists and dog trainers advise against visiting dog runs. Visits to the runs destroy the dog’s sense of security, as they negatively affect his sense of agency and decision-making.

  • Dogs feel trapped and lonely on the paddock, and their needs still remain unmet. In relationships with other dogs, the most important thing is their quality, not quantity, and unfortunately, dog runs are a place where we have no control over who and what dog comes and what happens there.
  • Visiting a dog’s paddock regularly contributes to stress levels in your dog and can have long-term negative effects on your dog’s behavior. The dog may become nervous, over-agitated, have trouble sleeping and calm down in the home. During walks, he usually starts to attract to all dogs, and he tries to communicate with them unskilfully. The dog can become more conflicting and impatient as he is stressed and lost in social situations.
  • The dog begins to break away from other dogs, barking and grinning and trying to distance them, because contacts with other pets are only associated with stress and discomfort.
  • The dog learns that the handler has no support and loses interest in him, and his basic need, i.e. the need to feel safe, will fall into ruins.

How to use the catwalks?

  • If you have already decided to go out with your dog to the run, do so at an hour when there are very few dogs and the best. if they are dogs that your pet knows and likes.
  • Dog runs are not a good place to socialize your dog. In the process of socialization, it is most important for the dog to feel comfortable in new and unfamiliar situations. Unfortunately, on the runway, with a large number of unfamiliar dogs, it is often not possible.
  • Dog pens are extremely difficult places, especially for anxiety dogs. Fear will most likely paralyze such a dog and his contacts with other dogs will be very difficult.
  • If, however, you have decided to visit a dog run, try to carefully observe what is happening on it. See if any dog ​​is harassing your pet and if such a situation occurs, react and try to help your dog.
  • Move around the paddock to signal to your dog that he may also be getting away from dogs that he may not like.
  • Do not bring toys or food to the runway. Even if your dog is ready to share them with other dogs, other quadrupeds may have a completely different approach to resources.
  • If, when approaching the dog run, you notice that your pet is over-stimulating, barking, jerking or trying to stop and withdraw, letting you know that he does not want to go in there, back off. Listen to what your dog is trying to communicate to you and remember that in dealing with other dogs he is right.
  • Visit the paddocks at unpopular times when you will be there alone with your dog, or possibly only in the company of pets that your dog knows and likes.

What instead of a runway?

Taking the dog to the run is a convenient option for the guardian, but it can be problematic for the dog itself. It is worth offering the dog a calmer walk, on a longer leash or line, during which the pet will have the opportunity to explore the surroundings at its own pace, make more informed decisions about possible contacts with other dogs or with the guardian. A more gentle walk, but with the possibility of sniffing and calmly analyzing stimuli from the environment, will give the dog more satisfaction and joy than many wild frolics with other pets. By the way, it is worth remembering that the olfactory work pleasantly tires the dog and will help to positively influence its calm and behavior at home.
Instead of visiting the paddock, you can offer your dog short exercises of commands or tricks that will surely please every four-legged friend and build a relationship with the handler. The training session does not have to last more than a few minutes, and it will tire the pooch anyway, because it will make him think and focus his attention on the guardian. By the way, which is extremely important, if we properly interact with our dog, we will not raise his emotional level and we will also help him calm down after exercise.

Town dog runs are usually small and overcrowded. They are not a pro-canine solution-it is even impossible to take care of your dog’s comfort when taking it on the run. Due to the extraordinary dynamics of canine relationships, the complex aspects of dog communication, and taking into account the basic needs of the dog, it is better to abandon visits to housing estates.

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