
Why do we get fat? A simple recipe for losing weight. Caloric deficit 

Why do we get fat? If you are healthy (very important !!!) but you are overweight or getting fat, the reason is probably very simple: you eat more calories than you burn.

If you want to lose weight, you need to supply your body with fewer calories during the day than you burn .

Every activity you do during the day is fueled by energy. You take in this energy in food. If you want to lose weight, the calories you eat and drink must be less than you burn. There is no other way. This is confirmed by numerous scientific studies .


If your body gets enough energy to function (working, walking, talking, exercising, lying down, thinking, etc.), it will accumulate any excess calories for later use. Mostly fat and a little bit in the muscles. He will want to use them in the future. If this is the case every day (more calories eaten than burned), you will gain weight. But if you eat less than your body needs, you will lose weight.

You eat what you want?

Research shows that from a weight loss standpoint, it doesn’t really matter what you eat.

However, we must remember that different foods have different effects on our hormones, metabolism, hunger and satiety. This, in turn, affects your caloric intake. The circle closes. So in the end, it’s also worth paying attention to your diet. For example, start eating porridge

It’s easier to gain weight than to lose weight.

Restricting food reduces our mobility, but unfortunately, overeating does not result in increased physical activity. So if we eat more, it doesn’t mean that we move more. But if we eat less, we move less (because we have less energy). This is why it is easier to gain weight than to lose weight.

On the other hand, we need more energy to exercise, so we eat more. However, if for some reason we move to a more sedentary lifestyle, it does not mean that we do not feel like eating. We often eat the same amount and therefore gain weight.

Research has shown that overweight people, although they lead a more sedentary lifestyle, use a similar amount of energy during the day as slim people. This is where their excess weight comes from.

Lose weight without dieting

Keeping track of the amount of calories eaten and burned is a very effective way to lose weight. You don’t have to pay for an expensive weight loss plan. Worry about a fancy diet. You don’t need to have a plan to lose weight. Just watch how much you eat and how much you move. Use common sense. It is easier than you think.

Eat smarter

Eating rationally You can find some simple tips here .

Start moving

Make movement into your life. Permanently. Not for a short time. Not for a few months. If you want to be slim, exercise must be your constant companion. I’m not saying that you should work out at the gym or fitness every day, but that you have to move regularly to burn calories. Of course, I mostly recommend running because it’s simple and cheap, but you can also choose another sport. If you want to start running from scratch, read our blog for how to get started. Also, start walking more. On the weekend, go for a walk, go to the next tram or bus stop, not the one closest to home.

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