What Toys Are Dangerous For Dogs? What dog toys do dogs like the most?

Dog toys; The safety of the four-legged dog is the most important thing for every dog ​​handler which makes it necessary to know What Toys Are Dangerous For your Dogs?. When choosing gadgets for furry pupils, you should pay special attention to whether the toys are really safe for them.

It is worth observing how our dog likes to play and properly select toys for him. Some dogs like to tear stuffed animals very much, others want to chew the toy quietly and for a long time. Sometimes a dog just likes to carry a favorite toy in its mouth and wants to take it for walks or sleep with it. Currently, there is a wide range of products on the market in pet supply stores, so we can choose the right toys for each dog.


When choosing toys for our four-legged friend, we should avoid those that have hard or plastic elements that the animal can tear off, break and swallow, e.g. stuck eyes in stuffed animals. You should also pay attention to what a stuffed plush toy is. Unfortunately, most often it is synthetic cotton wool, which some dogs like to try to eat. You can look for stuffed animals made of safe fabrics and filled with ecological sawdust.

Pay attention to the size of the toys. A ball that is too small can be swallowed by the dog and get stuck in the animal’s esophagus. A surgeon may be required to remove it. There is also a lot of talk about throwing your dog’s sticks as a rather risky practice. The dog chasing a flying stick is careless, it catches the object in the momentum. The stick can unfortunately dig into your dog’s palate or throat and hurt him enormously.

It is also worth paying attention to toys from a behavioral point of view – whether a given toy fulfills a specific role and allows the dog to develop various dog behaviors, whether playing with it relaxes our four-legged friend, whether the dog is not stressed by the sound the toy makes and whether the animal’s emotional level is too much it does not grow during such fun. It often happens that squeaking balls irritate the dog, but the animal cannot let go of controlling the object and constantly pressing or hiding the toy in the corner. Such obsessive interest in an object is rarely a sign of having fun or pleasant feelings associated with it.


Many dog ​​toys do not always meet European safety standards. It happens that they contain remains of heavy metals and if the animal chews and swallows pieces of it, it can end tragically.

Often the toys also have design flaws, so they do not withstand any more intense play – they are easily damaged and can become additionally dangerous if the dog swallows the broken pieces.

It is worth remembering that we will not find a toy that the dog will not be able to destroy sooner or later. When buying a safe product, we will be sure that our client is safe. Either way, we try to monitor the play of the dog, especially the young one. It is a good practice to simply supervise our four-legged friend during play to ensure his safety.


As mentioned earlier, first of all, you should pay attention to the age and preferences of your pet. Later, we select toys made of solid, safe materials. It is worth paying attention to whether the toy is certified by authority , which guarantees the use of safe materials and the correct construction of the toy. If the toy manufacturer has such a certificate, he will definitely show it on his website.

We monitor the dog’s play – if the animal starts tearing the toy apart, we look at it or swallow the broken parts. We can then offer the dog a natural teether so that he satisfies his need to tear and chew without hurting himself. Actively jerking off the dog with a toy – a jerker can also be a solution. The jerks are usually extremely durable and require the involvement of the caregiver in such play, which provides a certain amount of control over most aspects of safety. After the end of such play, we leave the dog with a natural teether to calm emotions, and hide the material squeegee.

It is worth paying attention to the emotional state of our dog when playing with a given toy so that no compulsive behavior beyond the dog’s control appears. If this is the case, consider whether it is due to unmet basic needs that the toy may help your dog replace, but is not always sufficient. It’s good to share these observations with a behaviorist so that play is one of the many ways a dog relieves his tensions and fulfills his needs, but not the only way.

The need to play, whether with a handler, another dog, or alone, can be extremely strong in a dog. It is good for the guardian to ensure that the pet can satisfy it, but never ignore the safety of his beloved pet. Safe toys for a dog are worth the money spent because the risk of using them is definitely lower and the pet usually has more fun just playing.

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