What are some of the benefits of adding oblique crunches to your exercise routine to Work Abs?

Are you tempted by the oblique crunch exercise for the abs ? Some fitness pros swear by it! This abs exercise is usually one of the first moves people try at the gym. lets get deep on What are some of the benefits of adding oblique crunches to your exercise routine?

Despite the apparent simplicity of the oblique crunch, this exercise actually requires a lot more technical skill than most people realize. Doing oblique crunches correctly can increase your core strength and spine flexibility, as well as slim down your waistline. In this article, discover everything you need to know about the oblique crunch!


Oblique crunch movement step by step

Before diving straight into oblique ab crunches, you may want to invest in a quality yoga mat or abdominal mat for added comfort and to protect your tailbone. Once you have a comfortable setup, follow these steps to perform perfect oblique crunches:

  • Lie on your back, face up: bend your knees so your feet are flat on the mat. Make sure your feet are firmly planted in the ground.
  • Place your hands over your ears, elbows facing out. Do not put your hands behind your head, as this may cause your neck to be tugged.
  • Engage your abs: To do this, take a deep breath and bring your belly button closer to your spine. Your core should be fully engaged before you begin your first rep.
  • Use your abdominal muscles to lift your back off the ground: your tailbone and hips should remain static. Only your bust twists so that your right elbow touches your left knee and vice versa. It can be helpful to think about lifting one vertebra at a time, rather than lifting your entire back at once.
  • Lower yourself to the starting position: With immense control, imagine yourself rolling one vertebra at a time, starting with your lower back. Don’t hit the ground. Once you’re lying on your back again, re-engage your abs to start another repetition. Repeat until you complete your set. Consider switching sides each set to work your oblique abdominals in the same way, or alternate during the same set.

The benefits of oblique crunches for abs

core strength

The obvious and primary benefit of oblique crunches is increased core strength. Sit-ups on either side work your oblique abdominal muscles, primarily to melt love handles. The oblique crunch also works your transverse abs , as well as the internal and external obliques, making it a well-balanced core exercise.

Stability and control

In addition to strengthening your abs, oblique crunches can help improve core stability and control. Core stability is important for daily activities and to prevent pain as you age.

For example, when you have a stable core, you’ll be better prepared to catch yourself if you stumble and start falling. Plus, the basic stability and control means you can easily complete everyday obligations, such as putting away groceries and rearranging furniture.

Spine flexibility

Doing oblique crunches correctly involves moving every vertebra in your spine. People with reduced mobility may find sit-ups difficult at first, as they may not be able to flex and extend the spine as required for the exercise.

With time and practice, however, oblique crunches can improve spinal flexibility and mobility, leading to all sorts of side benefits, including reduced back pain.

Reduced back pain

Since oblique ab crunches can help you build a strong core, they can help reduce or prevent back pain. Studies show that having a strong core is an essential part of keeping your back and spine healthy.

Weak abs can’t support your spine, and an unsupported spine can lead to poor posture and muscle soreness over time.

Some research suggests that core stabilization skills might be even more important than core strength, and oblique crunches tick that box as well.

Size refinement

The oblique abdo crunch is the essential exercise to obtain a wasp waist. Although it also works the rectus abdominis, the concentration of the bodybuilding is on the sides of the body for a refined waist through repetitions and training.

Doing the twists on both sides of your body can reduce love handles!

Mistakes not to make when doing oblique abs crunches

crane your neck

It is common for people to adopt a “head forward” posture while doing oblique abdominal crunches. This error is characterized by extending the neck forward and rounding the shoulders .

Straining your neck during sit-ups can cause pain and, at worst, can lead to muscle tension in your neck or upper back.

hit the ground

Beginners may inadvertently make a thud when lowering themselves during oblique ab crunches. This happens when you can’t control the lowering phase, either because your core is too weak or too tired.

Your lumbar (lower) spine won’t make contact with the ground at all, so your upper back will take all the impact. Not only does the thump hurt from the impact, but keeping your lumbar spine too bent throughout your sit-ups can cause lower back pain .

Raise the bust too much

The more you bring your torso closer to your legs, the more you engage your hip flexors . And that is the goal of Sit Ups. For oblique crunches, only the top of the bust lifts off the ground, the lower back remains in contact with the mat. This way you fully and only engage the abs.

block his breathing

The first few times you will tend to hold your breath while exercising. However, for your oblique crunch to be successful, you must take care to take good inspirations during the descent by opening your rib cage, then to exhale through your mouth during the recovery.

Variations of oblique abs crunches

If regular oblique ab crunches are too hard (or too easy), you can try one of these variations depending on your fitness level:

  • Bike crunches : This variation targets your obliques, the muscles on the sides of your torso. Start as if you were doing crunches, but as you curl up, point your left shoulder toward your right knee. On your next rep, point your right shoulder toward your left knee.
  • Oblique crunches with leg raises : to go further in this exercise, raise your legs to 90° on a chair. The twist of the bust will then be more difficult to execute, but you will work your abdominal obliques more deeply.
  • Star Crunches : This variation will force you to combine more upper and lower body straightening. Lying on your back, arms stretched above the head and legs also stretched, bring the right arm to the left ankle and vice versa.
  • Decline oblique crunches : To make oblique crunches more difficult, perform them on a decline bench. The pull of gravity makes it harder for your torso to bend. Use a decline bench with a brace so you can wrap your legs or hook your feet to stay stable.
  • Oblique crunches with weights : Holding a weight against your chest also makes oblique crunches more difficult. Make sure you do the twist on the ascent. Choose a weight that you can easily hold with two hands, such as a small kettlebell.
  • Heel or Foot Tap Crunch h: this variant of the oblique abs crunch will also work the waist and obliques in depth. The arms are extended on either side of the bust. Contract your abs and lift your head and upper back slightly off the floor, like a traditional crunch. Rotate your upper body to the right to touch your right ankle or foot with your fingers, then do the same on the left.

In summary: the oblique abs crunch

Oblique abdominal crunches are a very effective exercise for building muscle, but not only: you improve your stability, your strength and your muscular definition at the waist level.

Quite simple to perform in appearance, oblique crunches still require good concentration and a good form of execution of the movement in order to correctly solicit the muscles. So, ready to get started with oblique abs crunches?

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