What nutritional values ​​does sunflower have? Healing properties of an unusual flower

Sunflower is a plant that can impress with its appearance. However, few people know that it is a source of valuable nutrients, in particular vitamins and phytosterols, which are present in the seeds. The properties of sunflower have been appreciated for years. There are also many ideas for using it to treat various diseases.

The nutritional value of sunflower seeds determines its usefulness in terms of health. Individual parts of the plant lower cholesterol, protect against cancer and heart disease. In medicine, sunflower seeds or kernels are used, which are also known in the food industry.

The origin of the sunflower

The sunflower is a plant belonging to the species of Asteraceae. It reaches several dozen centimeters in height, and its large, yellow flowers catch the eye. It has over 70 different varieties that are not always just a garden decoration. Some even have a healing effect. In fact , medicine uses both grains (seeds) and seeds of this miraculous plant . The sunflower is an annual perennial, so if you want it to bring you a crop, you need to care for it properly.

Growing sunflower seeds is not very complicated. He likes the sun but hates the wind. He always directs his flowers, with photosensitive receptors, towards the rays, which is why it is called a plant heading towards the sun.

Sunflower – the nutritional values ​​of an unusual plant

As you already know, the nutritional value of sunflower seeds makes this beautiful plant more than just a garden decoration. Many valuable compounds are in the seeds. The seeds contain the highest content of phytosterols that have a healing effect. Their main task is to protect the human circulatory system and inhibit the development of atherosclerotic lesions . They also lower cholesterol, which builds up in the form of deposits in the blood vessels. Completely occluding the vessel’s lumen is one of the causes of strokes, congestion and other serious health problems. The healing properties of sunflower seeds are therefore invaluable, but you should not consume them in excess, because they are high in fat and are very caloric.

The same is true of sunflower seeds. The nutritional value here is mainly due to vitamins, amino acids and unsaturated fatty acids. In sunflower seeds you will also find elements important for humans – iron, zinc, potassium and calcium. Each of them is necessary for the proper functioning of the body.

Zinc deficiency causes anemia and predisposes to the formation of skin lesions. It also weakens our immune system. We can also have anemia due to insufficient iron levels. Potassium, in turn, is responsible for the condition of the body. Its deficiency will cost you fatigue, irritation and a depressed mood. Lack of calcium causes fragility of the skeletal system and muscle weakness. As you can see, they are essential to good health and well-being. The composition of sunflower seeds is similar to that of zucchini . The health properties of both plants are also similar.

What are the properties of shelled sunflower seeds or its seeds?

Contrary to appearances, sunflower is not only an ornamental plant. The ingredients it contains have a therapeutic effect, which is why the plant is eaten or used to prepare tasty dishes. Seeds and sunflower seeds can be added to yoghurts, porridges, dinner dishes and desserts. Consumed regularly, it will work:

  • to lower cholesterol in the blood – it is due to the above-mentioned phytosterols, which ensure that our blood vessels do not form deposits;
  • as an auxiliary in the treatment and prevention of anemia – it is especially troublesome for pregnant women;
  • slows down the aging process of the body – after all , sunflower seeds are rich in antioxidants that reduce the harmful effects of free radicals;
  • as protection against potential neoplastic processes – this is due to linoleic acid. It is highly effective in treating breast, lung and colon cancer. It can also be used in the treatment of prostate cancer;
  • for potency – there is a lot of vitamin E in sunflower seeds. It is called the fertility vitamin. Lack of vitamin E in the diet contributes to the deterioration of sperm quality. In this regard, sunflower has a similar effect to pumpkin . The properties of its seeds are the same.

Eating sunflower seeds can make a big difference to our health. However, we should remember to exercise moderation by including it in the diet.

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