Type 1 diabetes in children and adults – causes, symptoms and treatment

Type 1 diabetes is most common in children, adolescents and people under 30 years of age. See what the symptoms of this disease are.

Type 1 diabetes is associated with damage to the cells of the pancreas, which are responsible for the production of insulin, which is necessary for the maintenance of normal blood glucose levels. The disease mainly affects children and young people. In the treatment of type 1 diabetes mellitus, regular subcutaneous injections of insulin are used.

Type 1 diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease whose essence is abnormalities in the production of insulin. This type of disease affects approximately 10% of all diabetics. Most of all, children, adolescents and people under 30 years of age are ill, although there are few cases when the diagnosis is made at a later age. Type 1 diabetes mellitus was previously referred to as insulin-dependent diabetes or juvenile diabetes.

The causes of type 1 diabetes

The causes of type 1 diabetes are related to autoimmune processes that damage the cells of the pancreas that are responsible for the production of insulin. This is because the body produces antibodies that attack normal tissues for unknown reasons; this is believed to be related to genetic factors. As a result, there is a deficiency of insulin and thus a persistent high level of glucose in the blood .

Even though blood glucose levels are high, the body’s cells cannot take it up from the bloodstream (insulin is needed for this, which is insufficiently produced in type 1 diabetes). As a result, fats become the source of energy; their breakdown leads to the formation of ketone bodies and acidification of the blood. As a result, serious disorders may occur, such as ketoacidosis and keto coma .

Symptoms of type 1 diabetes

Most often , the first symptoms of type 1 diabetes appear around the age of 12 and get worse within just a few weeks. Belong to them:

  • increased thirst,
  • weight loss
  • excessive sleepiness,
  • frequent urination,
  • lack of energy and weakness,
  • greater susceptibility to infection,
  • decreased vision.

A sick person may also develop a characteristic symptom of type 1 diabetes, which is the smell of acetone from the mouth. It is quite unpleasant and looks like rotten apples. It is produced by burning fat instead of glucose.

Diabetes insurance

Make sure you have enough money to adapt to the new situation when diagnosed with diabetes. 

How do you recognize type 1 diabetes?

If you or your child develop symptoms of type 1 diabetes, you should see your GP. The diagnosis of the disease is based on laboratory tests. It is necessary to measure the level of fasting blood glucose in the blood serum and test the urine. You can also do the oral glucose tolerance test (so-called “sugar curve”), which involves drawing blood two hours after drinking the glucose solution.

How to Treat Type 1 Diabetes

Treatment of type 1 diabetes mellitus is aimed at maintaining normal blood glucose levels and reducing the risk of complications. All patients require a subcutaneous injection of insulin. This is done with the help of special insulin pens, syringes, or insulin pumps—devices for continuous drug administration, which significantly improve the quality of life. The dose and schedule of insulin therapy are selected individually for each patient. Treatment of type 1 diabetes is a life-long treatment.

Treatment of type 1 diabetes also involves engaging in moderate physical activity and following an appropriate diet that aims to reduce simple carbohydrates in meals and replace them with complex carbohydrates, fresh vegetables, whole grains, and dietary fiber. Diet in type 1 diabetes should be varied and properly balanced. When arranging it, it is worth using the help of a dietitian.

Self-monitoring is also very important in the treatment of type 1 diabetes. The patient should perform blood glucose self-measurements with a blood glucose meter. Regular periodic examinations and visits to the diabetes clinic are also necessary.

New methods of treating type 1 diabetes are being investigated all the time. They could make a significant contribution to improving the quality of life of patients with diabetes, and possibly also to full recovery. High hopes are associated with pancreatic cell transplantation and gene therapy.

Insurance and Type 1 Diabetes

Treatment of type 1 diabetes mellitus is often associated with high costs and the necessity of frequent examinations and medical visits. It is a disease that can happen to anyone, as there is no method of prevention. It is therefore worthwhile for you to think about providing yourself with support for this eventuality.

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