Toy poodle breeding. Where to buy the smallest poodle with a pedigree?

The smallest poodle of all is by far the Toy Poodle. The breeding of this breed is quite easy to find. However, you must remember to buy a dog only from proven sources and avoid pseudo-breeding

Small dogs like Toy Poodle are very often victims of pseudo-breeders. A type of puppy is sometimes difficult to distinguish from a purebred dog. Only with time the guardian realizes that he has fallen victim to a fraud. There is nothing wrong with having a dog without a pedigree, but it is worth paying only to honest breeders for a pet. We advise on how to recognize them. 

Toy poodle – a few words about the breed

Toy is the smallest variety of poodle . It is often confused with a miniature. The breeding of a miniature poodle is usually combined with the breeding of the toy variety. These dogs have the same proportions, but the Toy Poodle is slightly smaller.

The animal is not inferior in intelligence to its greater cousins. He is mobile, outgoing and loves to be the center of attention. Learns quickly and easily adapts to the lifestyle of the household members. However, it should not be deprived of movement. 

Toy poodle – breeding

Buying a purebred dog must be carefully considered. In the case of miniature breeds, the right choice of breeding is extremely important. Breeding small dogs without proper knowledge and conditions can result in numerous health problems. 

Poodles toy with pseudohodowli are exposed not only to heart disease and eye, but also stunted and too light bones. These are very dangerous problems that threaten their lives. 

Toy poodle breeding – what relationship?

According to Polish law, dogs and cats may only be sold if the kennel is registered in a kennel association . The amendment to the Animal Protection Act introduced a few years ago was aimed at eliminating pseudo-farming. 

Unfortunately, the law does not specify what relationship is meant by this term. This small inaccuracy has resulted in the emergence of various cynological associations that exist only on paper and are by no means credible. See also:Miniature bull terrier – a nice and demanding toddler. Get to know him closer!

The most important determinant of a good toy poodle breeding is its affiliation with the International Cynological Federation. In our country, the only organization that has the right to issue FCI pedigrees is the Polish Kennel Club (ZKwP) . Look for breeders associated with this association.

How to recognize a pseudo-breeding farm? 

What might you be dealing with a pseudo-breeder?

  • The kennel is not affiliated with the Polish Kennel Club;
  • the breeder claims that the pedigree is just a piece of paper;
  • the breeder does not agree to visit and watch the conditions in which the dogs live;
  • the breeder does not want to know under what conditions the dog will live with you;
  • the breeder does not want to present genetic tests of the dog’s parents or other ancestors;
  • the breeder does not answer your questions, avoids contact, he is only interested in money.

Features of a good breeder

How do you recognize a good breeder? It is primarily an open-minded person who is interested in the fate of their charges. He is not afraid to answer your questions, but he will also want to know what conditions you will provide for the purchased animal. 

In addition, in good breeding:

  • you will receive a dog’s birth certificate,
  • you will have access to the necessary genetic tests,
  • there will be no problem with visiting and learning about the fate of the dog’s ancestors,
  • the dog will grow up at home, surrounded by people,
  • the breeder may ask you to sign a contract and complete a survey. 

Toy poodle – breeding, price

Like all miniature dogs, this breed is also not cheap. The cost ranges anywhere between $1,200 and $2,000 for a miniature poodle. The kennels associated with the Polish Kennel Club offer prices in this range. 

The price depends on many factors, first of all the dog’s compliance with the standard and the title of his ancestors.

The toy poodle is an extremely cute and smart pooch. Unfortunately, like most miniature breeds, it is very vulnerable to pseudo-breeders. To avoid them, be sure to follow the advice listed above. Always verify the selected breeding farm and never buy a dog from an unproven source!