Tips for Starting Night Weaning: the most important information

Overnight weaning helps mother and baby fall asleep, but what is overnight weaning? What is the right time for overnight weaning? How do you start at night weaning?

What is night weaning?

Weaning at night means stopping the baby from breastfeeding during the night, and the baby stops waking up to night meals because baby gets his first meal on awakening, when baby is addicted to breastfeeding or artificial feeding, and he eats his last meal shortly before bedtime.

What is the right time for overnight weaning?

Some mothers may be wondering about the right time to wean at night? When your baby is six months old and starts to eat, you can gradually start weaning in babies who are breastfed, and discontinue overnight feeding in babies who are addicted to formula milk.

You should also consult your doctor before starting treatment, so that your child receives appropriate advice as in some cases your child will stop eating at night on their own.

Night weaning method

Overnight weaning is based on several things. Be sure to consider all of the following when you start applying it to your child:

1. Start gradually

Night weaning should be started gradually, shorter if breastfeeding and if dependent on formula milk – with less milk, keeping the intervals between meals and calming the baby until it goes back to sleep.

Avoid stopping breastfeeding abruptly at night, especially when your baby is breastfeeding, as stopping night-time breastfeeding suddenly causes the breasts to swell and increases the risk of infection. with mastitis , as well as a decrease in milk stocks

2. Feed your baby enough throughout the day

Make sure your baby gets enough meals throughout the day, as as your baby grows and becomes more active, he or she may want to avoid eating during the day and try to compensate for this at night, so be sure to feed him in a quiet, disturbance-free place.

3. Increase the number of meals in the evening

It is important to provide your baby with extra meals in the evening as this helps with night weaning as it reduces the possibility of your baby waking up at night to eat. You can also wake your baby up before going to bed and give him his last milk meal so he doesn’t wake him up later.

In some cases, your baby may cry for one or two nights when he starts night weaning before he gets used to it, and if the baby continues to cry for several consecutive nights, stop using night weaning and go back to your previous routine and try again within the next few nights. a week or two.

Tips for Starting Night Weaning

The following tips may help you to use night weaning correctly:

  • Ask your partner or another adult to calm your baby down when she wakes up at night and not respond immediately to baby’s movements.
  • Use a pacifier to soothe your baby when he wakes up. Using a pacifier reduces the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in children under one year of age.
  • Drain your breasts with a breast pump if you feel pain and need to empty your breast milk while your baby is breastfeeding.
  • Make sure you give your baby more physical attention during the day, such as hugging, touching, and paying attention
  • Avoid overnight weaning if the baby is sick and not gaining weight or the baby is experiencing a rapid growth.

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