Sinusitis – Symptoms and Treatment. How long does sinusites take to lose the smell?

Headaches in the paranasal area, a runny nose, and a stuffy nose are the most common symptoms of sinusitis. The main cause is infections, usually caused by allergies or a distorted nasal septum. During the visit, the ENT specialist may order surgery. Sinusitis – localization The disease develops most often in the maxillary sinus and ethmoid cells,…

Paranasal Sinus Inflammatory Disease: What is sinusitis – what are its causes and Treatment?

The paranasal sinuses are air cavities located inside the bones of the skull. A person has 4 pairs of sinuses: maxillary sinuses (located just behind the cheeks), frontal sinus, ethmoid sinuses, sphenoid sinus (the last two are located inside the skull, behind the nasal cavity). Each sinus connects to the nasal cavity so that the secretions…