
Schultz relaxation training – what are its effects?

Schultz training is an effective relaxation method that combines elements of yoga, self-hypnosis and meditation. It is addressed to both adults and children facing the problem of stress, anxiety, tension and hyperactivity.

Schultz autogenic training is a relaxing method that consists in achieving a state of complete relaxation and relaxation. It is based on meditation techniques, elements of hypnosis and yoga. The author of the training is the German psychiatrist and psychotherapist Johannes Schultz, who in 1932 developed a system of deep relaxation exercises aimed at influencing the nervous and muscular systems.

Schultz exercises and relaxation techniques

Schultz’s relaxation methods can be performed independently at home. Training does not require specialist knowledge or equipment. The Schultz method is a type of meditation that leads to complete silence. Above all, it teaches you how to calm down . A quiet and peaceful place is essential for a proper session.

Read on for tips on how to apply the Schultz relaxation method step by step:

  • Sit back and close your eyes.
  • Focus all your thoughts on yourself and what you are feeling right now.
  • Take a few deep breaths in and out to stabilize your breathing and heartbeat rhythm.
  • Repeat in your mind that you are filled with joy and happiness. You should feel the heat flow as you delve into your thoughts. If you have difficulties with quieting down, you can help yourself with classical or relaxing music, e.g. combined with the sounds of nature. A properly selected song will help cut away from negative emotions, stress and bring you into a state of relief.
  • Make a visualization of a place where you feel safe. Imagine that you are there and then try to focus on its details – objects, colors, sounds that you hear there.
  • Stay in a safe space with your thoughts until you feel relaxed and at ease.

The Schultz method is designed to relieve mental and physical tension. As the session progresses, you should feel your muscles all over your body relax.

Schultz relaxation – advantages

Schultz training is especially recommended for people exposed to long-term stress and tension. Relaxation methods allow you to achieve a state of relaxation , tranquility and peace of mind. Training is also used as one of the methods of treating neurosis and many mental disorders. The technique helps to get rid of anxiety and teaches you to take control of stress. Regular trainings allow you to learn about the possibilities of your own psyche, which we are able to fully control and skillfully respond to stressful situations

Increasing tension over time leads to neurosis, psychosomatic symptoms and even depression. We cannot forget about the most important thing – mental health is reflected in the physical condition of the body. Increasing and cumulative tension is very often one of the causes of developing diseases. By taking care of your mental health, you are taking care of the health of your body.

Schultz method relaxation – for whom?

Training with the Schultz method will work in the case of many diseases. The indications for this form of relaxation are:

  • peptic ulcer disease
  • an overactive thyroid gland
  • chronic health bronchial diseases,
  • circulatory disorders,
  • hypertension,
  • recurring problems with the digestive system,
  • organ and psychogenic neurosis,
  • hyperactivity,
  • insomnia,
  • neurological disorders,
  • hormonal problems,
  • problems with concentration and absorption of new information,
  • uncontrolled outbursts of aggression,
  • psychosomatic complaints.

It is recommended that you do a few breathing exercises before you start training. People who suffer from various diseases should also seek medical consultation in advance.

Autogenic Schultz training for children

Schultz training is one of the most effective relaxation methods used in working with children. It works well for both preschool children and school students. Schultz training is recommended for children who are physically hyperactive and for those who have problems with relaxation and rest.

The aim of the method is to achieve inner calmness, peace and complete relaxation. In the case of children, Schultz training can be modified and guided by an adult. Relaxation should be done lying down. It is very important that the child is in a quiet room and is not distracted by various sounds.

In the case of young children, Schultz’s training can be carried out through a fairy tale with which the child can identify. It is very important that the story is structurally ordered. Building tension should not be forgotten either. The fairy tale should end positively so that the child, identifying with the protagonist, feels relieved and calms down. In addition, the story must refer to the real world and touch the real problems that the toddler faces in everyday life. A relaxation fairy tale cannot contain elements of magic.

The effects of autogenic Schultz training

The first effects of training should appear after a few weeks of regular daily sessions. As time goes on, you will see more and more good points about this method.

What effects can you expect?

  • The ability to relax and calm down at all times.
  • Reduce tension and stress.
  • Release accumulated negative energy.
  • Improving concentration and absorbing new information faster.
  • Long and effective sleep.
  • Improve your well-being.
  • Increase your self-esteem.
  • Muscle tension reduction.

Schultz training brings a number of benefits for the body and psyche. It allows you to fully relax and fully understand your emotions. This method is an excellent alternative to full meditation

Contraindications for Schultz training

Schultz training cannot be performed in people with autism, patients taking psychotropic drugs or with mental disorders. It should also not be performed when you are infected or have a fever. If you have doubts about your health and how to safely use the training in adults and children, consult your doctor.

Schultz Training FAQ

What is autogenic relaxation technique?

Autogenic refers to something that originates within the individual. The goal of this relaxation technique is to reduce stress through the use of visual imagery and body awareness. It is possible to relax and reduce muscle tension by mentally repeating words or suggestions that may be beneficial.

How many stages are there in autogenic training?

There are six fundamental steps that are taught in a series of sessions, one step at a time. Sessions always begin with step one and progress through the steps in sequence, with the most recent step being added at the end of practice. Rather than attempting to force a particular sensation to occur, the goal of the activity is passivity and observation.

Is autogenic training safe?

Autogenic training (AT) is considered to be safe for the majority of people. Before beginning an AT program, consult with your doctor to have a physical exam performed and to discuss the physiological effects that AT may have on you. If you have a serious disease, such as diabetes or a heart condition, you should only learn and use AT under the supervision of your doctor or other healthcare professional.

How do you do progressive relaxation?

This can be accomplished by sucking your stomach in, pressing harder, and holding the tension before releasing the tension.

What is the best relaxation technique?

Six relaxation techniques to help you relax and unwind.

  • Concentrate on your breathing. This straightforward but effective technique
  • you take several long, slow, deep breaths (also known as a sigh of relief)
  • abdominal breathing (also known as belly breathing)….
  • a full body scan…
  • The use of guided imagery….
  • Mindfulness meditation is a technique that…
  • Yoga, tai chi, and qigong are all forms of energy work.
  • Prayer that is repeated.

What relaxation technique is most likely to involve the use of mantra?

Visualization is the relaxation technique that is most likely to be used in conjunction with the practice of Mantra. It is possible to provide and understand the internal values of life through the use of a variety of different types of images through the use of visualisation. For humans, it also has the added benefit of increasing their ability to concentrate.

What is the difference between relaxation and meditation?

To sum it up, meditation is a journey of discovery into how the mind works and how to collaborate with it. Rest and relaxation, on the other hand, are about unwinding and letting go of tensions and anxieties of the day. Relaxation techniques are used by people in order to relieve stress that has accumulated over time.

What reduces stress during autogenic relaxation?

Deep breathing should be practiced.

Stress hormones cause physical symptoms such as a faster heartbeat, shallower breathing, and constricted blood vessels to occur during this reaction. Deep breathing exercises may aid in the activation of your parasympathetic nervous system, which is in charge of controlling your relaxing response.

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