Runny nose: How do you get rid of a cold and runny nose quickly?

Here is a set of treatments for the common cold and runny nose, but you should know that these treatments do not cure the disease permanently, but rather relieve symptoms and help the patient cope with it.

Treatment of colds and runny nose: medical treatment

Medications for the treatment of colds and runny nose include:

1. Antihistamines

These medications help soothe the runny nose and sneezing that come with a cold. These drugs are sometimes combined with other drugs and are sold over the counter.

2. Decongestants

These drugs relieve congestion associated with the common cold and come in oral pharmaceutical forms and others as aerosols.

3. Nasal steroids

These sprays relieve a runny nose in addition to sinus pressure that may be associated with the common cold, and it is advisable that they are also used to treat seasonal allergies.

4. Other medications

Other medications can be used to treat the common cold and runny nose when they are accompanied by other symptoms. belong to them:

  • Pain relievers and antipyretics: to relieve physical fatigue and exhaustion, as well as high temperatures .
  • Antitussive drugs: they work to get rid of coughs.
  • Expectorant: Used to soften hard phlegm to help it come out of the mouth or nose.

Treatment of colds and runny nose: home remedies

The most famous home remedies for treating colds and runny nose include the following:

  1. Effective methods

These methods include:

Avoiding consuming caffeine sources and increasing your fluids, including:

  1. water.
  2. fresh juices.
  3. Soups, the most important of which is broth.
  4. Warm lemon juice with honey.
  5. Warm tea with pieces of ginger.
  6. Milk.
  • take a break

It helps the body to recover.

  • The use of saline

It is sold over the counter in pharmacies as nasal drops or a spray to relieve nasal congestion caused by a cold.

  • Putting the humidifier into operation

To relieve a stuffy nose.

2. Methods of uncertain effectiveness

It includes the following, but these methods still require research:

  1. Vitamin C
  2. Echinacea.
  3. zinc;

The effectiveness of antibiotics in the treatment of colds and runny nose

Antibiotics fight pathogenic bacteria, and since the common cold is caused by a viral infection, it does not respond to these medications.

In addition, it increases the likelihood of antibiotic resistance, making it ineffective when used repeatedly to treat a bacterial infection.

Ways to prevent colds and runny nose

The most important methods of preventing colds and runny nose include:

  1. Hand washing

Frequent hand washing is one of the most important methods of preventing colds, and it is recommended to use soap and water when available, but if not available, use an antibacterial gel or spray to sterilize your hands.

  1. eat milk

This is because it contains beneficial bacteria that help keep the body healthy, and these bacteria can also be obtained from dietary supplements (probiotic).

  1. Stay away from people with colds

If you must come into contact with someone who has a cold, wash your hands well afterwards.

  1. Covering mouth and nose when sneezing and coughing

This is to avoid spreading the infection to other people during a cold, and in the absence of tissues, it is imperative to sneeze and cough inside the facility, and you should stay away from congregations to avoid spreading the infection to these people. including.

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