
Rhodes scholarship program for U.S. Citizen

A Rhodes Scholarship allows students to study for two years at Oxford University, with all tuition expenses paid and a stipend supplied. Thirty-two American Rhodes Scholars are chosen from around the country to attend Oxford and pursue a programme of study of their choice; students may earn a master’s degree or a second bachelor’s degree.

The ability to lead and the energy to use their talents to their full potential are the first qualities required of applicants. They must also demonstrate integrity of character, interest in and respect for their fellow beings, leadership ability, and the energy to use their talents to their full potential. The Rhodes Scholarship program seeks out individuals who have demonstrated exceptional leadership abilities. Visit the Rhodes website for further details.

Selection Criteria

“A Rhodes Scholarship requires a high level of character as well as intelligence.” “I hope that the Scholar would come to see the fulfillment of public obligations as the highest goal,” Cecil Rhodes stated. Academic ability and achievements, courage and strength of character, leadership ability, unselfishness, interest in one’s contemporaries, and physical energy are among the traits sought by Selection Committees. Race, religion, and financial necessity are not considered.


During the application process:

An applicant must be a U.S. citizen; a pending citizenship application does not qualify a person to apply.
By October 1, 2022, a candidate must be at least 18 but not yet 24 years old.
An applicant must have progressed far enough in their studies to guarantee completion of a bachelor’s degree before October 1, 2023.
The Rhodes Trust believes that an applicant should have the academic background and accomplishments to be accepted into top graduate programs in the United States or the United Kingdom.
A GPA of 3.9 or higher is strongly recommended, however it is not stated explicitly.

Studying Period

Scholars may read for the Oxford B.A. in any of the Final Honour Schools with the consent of their colleges, or they may be admitted, if qualified by previous training, to read for a higher degree such as the B.Phil., M.Phil., M.Litt., M.Sc. by Research, or D.Phil. with the consent of their colleges and the relevant faculty. Two-year programs must be included in all bids. Please see the Rhodes website for a list of degree programs that are qualified.

Points to Consider

All GW Rhodes nominees are also eligible for the George Washington University J.B. and Maurice C. Shapiro University of Oxford Scholarship.


A Rhodes Scholarship stipend consists of all tuition fees (such as matriculation, tuition, laboratory fees, and certain other set charges) paid directly to the Scholar’s college, plus a maintenance allowance of not less than 735 pounds per month paid directly to the Scholar in installments during the Scholarship term. Even if a Rhodes Scholar marries, the expenditures of the spouse are not covered.


The Rhodes Trust’s guidelines to prospective applicants and nominated universities have recently undergone a significant revision.

All applicants must include the following statement at the end of their personal statement and before their signature beginning with the 2014 application cycle:

“I certify that this personal statement is my original work and is completely accurate. It, like any previous draft, has not been edited by anyone other than me, and no one else has reviewed it to provide me recommendations for improvement. Any such editing or review, I realize, will invalidate my application.”

Similarly, all nominating officials must affirm:

“In relation to applications for the Rhodes Scholarship, I am familiar with [name of institution’s] institutional norms. [Name of Institution] has offered no editorial evaluation of the applicant’s [or applicant’s name] personal statement to the best of my knowledge and belief.”

As a result, GW’s Rhodes Scholarship Endorsement Process has been updated to avoid any potential issues with the Rhodes Scholarship’s recent revisions.

The GW Endorsement Process consists of the following steps:

All students seeking GW endorsement for the Rhodes, Marshall, or Mitchell Scholarship programs must complete a pre-application questionnaire and submit it to the Center for Undergraduate Fellowships and Research. Applicants for GW endorsement will receive advise and support from fellowships center employees if they complete that form. By May 9, 2022, prospective applicants must have completed the required pre-application questionnaire. Through CUFR’s InfoReady portal, you can access the pre-application questionnaire.

Prospective Rhodes Scholarship applicants must prepare a Marshall Scholarship application and submit drafts of Marshall essays no later than June 10, 2022, because we can no longer provide guidance and feedback on your Rhodes personal statement.

No later than August 19, 2022, complete applications must be submitted to the GW Nomination Committee for assessment.

Endorsement Interviews at GW

The GW Rhodes, Marshall, and Mitchell nominating committee will contact selected GW students and alumni who submit complete applications to express their interest in being interviewed. The interviews will take place in the second half of September.

The Center for Undergraduate Fellowships and Research has more information and support materials (application timelines and checklists, information for recommenders, and so on).

Rhodes Scholar FAQ

What it means to be a Rhodes Scholar?

a recipient of one of Cecil J. Rhodes’ various scholarships, which can be used for two or three years at Oxford University and are open to candidates from the Commonwealth of Nations and the United States.

How many people get the Rhodes Scholar?

The Rhodes Scholarships are the world’s oldest and most prestigious foreign fellowships. Each year, 32 young Americans are chosen as Rhodes Scholars through a decentralized process that includes representatives from all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the United States territories.

How many presidents were Rhodes Scholars?

There are 247 Rhodes Scholars among Yale’s successful graduates, as well as 61 Nobel laureates, 31 living billionaires, five US presidents, 19 Supreme Court Justices, and many other political figures.

What is a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford?

The Rhodes Scholarship provides an annual income in addition to covering Oxford University (and College) costs. Scholars will receive a stipend of £17,310 per year (£1,442.50 per month) for the 2021/22 academic year, from which they will cover all living expenses, including housing.

What GPA do you need to be a Rhodes scholar?

Your GPA must be at least 3.70, and an authentic transcript from your institution or university must be provided. A birth certificate, passport, or other government-issued documentation will be required as proof of age and nationality.

How prestigious is Rhodes Scholarship?

The Rhodes Scholarship is a postgraduate prize given to international students who wish to study at the University of Oxford. It is the world’s oldest graduate scholarship, having been established in 1903. It is regarded as one of the world’s most distinguished international scholarship programs.

How hard is it to get Rhodes Scholarship?

Globally, the selection rate is much more competitive, with figures as low as 0.7 percent reported. As a result, the Rhodes Scholarship is one of the most prestigious in the world.

Who was the first black Rhodes scholar?

Locke Alain
Alain Locke, a long-serving Howard professor and dean, was the first African-American to receive the Rhodes Scholarship three years after it was established.

How much money did Cecil Rhodes give to Oxford?

The placard, according to campaigners, “trivializes the agony and suffering Rhodes caused.” Rhodes, a 19th-century merchant and politician from southern Africa, was a student at Oriel and left the college with £100,000 (about £12.5 million in today’s money).

Do all Rhodes Scholars go to Oxford?

Every year, 32 American scholars are among the more than 100 Rhodes Scholars from around the world who attend Oxford University to pursue degrees. In 1904, the first Rhodes Scholars from the United States were admitted to the University of Oxford.

Who is the only president to receive a Rhodes Scholarship?

Bill Clinton was elected as the 42nd President of the United States in 1992 and served from 1993 to 2001. He is the only US President to have received a Rhodes Scholarship to date.

Is Rhodes Scholarship for Phd?

The Rhodes scholarship is a prominent fully-funded scheme for graduate students wishing to study at Oxford University, which is renowned worldwide.

How many Rhodes Scholars are there in Canada each year?

There are 11 Rhodes Scholarships available.
In Canada, up to 11 Rhodes Scholarships are awarded each year, with two in the Maritime Region (New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island).

Who is eligible for a Rhodes Scholarship?

An applicant must be a United States citizen or have lived in the United States as a lawful permanent resident for at least five years before applying. By October 1 of the application year, an applicant must be between the ages of 18 and 24.

How does one become a Rhodes scholar?

Applicants must also have earned or be about to complete an undergraduate degree with a GPA of 3.70 or better from a college or university. Students must submit an official transcript, a full CV, five to eight letters of recommendation, and a personal statement of no more than 1,000 words as part of their application.

How do you win Rhodes?

Candidates must be nominated by their university, approved by their state Rhodes committee, pass muster at a cocktail party, interview on the state level, and then survive a second cocktail party and interview on the regional level to be one of the lucky 32 scholars selected nationwide each December.

What’s the difference between a Rhodes Scholar and a Fulbright Scholar?

While applicants must receive university approval for the Rhodes scholarship, the Fulbright Program requires Stanford to advance all applications. “The Rhodes has no institutional limits or quotas, but it strongly urges schools to carefully analyze candidates before endorsing them,” says the statement.

What did Cecil Rhodes do to Africa?

Rhodes was an imperialist, businessman, and politician who dominated southern Africa in the late 1800s, causing enormous swaths of land to be annexated. He founded the De Beers diamond company, which dominated the global diamond trade until recently.


GW Endorsement Application: By Monday, May 9, 2022, all students seeking endorsement for the Rhodes, Marshall, and Mitchell contests must have completed their pre-application questionnaires.

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