Physical activity – what is it? What does it give?

What exactly is physical activity? Why is it worth using exercise and favorite activity to stay in good physical shape?

Physical activity and health are related. The human body is designed for physical activity, and load tolerance during exercise is one of the most popular diagnostic methods in cardiology. A sedentary lifestyle may increase the risk of many diseases typical of our civilization, incl. cardiovascular diseases and obesity. The constant lack of physical activity causes a general deterioration of the body’s efficiency, has a negative impact on the efficiency of metabolism and a number of other processes taking place in the body. Modern lifestyle makes most people move too little. There are many nice ways to intensify your regular physical activity, typical sports activity is not enough. It is worth knowing that, regardless of age,

What is physical activity?

Physical activity, or physical activity, is the range of activities that everyone has to deal with in everyday life. Exercise, on the other hand, is the ability to tolerate the exertion that an activity causes. It allows you to determine the level of fitness and the degree of cardiac fitness of each person. 

Deteriorating endurance, causing problems with quick regeneration after exercise and the feeling of rapidly increasing fatigue even during light activity, indicates a disease that limits the ability to be physically active. This can lead to health damage and other undesirable events. Protect yourself against the financial consequences of such situations with life insurance in the basic version or with extras that provide even more support. But prophylactically, it is worth trying to gradually increase physical activity, so it is worth trying to

The general answer to the question of what is physical activity is actually limited to the following definition: it is the movement of the body caused by contractions of skeletal muscles, during which energy consumption exceeds the so-called resting energy level, i.e. we use more calories than while sleeping or watching TV. Physical activity can be defined as physical activity related to mobility, such as walking or climbing stairs, activities related to household chores, and sports and recreational physical activities such as playing football or dancing. 

Physical activity coefficient

In the theory related to the physiology of nutrition, special parameters are used to determine the energy expenditure of the body and the overall ratio of physical activity. On their basis, it is possible to estimate the energy demand in kcal. In this way, the intensity of physical activity and the caloric content of the diet are matched to the goal that is intended to be achieved. The most important factors are:

  • PPM (Basic Metabolism) – measured in kcal, determines the amount of energy that the body must use for basic life activity to maintain the functioning of all organs, systems and vital functions. The value is most often given in kcal / kg body weight / day.
  • CPM (Total Metabolic Rate) – a value specifying the daily consumption of calories, taking into account the so-called Specifically, Dynamic Food Action (SDDP) and daily physical activity. The calculations are based on the results of measurements from activity monitoring devices, such as popular sports watches or wristbands. 
  • Physical activity coefficient – which is determined as the ratio of CPM to PPM. It is used to classify the physical activity of people, ranging from extremely inactive people with reduced mobility, to manual workers and high-performance athletes.

What does physical activity do?

Physical activity is not only a tool to fight obesity. Being in good shape significantly increases self-esteem, efficiency, and overall mental health. Research shows that physically active societies achieve a higher life expectancy. Although accidents occur during intense play and exercise (against the effects of which children can be protected, for example with a dedicated child insurance policy), building a form and sports way of thinking among the youngest brings many benefits in later years. Good health is also a huge capital in adulthood and in senior years. People who care about their condition can enjoy an independent life for longer without disturbing and limiting their activity. Just in case, it is, of course, worth taking advantage of the popular accident insurance but, as the saying goes, the worst accidents still happen at home.

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