Pain in the neck: Treatment, causes, what does it mean and how do you prevent Neck pain?

Penetrating Pain in the neck can occur for many reasons. Sometimes it is short-lived and results from improper or sudden head movement. In other cases, it may indicate serious medical conditions. If neck pain lasts longer than you expect, please consult your primary care physician. The keys to treatment are pharmacology and physiotherapy. The most severe cases of pain in the neck may require the intervention of a surgeon.

Neck pain – what does it mean?

The neck is an extremely important part of our body. Not only is it a structure to maintain the correct position of the head, which allows freedom of movement, but also houses many key organs and glands – the larynx, thyroid and trachea . These are many excuses for the appearance of neck pain. In addition, it is worth noting that this is where the connection of the shoulder girdle and the thoracic section with the head is located.

Neck pain has many causes, and therefore it is also felt in different parts and in different ways. If it comes from the cervical vertebrae, it is accompanied by numbness and often stiffness. Neck pain of a neurological or orthopedic origin is exacerbated by turning and moving the head sideways. In turn, neck pain resulting from ENT or dental ailments judges sharp and throbbing.

Neck pain – causes

Depending on where the pain occurs exactly, there are different causes.

The neck pain in the back will most likely be related to the cervical spine. The specific ailment and its nature will be identifiable after the examination. This type of neck pain, or rather the nape, can be related to:

  1. trauma, infection or inflammation of the cervical spine,
  2. degenerative changes ,
  3. posture defect and related diseases – scoliosis , lordosis and kyphosis ,
  4. neck discopathy ,
  5. torticollis ,
  6. hernia of the nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral disc in the cervical segment, and consequently pressure on the nerves – the probability of neck pain increases with age, and also in the case of frequent lifting of heavy objects,
  7. fibromyalgia ,
  8. rheumatoid arthritis ,
  9. stenosis , i.e. narrowing of the space of the spine in the cervical section as a result of degenerative changes, here also there is pressure on the nerves,
  10. breaking the continuity of a ligament or bone in the cervical spine as a consequence of an injury,
  11. neoplastic changes.

In addition, neck pain may be related to muscle problems. It is mainly about:

  1. muscle overload,
  2. excessive and abnormal tension of the neck muscles associated with maintaining one head position in an incorrect and long-term position, e.g. when working at a desk or while sleeping,
  3. tearing or stretching of the trapezius muscle – hence the pain in the neck, which promotes the shoulder,
  4. muscle contraction or strain
  5. stress overload of the neck muscles,
  6. lack of or low physical activity.

The most common neurological causes of neck pain include:

  1. compression of the cervical nerves of various origins, usually accompanied by tingling, numbness and weakness – there may be pain radiating to the arm,
  2. excessive stress, which causes the muscles to tighten – it is therefore nerve pain in the neck,
  3. meningitis _
  4. facial trigeminal neuralgia.

Interestingly, side neck pain can be a harbinger of dental problems. This applies, inter alia, to people who have recently had a tooth extraction or root canal treatmentNeck pain radiating into the ear can mean inflammation and can even lead to inflammation of the lymph nodes . On the other hand, when there is pain in the front of the neck, it may be inflammation of the throat, ear, larynx or mouth. It is possible that acute thyroiditis may be responsible for the pain in the neck. In this case, the feeling of pain can even be felt around the throat or ear.


Before we start looking for serious and health-threatening causes of neck pain, let’s consider whether we have recently been exposed to trauma. It happens that neck pain appears as a result of too vigorous head movement. In addition, neck pain from diaper changes is also common. In such cases, the symptoms should disappear after a few days. However, if they persist or worsen, see a doctor.

Neck pain – which doctor to see?

Treatment for neck pain depends on its cause. You should go to a specialist when home remedies do not work and the pain lasts a long time. Chronic neck pain is said to last for more than 3 months. However, it is better to come to the doctor earlier.

The first thing you need to do is see your GP (family medicine doctor). He will interview you about your neck pain – ask about the specific area where the patient is in pain, as well as the nature of the work, recent treatments, injuries and recent illnesses. Basic research will complete the medical interview. It happens that in the case of neck pain, the first contact doctor will order an X-ray of the spine , which will significantly speed up the diagnosis by a specialist.

Once the doctor has some knowledge and initial diagnosis, he will refer the patient to a specialist doctor. Neck pain may be related to orthopedic or neurological problems, therefore appropriate physicians will be an orthopedic surgeon, neurologist, or neurosurgeon.

A visit to the orthopedist when the patient experiences neck pain may be related to degeneration or injuries of the cervical spine. An orthopedic doctor will recommend X-ray, CT , ultrasound or magnetic resonance imaging for neck pain . Treatment will be based on pharmacological measures, conservative methods and possibly rehabilitation or physiotherapy. In the most severe cases, neck pain and the associated health problem may lead to surgery.

When it comes to neck pain, a neurologist will investigate conditions that occur within the central or peripheral nervous system. Often it will be a third-contact doctor, when the orthopedic surgeon does not detect any abnormalities in his field despite the indications. Neck pain may be a symptom of orthopedic diseases that have caused neurological ailments. These include cervical discopathy and pressure on nerve structures.

The neurologist will recommend a drug therapy based on painkillers, neuromodulators and anti-inflammatory drugs to regenerate deformed nerves. Neck pain due to nerve damage also qualifies the patient for physiotherapy and rehabilitation treatments. In the most severe cases, when neck pain is a symptom of severe nerve deformity, consultation with a neurosurgeon and neurosurgery will be the solution.

A dentist or otolaryngologist, a doctor who deals with diseases of the head and skull organs, may also be a suitable specialist for neck pain.

Neck pain – what can I do to prevent it?

There are simple methods that can delay or prevent neck pain of various origins – from orthopedic to neurological to ENT. So what is worth doing?

  1. In the case of frequent and long work at the computer, it is worth doing gymnastic exercises of the neck – twist it and bend it to the sides. For cramps associated with neck pain, it is important to stretch the muscles in your neck.
  2. Maintain an appropriate posture while sitting for long periods of work in front of the computer. The lower back should be supported and the monitor should be at eye level.
  3. Massage the trapezius muscles. It’s a good idea to see a professional masseur, but also rubbing the muscles yourself can stop your neck pain.
  4. Sleep on a profiled, comfortable pillow that will allow the neck to be properly positioned.
  5. Quit smoking cigarettes.
  6. Take care of the hygiene of using smartphones.
  7. Take care to cover the neck on windy days, avoiding drafts.

Are you seeing disturbing symptoms? Analyze them yourself in the medical questionnaire and decide whether to go to the doctor.

Neck pain – home remedies

Neck pain at its first symptoms can be treated on its own. Chronic, however, should be reported to the doctor. It is worth supporting the pharmacological and physiotherapeutic treatment of neck pain with home remedies.

A good example is putting an ice pack in place of neck pain. It is best to do this 3 times a day for 15 minutes. In addition, a warm bath or a warm shower will help to relax your muscles.

Herbs can also help to soothe and relieve neck pain. On the one hand, they work well as infusions for soothing compresses. For neck pain, you can use rosemary , comfrey or mint , which are known for their relaxing and analgesic properties. The infusion should be brewed according to the recipe, pouring boiling water over it, and after gently cooling it, soak in gauze. Place the compress in the place of the neck pain and hold for a quarter of an hour. Before that, however, a doctor should be consulted whether a given ailment does not preclude the use of warm compresses.

When he has neck pain, it is also often recommended to drink a viburnum drink. For preparation, you need 2 tablespoons of viburnum bark and 2 glasses of water. They should be boiled together (let them cook for 5 minutes), then cooled and drained. Such a drink should be drunk 2-3 times a day. Its relaxing and relaxing properties will help relieve neck pain.

Isometric exercises that reduce tension in the muscles of the neck and shoulders and strengthen these parts are also important. What exercise to do for neck pain?

  1. When sitting in a chair with your back straight, make side-to-side movements with your neck. When you put your head straight ahead, stop the movement for one second. Repeat this exercise 10 times on each side.
  2. Erect and standing posture. You should alternately tilt your head and pull it towards the shoulder as tightly as possible. Pause the movement for 2-3 seconds.
  3. The starting position for this exercise for neck pain is a propped kneeling position. Extend one arm at the elbow and lift it to the side. Then turn your head towards your hand and hold it. A weight can be used. Repeat the exercise 15 times.
  4. Another suggestion is self-massage with a towel. The towel should be rolled up, grabbed at both ends and placed in the middle of the nape of the neck. Relax your muscles and breathe deeply. Then, tilt your head back, making a slight resistance to the stretched towel, and twist it alternately from side to side so that the neck gently rubs against the towel. The exercise should be repeated 10 times per side.

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