
Overweight Jogging: How to run with excess weight.

What to do if you have a little too many pounds? Can you start running with excess weight?

Theoretically, yes, you can run with excess weight. It just depends on what. Because if you have more than 20 kg to lose, don’t jump right into running. You need to prepare your body for exercise. Your overweight is probably due to too little physical activity, and you cannot put your body into a very high speed right away. Give him a moment to adjust.

Why? Because if you start running very overweight, then:

→ you will have a very high heart rate right away, which is not good for your body,

→ you will put a lot (too much) on your joints and bones.

So start with the massage. At least every other day and preferably every day. Jeff Galloway, a great advocate of run-walk-run, has a great recipe for the walk-to-run transition. Read how to make the transition from walking to running . This is a great option for people with zero fitness and for beginner runners. I really recommend it!

What to remember if you start jogging and are overweight?

Run or walk around nicely. Choose a cool place or wear headphones with a great book or podcast. Don’t spit your lungs out. But also, do not walk at a snail’s pace; let it be a brisk stroll. This is the only way to burn calories. Your heart rate must go up, you need to feel energetic, be tired, but don’t go crazy, don’t pant. You need to be able to speak in short sentences.

  • Dress lightly . There is a myth that in order to burn more calories, you have to dress “too warm” because then you sweat more and burn more. It does not work like that. Clothing that is too warm will make you feel uncomfortable and may overheat. Overheating = dehydration. So do not be foolish, but dress very lightly for running.

Here’s an article on how to dress for jogging.

  • Food. Running alone is not enough to lose weight. Just like for weight loss, dieting alone is not enough. If you are overweight, you probably have bad eating habits. Remember that your daily calorie balance must be low. So you have to burn more calories than you eat. Read about what a caloric deficit is and how to get it. I am 46 years old, weigh 60 kg, and burn around 1600 calories during the day (I have a sedentary job). So little! Of course, I’m talking about a day without physical activity. So if I want to eat cake or ice cream, I have to go jogging or walking. You can read more about food here.
  • Don’t be shy. Turn off the critic you have in mind. The other runners may have been fatter at one time. The runners are very nice, and they are rather happy to see more people going for a run. I don’t think you should deal with negative reactions from other runners. However, unfortunately, sometimes the gentlemen sitting on the bench (with a beer) comment. I see it still, though less and less. It makes me laugh because I believe that the man sitting on the bench has no right to judge me if he does not move himself. So I completely ignore him.
  • Do some basic research . Visit your primary care physician, perform periodic tests, including laboratory and EKG tests. The doctor may (but does not have to) recommend a consultation with a cardiologist. Remember, however, that in accordance with the recommendations of the European Society of Cardiology on the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, healthy people are recommended 2.5-5 hours a week of moderately intense aerobic exercise, because such activity prolongs life.
  • Expect it to hurt a little. The legs are unaccustomed to the effort. The heart will be surprised that it has to work faster. You may get colic. Read about how to deal with colic in this article. The day after training, you can wake up with sourdough. It’s nothing. I guarantee it will all pass. Every novice runner struggles with this. If you are in zero condition and start running, you need to give your body a little time to get used to it.

But if you feel unwell or your heart rate is too high while running / walking, slow down or even stop. Remember not to overdo it.

It’s best to go to the first training today !!!

And there’s really nothing to be ashamed of. Rather, be proud that you finally decided to start running.

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