Neck Pain: Exercises for neck pain at Home

You may be searching for exercises for neck pain. You must have struggled with a pain in your neck more than once. This ailment can be so strong and unpleasant that it makes it difficult to perform even the simplest activities. Fortunately, there are many ways to relieve your symptoms. One of them is neck pain exercises that you can do yourself at home.

Pain is a subjective, sensual and emotional impression of a negative nature. It is triggered by stimuli when tissue damage occurs. Sometimes, however, it only warns against the occurrence of such a possibility. There are superficial and deep pains. The former are usually very easy to locate, the latter can radiate to other parts of the body. Pain ailments appear immediately after the stimulus is triggered or after some time.

What can be caused by neck pain?

Neck pain is a common complaint. Its occurrence is periodically reported by up to 38% of adults, but this symptom is also found in children and adolescents. Usually it comes on its own. Sometimes, however, it is also associated with problems with moving the head, numbness in the hands or fingers, excessive tension or muscle weakness.

A neck pain can have many causes. Most often it is associated with muscle overload. It is favored by staying in one position for a long time. It is mainly complained of by people who work in front of a computer, at a production line or perform manual activities that require a tilt of the head. It also happens that the neck pain appears in the morning after waking up. It is then associated with inadequate support of the cervical spine during rest.

Neck pain can also have serious causes. I am talking about degenerative changes in the cervical spine or herniation of the intervertebral disc. Sometimes it is also the result of a mechanical trauma.

Which exercises for neck pain work best?

One of the ways to relieve unpleasant ailments is exercises for neck pain. You can do them yourself at home or under the supervision of a physiotherapist. They are not difficult and most of them do not require any additional hardware. Remember to exercise regularly and according to your body’s capabilities.

Unfortunately, not everyone can do home exercises for neck pain. However, remember that if the symptoms are severe or are accompanied by other symptoms (e.g. numbness of the hands), you must consult a doctor. In such a situation, he develops a treatment plan in which rehabilitation of this type will be implemented only after the inflammation has been alleviated. You may also find that you need individually tailored exercises for neck pain.

Examples of neck pain exercises are:

  • turning the head – sit straight on a chair; pull your chin slightly to the neck; turn your head to the left and hold it for 3 seconds, then return to the starting position; then repeat these steps for the right side;
  • head tilting – sit straight on a chair; tilt your head to the left and hold it for a few seconds; you can put your hand on it so that the muscles have resistance; then come back to the starting position and repeat the action, tilting your head to the right side, and also back and forth;
  • pinching and loosening the shoulder blades – sit on a chair with your hands relaxed on your thighs; pull the shoulder blades towards you as much as possible; hold this position for 10 seconds and then return to the starting position; repeat several times;
  • torso and neck twists – stand up straight with your legs hip-width apart. Place your left foot forward. Raise your right arm at the elbow and tilt it back a little. Then turn your head to the left until you see a hand; then stop for two seconds and return to the starting position, after a few repetitions change sides.

If you are unsure what kind of neck pain exercises to do, consult a physical therapist. The specialist will also advise you on how to maintain the correct body posture at work and how to stop slouching . This, in turn, will prevent the problem from arising in the future.

Neck pain and yoga

It’s also worth knowing what yoga gives for neck pain. It is a set of exercises that will allow you to relax , loosen your muscles and learn the correct way to breathe. Moreover, it has a positive effect on the entire body – not only on the physical sphere. Its advantage is that you only need a few minutes of training a day to notice the effects.

What to do when neck pain exercises do not help?

If neck pain exercises are not helping you, you should consult your doctor. Do this as well when the symptoms do not pass within a few days or are accompanied by other symptoms. In such a situation, it is necessary to perform tests to find out what the cause of the problem is. After the diagnosis is completed, it is possible to implement appropriate therapy (including pharmacotherapy, physiotherapeutic procedures, and exercises for neck pain under the supervision of a specialist).

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