Muscle pain: What causes pain in the muscles?

Muscle pain is very often accompanied by general breakdown, fever, joint pain and sore throat. Muscle pain can occur after strenuous exercise, especially when we haven’t trained for a long time. Almost everyone knows the above symptoms: flu and overtraining from personal experience. However, muscle pain, especially chronic pain that persists despite rest, may be a harbinger of numerous, sometimes serious, general diseases.

Muscle pain…

Muscle pain is a condition that usually occurs after excessive exercise, especially when we haven’t trained for a long time. Muscle pain can also be associated with other symptoms, such as joint pain and general breakdown, and a high temperature. Muscle pain is generally spasmodic and only occurs when we move the sore muscle. Chronic muscle pain may be a symptom of systemic diseases and diseases of the nervous system.

What might muscle pain indicate?

There are many causes of muscle pain, so this symptom is very often ignored because it is not specific. Doctors are not always able to say unequivocally what is the direct cause of muscle pain. Most often, excessive exercise causes this symptom, especially in people who have not trained for a long time or have forgotten to warm up properly before training. Then the direct cause is the accumulation of an anaerobic glucose metabolite (lactic acid) in the muscle tissue. This condition is popularly called sourdoughs.

To reduce the symptoms of intensive training, the area of ​​soreness can be massaged with the  extra cooling gel , a relaxing and soothing gel for muscles and joints with devil’s claw. The products relieve pain and help relieve muscle tension.

If you experience muscle pains of unknown origin, it is worthwhile to undergo preventive tests that will help determine the causes of the problems. Buy now the fit & active test package – diagnostic blood tests or tests for an athlete – home blood collection . Both studies are available at favorable prices on Medonet Market. It is possible to order tests with blood sampling at the patient’s home.

Where do soreness come from?

During very intense physical activity, our muscles do not receive the right amount of oxygen, which results in muscle ischemia and as a result of the transformation of energy substrates in the muscle. These types of pain usually go away on their own (the time depends on how quickly the body regenerates). Muscle pain resulting from intense exercise is treated as a natural effect of muscle strain.

In order to reduce soreness, it is worth performing a muscle massage before and after training.

In order to strengthen the muscles, you should take regular physical activity. In addition, it is helpful to provide the body with appropriate nutrients.  The collagen contained in it helps to keep muscles in good condition and supports mobility.

Muscle pain is a leading symptom in the following diseases:

– rheumatic polymyalgia – the pain affects the muscles of the shoulder girdle, neck or hip girdle; occurs after waking up and morning stiffness of the muscles persists for more than half an hour; the treatment uses glucocorticosteroids,

– fibromyalgia – characterized by generalized muscle pain and muscle pain occurring when pressure is applied to certain points, mainly in women suffering from anxiety and depressive disorders,

– myositis (e.g. polymyositis and dermatomyositis),

– and, of course, in injuries and microtraumas of muscle tissue caused, for example, by contusions, overloads.

Muscle pain may appear as a result of vitamin E deficiency, so you should consider supplementing it, e.g. with Natural Vitamin E 330mg (400iu) Viridian .

As a non-specific symptom, muscle pain also appears in the course of many other conditions. Then it is usually one of the general symptoms, and more characteristic symptoms lead the doctor to the correct diagnosis. Accompanied by:

– acute viral infections, the aforementioned flu , as well as colds, appear in the harbinger of rubella , chicken pox , infectious erythema , viral hepatitis A, B, C, D and E,

– chronic hepatitis C,

– rheumatic diseases, e.g. Still’s disease, Shulman’s diseaserheumatoid arthritis (RA), systemic lupus erythematosus,

– serum sickness,

– tetanus , caused by strong contractions of the muscles of the torso and limbs,

– inflammation of the spinal cord,

– systemic vasculitis.

Muscle function can be supported by using dietary supplements, eg Living Multivitamin Sport Terranova , which facilitates their regeneration after exercise, and has a positive effect on the appearance, metabolism and well-being.

Muscle pain and connective tissue diseases

Inflammatory muscle pain often occurs in systemic diseases of connective tissue. It is an inflammatory, systemic disease, most often observed in women around 50 years of age. Most often, muscle pain is caused by polymyositis and dermatomyositis. A characteristic feature of this ailment is inflammation in the hip and shoulder girdles. Then the pain occurs especially when lifting your hands up. Dermatomyositis is also characterized by the presence of skin lesions on the neckline, around the eyes, and on the dorsal surface of the hands and the lateral surface of the thighs. General symptoms such as weight loss, high fever and lack of appetite may also appear. Connective tissue diseases are chronic, so the symptoms are long-term,

Muscle pain and infections

Myositis of a general nature may be the first symptom of an occurring viral infection. Usually, muscle pain is associated with the flu or a cold, during which pain occurs even at rest and affects various parts of the muscles. Then they are accompanied by high temperature, excessive sweating, dry cough, runny nose and lack of appetite. These types of pains are usually referred to as articular pain.

In addition to a viral infection, a bacterial infection can also cause muscle pain. Then it only affects one muscle group. Infection of the skin and subcutaneous tissue may occur, for example, when injured by a dirty object. If left untreated, a bacterial infection can infect muscle tissue. During infection, limited pain is observed, occurring at rest and increasing when touching the inflamed area. Redness and swelling of the affected area may appear (high fever is rare). Antibiotics are used to treat bacterial infections, and in some cases, an anti-tetanus antitoxin is also given.

Prophylactically against muscle pain and immunity, it is worth reaching for dietary supplements combining vitamin D with vitamin K.

Important! Muscle pains may also indicate parasitic diseases, e.g. trichinosis.

For aching muscles, it is worth using the monastery mazidło on the skin around the Musculus Klimuszko muscles with a soothing and relaxing effect.

Muscle pain and other diseases

The second group of diseases that can cause a symptom in the form of muscle pain are non-inflammatory ailments. There are, among others: malignant hyperthermia, thyroid diseases (endocrine disorders), water and electrolyte disturbances, neurological diseases, toxic muscle damage. In the course of endocrine disorders, muscle pain most often accompanies hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. The cause lies in an improper calcium-phosphate balance, which causes very painful muscle spasms and an unnatural positioning.

Toxic damage to muscle tissue occurs during, for example, intoxication with heavy metals or after alcohol and drug overdose. Also, hypersensitivity to selected drugs (antibiotics, cholesterol preparations, antipsychotics) can lead to poisoning. The same happens in malignant hyperthermia, which most often, after taking certain medications, leads to damage to the muscle tissue.

Massages have a beneficial effect on muscle pain. This stone is available in two variants – marble and slate.

How to treat muscle aches?

In the course of muscle pain, it is recommended to use anti-inflammatory and analgesic preparations that help relieve pain (e.g. ibuprofen). To alleviate muscle pain, cold compresses are also used, applied to the affected area immediately after the injury, and then warm compresses and baths that nourish the tissues by expanding blood vessels. Massaging and stretching the sore body parts is also good. For massage, you can use the Natural massage brush made of wood and agave hair . 

Proper diet is also of great importance in the fight against muscle pain. Consuming carefully selected products brings pain relief and at the same time improves the functioning of the entire body. Contrary to appearances, diet plays a very important role when it comes to our well-being. In order to relieve muscle pain, it is worth introducing more fruits and vegetables to the daily menu and, above all, avoiding animal fats. If muscle pain is accompanied by muscle spasm, you should consider whether your diet is deficient in the right amount of potassium, calcium and magnesium. It is worth supporting the diet with supplementation,

In a situation where, despite treatment, muscle pain persists for a long period of time, you should consult a doctor who will make the correct diagnosis thanks to appropriate diagnostic tests.

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