Insulin pump – what is it? How it works?

An insulin pump is a device that helps people with diabetes to administer insulin and allows them to better control their disease

Therapy with an insulin pump has many advantages, and its use brings more benefits to the sick person than single insulin injections using the pen. The device is especially suitable for children, as it prevents sudden changes in blood glucose levels, facilitates dosing and adjusts the amount of insulin to the needs. The number of stings is also reduced, which is of great importance in the case of the youngest. The insulin pump for children allows you to fully enjoy your childhood, despite the disease.

What is an insulin pump?

An insulin pump is a device used to treat diabetes. Thanks to it , the sick person receives continuous insulin injections , without the need to perform punctures several times a day. This solution also prevents sudden fluctuations in blood sugar levels, as the dose of the drug is strictly adjusted to the patient’s needs. An insulin pump for children and adults is an alternative solution to insulin pens. Currently, there are two types of insulin pumps on the market:

  • personal insulin pump – the device is connected to the body by means of a drain and a thin needle placed under the skin,
  • implantable insulin pump – the device is implanted under the skin.

The insulin pump for children and adults is the size of an average cell phone. You can easily hide it in a pocket, on a belt or under a blouse, so it is completely invisible and does not arouse the interest of outsiders.

Who is the insulin pump for?

The insulin pump is designed for people with diabetes who need to take insulin. The device is especially recommended when:

  • the patient is physically active,
  • the patient has an irregular lifestyle,
  • the disease is not stabilized despite regular injections,
  • there are complications of diabetes,
  • your blood sugar is high in the morning
  • a woman suffering from diabetes becomes pregnant,
  • the patient is afraid of frequent injections.

The most popular is the insulin pump for children and young people. Not only because of the refund. The device allows them to lead a normal life and reduces the risk of complications from the disease.

How does an insulin pump work?

An insulin pump mimics the action of the pancreas. The doctor programs the device so that it continuously injects the patient with the appropriate dose of insulin every few minutes (the so-called base). In addition, it sets an additional bolus, which is injected after a meal or as needed. The latest insulin pumps with real-time sugar measurement are also available on the market, which allows you to adjust the dose of the drug even more precisely and prevent sudden fluctuations in blood glucose.

How much does an insulin pump cost?

The price of an insulin pump is high and this is why not every sick person can afford this type of therapy. The device itself costs hundreds of USD (the latest insulin pump with sugar measurement is even more expensive), and there is also the cost of the equipment, which must be systematically replaced.

You don’t have to worry about the possibility of treatment with an insulin pump when you have diabetes insurance . By changing your treatment regimen, you won’t have to think about your illness, insulin injections, and sugar measurements all the time.

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