How To Start Running For Beginners

So you want to start running but don’t know how to go about it? Key advice:

Run around nice!!!

Seriously, that was my watchword when I started – and it worked 🙂

I would like to, but I am afraid.

The question “how to start running?” is asked by many people who “would like to but are afraid.” You hesitate because you want to start completely from scratch and you don’t know how to do it. How to start your running adventure? Maybe you want to start jogging with zero fitness. Or you want to lose weight, feel better, your tummy has grown, you feel bad, you are getting old and “getting old”… Motivations are endless. Each of us has different dreams and goals. If you feel that running can help you with something, it will make it easier for you to achieve your goals, dreams, or plans. Start running. Do not be afraid.

The best running shoes and acceptable attire

If you have already decided to “start running” – start by buying nice running shoes and basic running outfit.

The outfit can be whatever , if only technical, intended for sports (I do not recommend running in cotton T-shirts). It is important that it is comfortable and reasonably pleasant, even when you sweat.

But special running shoes are really important. Double. First of all, well-chosen shoes will save you from injury. And be careful — not only from leg or foot contusion, but even from the spine. A normal person doesn’t even realize how connected it all is. It was only my best physiotherapist in the world that made me realize it. Secondly, beautiful shoes of your choice will motivate you to run. You will feel sorry for going to work or for walks in them, and you will be even more sorry if they remain unused. So at the beginning, save on clothes but spend on shoes. Go to a decent store and get the best running shoes you can afford. Make them universal enough so that you can run both on asphalt and in the park. Be careful about size-make sure they are bigger than the ones you wear every day. You must have a noticeable slack in them (I write more about shoes here ).

Run to make it nice

If you just want to start running, you’re just starting your adventure with running – don’t tense up too much. First, second … and nasty time run “make it nice” – whatever that means to you. Maybe it means running slowly, maybe it’s walking, maybe it’s a beautiful place or a great company.

Spend no more than 30 minutes on your first runs. And let the idea of ​​”make it nice” guide you during the first period of running, before you get into it for good.

Run little and short …

You can run once a week. This is ok at the beginning. Recently I attended a speech by the former boss of a large corporation, a lady in her 50s – she said that she was running. But she was a bit embarrassed because she runs very little, 5km every week. I also often have to explain that yes, I run, but only twice a week. A lot of people think you have to run every day… Which is good! At the beginning of your running adventure, there is absolutely no such need. So again – don’t tense yourself. You just need to go jogging once a week, although of course it would be even better if it were twice.

… But run regularly

Something else is important: running regularly. Write your run on the calendar, just like any other duty. Write down your training on your weekly plan and don’t let it go. Your health is one thing, but you’ll see how you feel great mentally after running. The lady I quoted above also said that what she likes about running (and unfortunately only this;)) is self-respect. That she is consistent, that she left, that she ran the whole distance, that she did not give up. She told me how every time she has a running schedule-she does everything she can to delay that moment-but when she comes back, it feels great.

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