How to run in winter? Is it OK to run in winter?

Running in winter? How to run in the winter? What to run in winter? Which winter jogging pants? What kind of hat? Is it possible to run at all in the winter? These are the classic questions of novice runners.

How to run in the winter?

I advise novice runners to remember 4 things:

  1. Do not run when it is below -5 degrees outside.
  2. Don’t run in the dark. As a last resort, take a headlamp.
  3. Dress in layers, but don’t go overboard. Remember the +10 degrees rule.
  4. Do not let your body cool down after running – change, take a bath and drink something warm right away

If you have any doubts, you’d better go on a march.

Running in winter can be fun, but you need to pay special attention to your clothes and shoes. However, do not run outdoors if the thermometer shows below -10 degrees, if you are a beginner runner, then take it below -5 degrees. Wait for a better day. Also, pay attention to the perceived temperature, because if it is frosty and windy, I would not advise you to go out. Move your training to a warmer day.

Personal isolation

Much depends on whether you are very slim or whether you have something to warm you up. The thinner you are, the better you have to dress. Also, make sure not to cool down after the run – do stretching at home, immediately take off your wet clothes (although on a cold day we sweat less) and drink or eat something warm after taking a bath.


How to dress for winter running? “Onion”:

  • First, decent technical thermal underwear. T-shirt with short or long sleeves
  • Then a long-sleeved sweatshirt. Personally, I am a fan of Merino wool garments. They provide great warmth, keep warmth and are very durable. Unfortunately, these are not cheap things, but sometimes you can “hunt” for something at an acceptable price. Merino is a salvation for a cold person like me.
  • For this, possibly a thin jogging jacket. Depending on whether it is raining or blowing and how much frost there is On sunny winter days, I sometimes even run without a jacket. Remember to dress at +10 degrees .
  • Wear thicker jogging pants for downstairs in winter. For me, leggings/leggings designed for winter are the best-a bit thicker, lined with a “teddy bear”.
  • Of course, the running hat is a must. Good thin tech cap. If it’s warmer and it’s not raining, a running puff is enough, but in winter don’t go jogging with your forehead and ears exposed. It’s a recipe for colds.
  • It is also worth wearing thin gloves, because in winter, when you start running, your hands get very cold. They are thin enough, because if you warm up, the problem of cold hands will disappear.


I especially recommend girls to warm their bottom, because it can cause us a lot of trouble. I have special, thicker technical panties with short legs that keep me warm under my pants. I see that girls often use another patent: they put on short shorts on running leggings.


Better to have special shoes for the winter. The ones that are thicker on the outside and have a more perforated sole. If the snow falls or it is slippery – you will not be able to do it in normal (summer) running shoes with a delicate tread. You will have to run very slowly and carefully so that the training does not end with an injury. In shoes with a “tractor” under the sole you have a chance to run much more pleasantly, without slippage. In addition, such shoes usually have a more built-up and thicker outer part (upper). Then you freeze your feet less. Of course, also wear thicker socks.

There is no bad weather?

Apparently there is no bad weather, but there may be bad clothes. I don’t entirely agree with it when it comes to running. I would not run below -10 degrees and I strongly recommend (especially beginners) to run before dark, as long as it is light. Especially when we run on snow – it’s easier to slip and fall in the dark. If the day is very cold or it gets dark after work – move your jogging to another day when it is brighter and warmer. For example, for the weekend. Even if you go away and you can take your running gear with you – do it. By the way, running outside your home is also a great adventure. I write more about it here .


When running in the cold, try to breathe through your nose. At least try it, although I know it’s not easy. On a cold day, your running may be a bit worse, but don’t worry about it. In severe frost, if you cannot postpone your running to another day – it is better to shorten the training a little. Don’t forget to drink before and after your run. Although you sweat less, you must drink.

If not jogging, then what?

An alternative to going outside is running on the treadmill, but I personally hate it, so I won’t say anything. I’d rather wait for a warmer day.

You can also switch to cross-country skis at any time. Of course, I encourage you to go skiing, not walking. I can assure you that cross-country skiing can also be very demanding. On such an expedition, we usually discover beautiful routes and have great views.

Start in winter?

If you want to start running in winter – it is possible, of course, but a bit more demanding. You need to have more appropriate clothes and a lot more willpower. Read about how to start running here . You may be comforted by the fact that it will only get better with time.

Of course, winter is uneven in winter. For me, in Wrocław we rarely struggle with severe frost, but if you are from Warsaw or from the mountains, you probably have a bigger challenge. But I know runners who even prefer to run in winter than in summer.

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