
How To Change Bad Eating Habits to Lose Weight Permanently in 7 Easy Steps

In today’s article, you will learn how to change bad eating habits that keep you from achieving your dream figure .

What is a habit?

A habit is an automated activity that is repeated / practiced over a period of time.

Habits are divided into motor, linguistic, mental and cognitive habits .

You’re probably wondering where the habits come from?

In childhood, we maintain eating habits most strongly, as well as the remaining ones , so it is worth ensuring that they are correct.

If you have a child or are expecting, remember to develop proper behavior and nutrition from an early age, it will have a really positive effect in the future!

Of course, we are able to change them for the future, but we will have to work hard to do so.

It will be easier for us to learn these bad habits because they are usually simpler and more comfortable for us.

Only after some time do we notice these “mistakes” that occur in us and try to push them out of us.

Often this results in a resignation due to too greedy attempts to do so, as well as too high goals, which at a given moment cannot be met immediately.

It is very possible that they can disturb us while trying to lose weight, so it is important to change your bad eating habits!

Therefore, we will discuss the strategy and how to best approach the topic, so that our willingness does not weaken over time overcoming difficulties.

Changing eating habits

So let’s move on to the right, important part of this article.

Each step is very important, but the first one is THE MOST IMPORTANT!

So let’s get started!

First of all – Small steps

First of all, start with small steps – this will be your key to success. You can’t suddenly change everything.

Everything in order, as in a child, first rolls over on his tummy, then begins to crawl, take the first clumsy steps, and then run – and this is what it will be like with the change of habits.

It’s not as easy as saying to yourself, “From now on, I don’t eat sugar” – if you eat it for many years, you will feel like it, and if you stop right away, there may be negative effects (not always), such as mood swings.

Just like you decide to “I will drink vegetable and fruit juice every morning” – in some time you will not feel like getting up every day 20 minutes earlier to make it.

Until you understand this, you will not be able to go further and change your bad habits forever.

So we have agreed the first step – a small but a big step!

1. Refrigerator and kitchen equipment

Then remember to equip the refrigerator well! Have fruit, vegetables, but also low-fat foods in your kitchen. It is also worth buying whole wheat bread more often!

It is worth having ready-made portions of vegetables for soups or sauces in the freezer, so that you can prepare the dish quickly. Just find a moment, cut the vegetables and put them in the freezer!

Frozen sauces are also a good idea, e.g. those left over from dinner , because nobody has finished them, or beans that you can cook or fry!

Equipping products such as vegetables or meat “for the future” saves our time for everyday shopping and thinking about what to eat for dinner. Look for deals, so shop and just freeze!

I also recommend having pots with fresh herbs at home, e.g. mint, lovage, thyme, oregano, not only is it a beautiful addition to the kitchen – it enlivens it, but a great addition to the dishes – they are aromatic and the taste becomes more intense.

Not to mention the fact that a beautifully served dish tastes much better, so you can also use it for decoration!

2. Hydration – Refuse colorful drinks!

Give up colorful and carbonated drinks – switch to water.

A filter jug ​​or a pre-prepared carafe with lemon, orange and mint water is a great solution, and when you go out, I recommend that you equip yourself with an interesting water bottle , which you can put in your bag!

If you have it at hand, you will use this option to quench your thirst sooner.

Water will keep you full for a while, but it will also have a positive effect on the metabolism, appearance of our skin and well-being.

3. Limit your alcohol

Limit alcohol … Unfortunately, it is this cruel pleasure that tries to visit us as often as possible.

But in addition to the complications of drinking alcohol, such as a hangover, it adds a nice calorie bomb to our calories, which will not be conducive to our weight loss or healthy eating.

And it is also highly addictive: “Only one glass of wine, only one beer”, and that one glass turns into a whole bottle or 5 beers! 😉

4. Bet on regularity

Let’s not forget about regularity, it is also crucial in changing habits. If you already set a goal, you must persevere in that decision and systematically “do your homework” that you set for yourself.

So if you decided to make a two-course dinner every Sunday, try to make it happen every week, so that you fall into a certain routine and develop a habit of this exemplary two-course dinner.

5. Bet on physical activity

Introduce gentle physical activity into your life, such as walking, cycling or visiting the gym. It will also allow you to feel better, learn correct habits and routines.

Exercise is great for brain development and better concentration. In addition, it is a good springboard from everyday duties and a distraction from everyday life, and you spend time focusing on yourself.

6. Regular meals

Try to introduce regularity in the meals you eat. Divide the day into several portions, ie Breakfast – Lunch – Lunch – Dinner .

If you don’t have an idea for breakfast, check out our fit breakfast proposal !

This is an example of a division of course, but it is worth eating smaller portions, but more often than packing a large portion at once and then for the next few hours we will feel weariness and heaviness in the stomach.

Lighter, smaller portions will fill you – it will reach your brain that you are already full, but you will feel much better.

7. Start eating at home!

Make sure you cook at home a few times a week – you’ll save money and most of all you won’t eat unhealthy things to satisfy your hunger.

For example, it is worth making a one-pot dish for two days, which gives us two days with a home-made dinner and quick preparation.

It’s also a good idea to take your lunchboxes to work with e.g. salad, muesli yogurt, or healthy snacks like peeled apples, carrots or any of your favorite fruits and vegetables.

If you have such an opportunity, an interesting solution is to prepare freshly squeezed juices, which you can also take with you and replace a meal, e.g. a lunch.


Remember that you usually change habits for yourself and for a better life, so you need to confess to yourself.

Try not to cheat yourself and make no excuses, because you will achieve each goal if you really want to and follow the advice of small steps.

Don’t burden yourself with big changes, because at some point you will just give up on it. So slowly, slowly forward!

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