How to run to lose weight

When we run, we obviously use more energy than when we sit and read a book. even more than while walking. Fat burns faster. So if you want to lose weight by jogging, this is a very good idea.

Even if you have never run, you are a beginner runner and you want to start running with zero condition – you will surely follow the tips below.

So how do you run to lose weight? Is it best to lose weight forever? It can be done; you just need to remember 10 things:

1. Buy some good shoes

It is really important. You can read about the first running shoes here .

2. It won’t happen right away.

Be patient. Don’t run every day. And don’t expect any effects after 2 weeks. If you haven’t run before, don’t start too hard or too often. You could get injured and get discouraged. Give yourself 3 months for the first effects. And it depends on how often and how long you run.

3. Don’t run too hard

In order to lose weight while running, you shouldn’t tire yourself too much. You must have an elevated heart rate, you must feel tired, but you must not be out of breath, “Spit your lungs out.” We burn fat in the so-called oxygen zone. How to recognize it? If you can run and talk in short sentences, it’s okay. It’s best to start running very slowly. Then you can speed up a bit.

By the way, it’s good to know that there are other exercise zones as well:

– Recovery zone – march. Without much effort. There is no time limit, you can walk as much as you want.

The oxygen zone: this is the zone for you if you want to lose weight.

Fitness zone (aerobic). You can still speak full sentences, but with difficulty.

– Anaerobic zone. Breathing is heavy, we get tired quickly. We can say a few words. Energy comes mainly from the burning of carbohydrates and to a small extent from fats. This is already a training for professionals who want to improve their results.

– Area for professionals. The training is very tiring. We don’t say anything anymore.

4. Better in the morning …

It is worth training in the morning, because then our metabolism works faster. In addition, morning jogging gives us energy and great humor for the whole day.

5. but don’t run on an empty stomach.

But also, don’t eat immediately before running.

Don’t run on an empty stomach or your body will start breaking down muscle proteins instead of taking energy from your fat tissue. You will lose weight as a result, but mainly by reducing muscle rather than fat.

6. At least 20 minutes

It is assumed that for the first 20-30 minutes of exercise, the body derives its energy from carbohydrates in about 80 percent and from fats in about 20 percent. After about 30 minutes of movement, the proportion is reversed, i.e. 80 percent of the energy comes from the spare body fat, i.e. the ballast that we want to remove. So when you go out for a quiet workout, it’s best to run longer than 30-40 minutes, but 20 minutes is enough to start with. Don’t jump into deep water if you are a beginner runner.

7. Run regularly

If you want your running to be effective quickly, it’s a good idea to run at least three times a week. However, if you have never run, I suggest that you do not start so often, so as not to get discouraged and injure yourself.

8. Don’t eat any more!

Even if you start running, don’t start eating any more if your goal is to lose weight. To lose weight, you just need to burn more calories each day than you have eaten. Read more in the calorie deficit article. Running will help you burn more. Even without drastically changing your diet,

9. But change your diet.

For starters, stop drinking carbonated sugary drinks immediately. Go to the water. Preferably tap. I also highly recommend that you start eating groats. Read about why groats are good for a runner.

10. Get ready for difficulties

What awful can you expect?

– Colic while running

– Leaven the next day

– Pain during the run and the next day

– Shortness of breath while running

You have to survive this. Just. It will either pass (colic, soreness, pain) or you will get used to it (shortness of breath, pain). For example, a little out of breath will become your constant running partner. Better to like her :))

If you are very overweight and you are just starting – be careful. You have to be careful not to get injured. Start walking too. Go not to the nearest bus stop, but to the next one a little further. Walk home. Go for a walk on the weekend.

Over time, you can choose to engage in other types of training, not just regular runs. But that’s a topic for another post.

And at the bottom you will find articles on which you will start running with zero fitness and lose weight forever ⬇⬇⬇

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