MW507: How to fill out MW507 Form: Examples for Single and Married

We aim to provide readers with a concise overview of the importance of correctly filling out the MW507 form for state income tax deductions. The MW507 form serves as the employee’s Maryland Withholding Exemption Certificate and is used in determining the appropriate amount of state income tax to deduct from an employee’s pay.

On this, we offer guidance on completing the MW507 form with practical examples tailored for both single and married individuals.

Understanding the MW507 Form

The MW507, officially known as the Employee’s Maryland Withholding Exemption Certificate, serves as a means for employees to determine the appropriate amount of state income tax to be deducted from their paychecks. It is a mandatory requirement for all new employees, ensuring compliance with the state’s tax regulations.

Annual Renewal or Updates: The MW507 isn’t a one-time task. It necessitates an annual review and updates whenever there are personal or financial changes that might affect the employee’s tax situation.

Key Sections of MW507

Section 1: Employee Details: This section demands accurate information to be provided by the employee. Each field, including payroll type, employer agency, social security number (SSN), employee name, residential address, and others, plays a critical role in determining the correct withholding.

Section 2: W-4 Form for Federal Withholding: This part underscores the coordination needed between federal and state withholdings. It guides employees on completing Section 2 online at the IRS website and links to the specific IRS PDF for Form W-4.

Section 3: Form for State Withholding (MW 507): Here, employees are directed to complete Section 3 online at the Maryland Taxes website. The section also provides links to state withholding forms for Washington, D.C., and West Virginia, emphasizing the importance of accurate state withholding for overall tax compliance.

Section 4: Employee Signature: The necessity of a valid employee signature is stressed. Clear instructions are provided to ensure the completeness of the form, underscoring the significance of adherence to formalities.

Understanding the MW507 form is crucial for both employers and employees. It ensures that the correct amount of state income tax is withheld, preventing potential issues with tax compliance. The detailed breakdown of each section aims to simplify the form-filling process, reducing the likelihood of errors and facilitating a smooth tax deduction process for Maryland employees.

Key Sections of MW507

Completing the MW507 form accurately is essential for effective state income tax withholding. The form comprises several key sections, each requiring specific information to ensure a proper tax deduction. Let’s delve into these crucial sections:

A. Section 1: Employee Details

  • Payroll Type: Employees need to specify their payroll type, whether regular (RG), contract (CT), or University of Maryland (UM). This helps in categorizing and processing payroll accurately.
  • Employing Agency: The name of the employing agency must be clearly stated. This ensures that the correct employer is associated with the employee’s tax information.
  • SSN (Social Security Number): The employee’s Social Security Number is a vital identifier for tax purposes. Accuracy in providing this number is crucial for proper tax reporting and deduction.
  • Employee Name: A full first name, middle initial, and last name must be provided. This ensures that the tax information is linked to the correct individual.
  • Residential Address: A complete residential address, including street name and number or R.D. number, is necessary for determining the appropriate tax jurisdiction.
  • City, State, and Postal Code: The full five-digit zip code and abbreviated state must be provided for accurate tax location.
  • County of Residence: This requires entering the Baltimore City or Maryland County where the employee currently resides.

B. Section 2: W-4 Form for Federal Withholding

  • This section emphasizes the importance of completing the W-4 form for federal withholding in conjunction with the MW507 form.
  • A link to the specific IRS PDF for Form W-4 is provided, encouraging employees to follow federal guidelines for accurate income tax withholding.

C. Section 3: Form for State Withholding (MW 507)

  • This section directs employees to complete Section 3 online at the Maryland Taxes website.
  • Links to state withholding forms for D.C. and West Virginia are provided, acknowledging the diversity of employee locations and tax obligations.
  • The importance of accurate state withholding is highlighted for comprehensive tax compliance.

D. Section 4: Employee Signature

  • This section underscores the necessity of the employee’s signature for the withholding forms to be valid.
  • Instructions are provided to ensure completeness, emphasizing the significance of a signed form for proper processing.

These key sections collectively form the foundation of the MW507 form, serving as a comprehensive tool for employees to declare their tax-related details accurately.

Filling Out the Employee’s Federal Withholding Allowance W-4 Form (2011):

When it comes to completing the Employee’s Federal Withholding Allowance W-4 Form for federal income tax, individuals must follow specific instructions to ensure accurate deductions from their paychecks. The W-4 form is crucial for determining the right amount of federal income tax to be withheld, and it’s advisable to review and update it annually or whenever personal or financial circumstances change.

  • Purpose of Form W-4: The primary objective of the W-4 form is to facilitate the deduction of the correct federal income tax from an employee’s paycheck. It serves as a guide for employers to determine the amount to withhold based on an individual’s specific tax situation.
  • Instructions for Exemptions: If an employee qualifies for exemption, they can fill out only certain sections of the W-4 form, namely lines 1, 2, 3, 4, and 7. It’s essential to authenticate the form by signing it. Exemptions have an expiration date, often the following year, so it’s crucial to stay updated.
  • Dependent Considerations: Individuals who can be claimed as dependents on someone else’s tax return and earn more than $950 with over $300 in unearned income are ineligible for withholding exemption.
  • Fundamentals of Personal Allowances Worksheet: For non-exempt individuals, the Personal Allowances Worksheet should be completed. This involves determining the number of allowances based on factors such as itemized deductions, specific credits, income modifications, or situations involving two earners or multiple employments. Completing all applicable worksheets ensures an accurate withholding calculation.
  • Head of the Home Status: The W-4 form provides information on claiming head of household filing status, applicable to unmarried individuals who bear more than half the expenses of maintaining a residence for themselves, dependents, or other qualified persons.
  • Tax Breaks and Credits: The form allows for factoring in expected tax credits, such as child or dependent care expenditures, which can influence the number of withholding allowances one is eligible to claim. These considerations contribute to the accuracy of tax deductions.
  • Nonwage Earnings and Two-Income Earners: Individuals with significant nonwage income, like interest or dividends, may need to make anticipated tax payments. For those with multiple jobs, combining allowances on a single Form W-4 ensures accurate withholding across all employments.
  • Non-Citizen Alien Consideration: Non-citizen aliens should refer to Notice 1392 for specific instructions and considerations related to completing Form W-4.

The W-4 form is a vital tool for employees to communicate their tax situation to their employers. Careful consideration of exemptions, dependent status, and other financial factors ensures accurate federal income tax withholding, avoiding surprises during tax filing season. Regular updates and adherence to specific instructions contribute to a seamless and compliant tax process.

Calculating Withholding Allowances on MW507

Calculating withholding allowances on the MW507 form is a crucial step in ensuring accurate state income tax deductions from an employee’s paycheck. This section provides a detailed breakdown of the various elements involved in this process.

Line No. 1: Withholding Allowance for Employees Certificate

  • This line on the MW507 form focuses on determining the number of withholding allowances an employee is eligible to claim.
  • It involves several factors, each contributing to the overall calculation:
  • Personal exemptions: total number of exemptions on the federal W-4 or W-4A form.
  • There are new exemptions for dependents above the age of 65.
  • Extra exemptions for specific items such as projected itemized deductions, alimony payments, childcare expenditures, qualifying retirement contributions, and business expenses.
  • Additional exemptions for the taxpayer and/or spouse:
  • An extra exemption may be claimed if the taxpayer and/or spouse are 65 years of age or older and/or blind.
  • Total Calculation:
  • Combine the values obtained from the above factors (a through d) and multiply by the predetermined value.

Exemptions for Dependents:

  • To qualify as a dependent, one must be eligible for a dependent exemption on their federal income tax return for the relevant tax year.
  • Additional exemptions are available for dependents above the age of 65, providing extra allowances.

Additional Exemptions for Certain Items:

  • Additional exemptions may be claimed for projected itemized deductions, alimony payments, acceptable childcare expenditures, qualifying retirement contributions, company losses, and employee business expenses for the year.

Line No. 2: Extra Withholding per Pay Period under Agreement with Employer

  • This line allows employees to request further withholding from their employer if the amount initially deducted is deemed insufficient.
  • Employees can specify an additional amount to be withheld, ensuring they meet their tax obligations adequately.

Line No. 3: Withholding Exception

  • Eligibility for an exemption from withholding is detailed in Line No. 3.
  • Specific conditions must be met, including not owing any Maryland income tax in the previous year and expecting a full refund of all income tax withheld in the current year.
  • Students and seasonal workers with an income below the filing threshold may also claim a withholding exemption.

By understanding and accurately completing these lines on the MW507 form, employees can ensure that the correct amount of Maryland state income tax is withheld from their paychecks, facilitating compliance with state tax regulations. It is essential for individuals to carefully evaluate their eligibility for exemptions and exemptions for dependents to optimize their withholding allowances effectively.

Privacy and Compliance

Privacy and compliance are crucial aspects when dealing with tax-related documents such as the MW507 form. Understanding the requirements and responsibilities ensures both employees and employers adhere to legal standards.

  1. Information under the Federal Privacy Act:
  • Social Security numbers are mandatory, aligning with the Annotated Code of Maryland’s Tax-General Article.
  • The compelled publication of social security numbers is permitted, mainly for tax administration and enforcement purposes.
  • Information shared with other agencies or individuals must strictly serve tax law administration or specific legislation with statutory authority.
  1. Employer duties and responsibilities:
  • Employers are required to keep the MW507 certificate for their records.
  • A copy, along with associated files, must be provided to the Division of Compliance if:
    • There’s suspicion of incorrect information on the certificate.
    • The employee claims more than ten exclusions.
    • The employee claims exemptions based on nonresidence or under the Military Spouses Residency Relief Act.
  1. Employee Duties and Responsibilities:
  • Employees are obligated to submit a new withholding exemption certificate within ten days if they become eligible for fewer withholding exemptions during the calendar year.
  • Claims for an exemption from Maryland income tax withholding can be filed if, during the previous tax year, the employee did not owe Maryland income tax and was entitled to a full refund of any withheld tax.
  1. Exemption Certificate Revocation and Renewal:
  • The Compliance Division reviews exemption certificates received and may decide if modifications are necessary.
  • Revoked certificates prompt the employer to transmit new certificates to the Comptroller, which must be approved before adoption.
  • Employees claiming exemptions under specific circumstances must submit a fresh exemption certificate by February 15th of the following year.

Understanding and complying with privacy regulations and legal responsibilities is essential for both employees and employers to ensure accurate tax withholding and adherence to state regulations. Adhering to these guidelines not only fosters compliance but also contributes to a transparent and accountable taxation system.

MW507 Form Frequently Ask Question (FAQ) :

How many allowances should I claim in Maryland?

The standard deduction allowance is 15 percent of Maryland adjusted gross income, with a minimum of $1,500 and a maximum of $2,000 for each individual taxpayer filing a tax return. spouse: If the taxpayer and/or spouse are both at least 65 years old and/or blind on the last day of the tax year, an additional $1,000 may be claimed.

What is the exemption amount?

Individuals’ total income can be reduced by the amount of exemptions they claim, thereby reducing the amount of tax they have to pay.

What is an employee’s Maryland Withholding Exemption Certificate?

In order for your employer, the Maryland State Department of Revenue, to withhold federal and state income taxes from your paycheck, you must complete an Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate as required by law. On the same form, the state of Maryland collects both the federal and state withholdings, which is unique in the country.

Do I need to fill out a MW507?

Form MW507 must be completed in order for your employer to withhold the appropriate amount of Maryland income tax from your paycheck. Each year, or if your personal or financial position changes, you should consider completing a new Form MW507.

What is an exemption on MW507?

This year, you do not anticipate owing any Maryland income taxes, and you anticipate being entitled to a full refund of all Maryland income taxes withheld. You must complete Line 3 in order for your employer not to withhold Maryland income tax from your salary if you are entitled to claim this exemption.

What is Maryland tax form MW507?

Fill out Form MW507 so that your company can withhold the appropriate amount of money. Maryland income tax is deducted from your paycheck. Every year, or if your personal or financial position changes, you should consider completing a new Form MW507.

Is it better to claim 1 or 0?

By entering a “0” on line 5, you are expressing that you want the greatest amount of tax deducted from your paychecks at the end of each payday. If you choose to claim 1 for yourself instead, less tax will be deducted from your paychecks on a per-pay period basis.

How do you fill out the MW507 form?

Where do I write exempt on MW507?

To claim exemption under the SCRA, indicate your state of domicile (legal residence) on Line 8, then enter “EXEMPT” in the box to the right of Line 8 and attach a copy of your spousal military identification card to Form MW507A.

What married but withhold at a higher single rate?

If you are married but filing separately, or if both spouses work and earn a similar amount of money, you should claim this status.

How are exemptions calculated?

Using a personal exemption, which is a predetermined amount, you can reduce your taxable income by multiplying the dollar value of your exemption by the number of dependents you have. Personal exemptions are worth $4,050 per year, for example, in 2017. Each dependent receives the same amount as you, your spouse, and any other dependents.

How much should I withhold for Maryland taxes?

Those who pay out distributions that qualify as Eligible Rollover Distributions (ERDs) pursuant to IRC Section 3405(c) and who are subject to obligatory federal income tax withholding are obligated to withhold 7.75 percent of the distributions they make to Maryland residents.

What is Maryland Form MW507?

Fill out Form MW507 so that your company can deduct the appropriate amount from your paycheck. Your compensation will be reduced by the Maryland state income tax. You should think about filling out a new MW507 form every year, as well as each time your personal or financial circumstances shift.

Employee Duties and Responsibilities

If the employee is eligible to claim fewer withholding exemptions than the number claimed on the current withholding certificate on any day throughout the calendar year, the employee must submit a new withholding exemption certificate to the employer within ten days of the change.

Are you entitled to claim an exemption from the withholding of Maryland income tax?

You may be eligible to file a claim for an exemption from the Maryland income tax withholding if, during the previous tax year, you did not owe any Maryland income tax and were entitled to receive a full refund of any tax that was withheld.


In conclusion, mastering the process of filling out the MW507 form is crucial for individuals to ensure accurate state income tax deductions and compliance with Maryland’s tax regulations. This comprehensive guide has walked you through the essential sections of the form, providing insights into each component and offering valuable examples for both single and married individuals. Here are the key takeaways:

  • Thorough Understanding: The MW507 form demands a thorough understanding of each section, from personal details in Section 1 to federal and state coordination in Section 2 and Section 3. Accuracy in these sections is paramount for precise tax withholding.
  • Federal Coordination: Recognizing the interconnectedness of the federal W-4 form and the state MW507 is vital. Both forms must align to ensure seamless coordination between federal and state income tax withholding.
  • Calculating Withholding Allowances: Line-by-line breakdowns, especially in Line No. 1 and Line No. 2, are critical for calculating withholding allowances accurately. Consideration of exemptions for dependents, additional exemptions, and extra withholding agreements are essential steps in this process.
  • Specific Scenarios and Considerations: Special cases, such as married individuals opting for a higher single rate or claiming an exemption under certain circumstances, have been addressed. The FAQs provide quick insights into common concerns, guiding individuals on the number of allowances to claim and the exemption amount.
  • Non-Resident and State-Specific Instructions: Specific instructions have been outlined for non-residents and residents of specific states, emphasizing the importance of accurate information for tax compliance. Military personnel, students, and seasonal workers also have dedicated sections to address their unique circumstances.
  • Privacy and Compliance: The blog post emphasizes the importance of adhering to federal privacy regulations and employer duties. It outlines the responsibilities of the Compliance Division and the necessary procedures for handling exemption certificates.

In light of these considerations, it is recommended to approach the MW507 form with diligence and attention to detail. The guide encourages individuals to seek professional advice for specific cases, ensuring that they navigate the complexities of tax withholding accurately. By following this comprehensive outline and understanding the nuances of the MW507 form, individuals can confidently complete the document, allowing for precise state income tax deduction and compliance with Maryland’s tax laws.

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