How many squats a day to get round muscular butt?

If you’re wondering how many squats a day you need to do to get a round, muscular butt , then you’ve come to the right place! Squats are the best exercises you can do to firm and round your butt .

Indeed, they target all the gluteal muscles and also work your legs. It is important to note that there is no magic number indicating how many squats per day to achieve: what matters is the frequency of training, the variation of the exercises, and the intensity of the effort.

Tips for knowing how many squats a day you should do


There are two types of muscle fibers : fast twitch fibers and slow twitch fibers . Slow twitch muscle fibers are related to endurance , while fast twitch muscle fibers are related to power .

You need to target these two fibers if you want to see a significant difference in the size and shape of your buttocks. For this, the ideal is to perform at least three sets per exercise . You should vary the number of repetitions from 5 to 15 depending on your level.

Try as much as possible to use heavier weights when you are on shorter sets (less than 8) versus longer sets (more than 8).

Before calculating how many squats per day you should do, you have to think about choosing the right weight : with this one, you should have difficulty completing your sets. If it’s easy to finish your sets, the weight isn’t high enough.


Regular training frequency is also important. Despite popular belief, performing squats every day can be counterproductive. You should incorporate rest days between your workouts .

Indeed, it is during the recovery phase that the muscle grows, not during the effort itself. Knowing how many squats a day to perform is not the only key to firming up your buttocks : it is rather advisable to perform high intensity squats 2 to 3 times a week and to leave about 48 to 72 hours of rest time for your muscles. muscles.

Variation of movements

You need to vary the squat exercises for the best results. When you alternate between various squat movements, you are able to develop the glute muscles evenly and harmoniously.

This is why variation is vital! Don’t settle for basic squats, incorporate different types of squats into your workout. Results won’t be immediate, but you’ll be able to work on your gluteus maximus, medius, and gluteus minimus .

If you don’t know any variation of squats, don’t panic: in addition to guiding you on how many squats per day it is ideal to do, we give you exercise tips to perform.

How many squats per day: the different exercises to perform

The classic squat

You’d be hard pressed to find a more fundamental exercise than the basic squat . When performed correctly, it engages the largest muscles in the body to provide many functional and aesthetic benefits . And in case you were wondering, squats do help round and firm the buttocks.

How many squats per day should you do with this classic movement? To wake up your muscles each morning, you can achieve between 25 and 50 at body weight . Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart.

Contract your abs to keep your back straight. Bend your knees and push your hips back as if you were going to sit in a chair. Your arms should come up in front of you to be parallel to the floor. When your thighs are also parallel to the floor, pause. Then push through your heels to return to your starting position.

The skater squat

This is a great exercise to really target the glutes ! It reproduces a movement that skaters perform on the ice, when they use their back leg as a fulcrum to propel themselves. As for how many squats a day to do in skater mode, try to do 10 on each side.

To sweat a little more during more intense sessions , add a dumbbell to each hand (or a full water bottle to act as a weight). Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart. You can rest your hands on your hips or keep them by your side.

While contracting your abs, cross your right foot backwards until your left thigh is parallel to the floor. Make sure your chest and chin stay straight throughout this movement.

After a brief pause, push off with the heel of your left foot and return to your starting position. Repeat, but step back with your left foot this time, to alternate sides.

The slots

Lunges can be thought of as split squats . This exercise isolates one leg at a time. It will require more balance , so really focus on your movement when performing it. Help yourself with your arms if necessary to maintain a stable position.

How many squats per day should you do in lunge mode? We recommend that you do no more than 20 lunges on each side if you want to train every day. Start in a widely staggered position, with your right leg in front and your left leg behind. Keep your arms at your sides.

If you want to add an extra challenge , hold a light dumbbell in each hand. While keeping your chest straight and your abs tight, bend your knees until your left knee almost touches the floor and your right thigh is parallel to the floor. Make sure your right knee doesn’t go past your toes.

After a short pause, return to your starting position. Alternate the working leg after all reps have been completed.

The goblet squat

The goblet squat is perfect for people who have trouble mastering classic squats or experience pain during the basic squat movement. You need a weight to hold in your hands, more or less heavy depending on the fitness equipment available and your level.

As for how many squats per day to do with this movement, it all depends on the load used. Start by grabbing your weight by one end, allowing the other end to hang down toward the floor with your hands cupped. With elbows bent, hold the weight comfortably in front of you, touching your chest.

Your stance should be wide and your toes should be pointed outward. Bend your knees and start pushing your hips back, keeping the weight stationary. Keep your neck in a neutral position and look straight ahead.

If your range of motion permits, your thighs can go deeper than parallel to the floor. After a slight pause, push off with your heels and return to your starting position.

The wall squat

This squat movement is designed for people who have hip or knee problems . Indeed, the wall then offers you additional support to avoid overloading your joints. How many squats per day to perform with this exercise? Since it’s gentler on your muscles, you can push up to 50 reps a day.

To do this, you must start by standing with your back against the wall. Make sure your feet are a few inches from the wall. Then bend your knees as you drop into a squat position. At the same time, you need to keep your back firmly against the wall.

Stop when your thighs are in a position parallel to the floor. When you get there, push through your heels to return to the original position, still keeping your back against the wall.

Bottom Line: How Many Squats a Day Should You Do?

As you will have understood, you should not only ask yourself the question of how many squats a day you should do to have a plump buttocks . You must also take into account the intensity of your sessions , the frequency of training and the variety of movements performed. You can exercise every day to keep fit and wake up your muscles.

But if your goal is to gain muscle mass in the glutes, it is rather recommended to train less (2 to 3 times a week), and more intensely. Fatigue your muscles with more difficult sessions and respect rest periods of 1 to 2 days in order to promote muscle growth . We hope you found this article helpful and now you know how many squats a day you should do to get the results you want!

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