Hi lo pulley: The advantages of high and low pulley

Pulleys are essential in any strength training program. Training with pulley machines is one of the most effective and varied ways to shape your body and challenge your muscles. Both high and low pulley machines are great for working a particular muscle group.

They are generally used to work the pecs , but can also be used to work the whole body. However, it is better to know the machine, its advantages, the advice for using it well, before embarking on a program.

The main advantages of the high and low pulley

Perfect for isolating large muscle groups

Most free weight exercises also involve other assist muscles, which somewhat reduces the effect on the priority target area. The pulleys make it possible to perform many isolation exercises, known as mono-articular exercises for these muscle groups.

For example, compound flys are one of the best moves for isolating the pecs; low pulley lateral raises are great for the shoulders ; as for the pull over with the pulley, it targets the back muscles well. 

Muscle definition at the end of the session

Of course, you can use the pulley for your entire session, not just the last exercise of your weight training session .

But these devices are well suited for performing series that will exhaust the muscles and chisel the muscular relief. Thanks to the pulley, you work in continuous tension.

Variety in your bodybuilding program

You can perform an infinite number of exercises with pulleys provided you are inventive. Sometimes all it takes is creativity to overcome stagnation.

Try experimenting with a unique pulley move for each muscle group, or do an all-pulley workout once in a while to bring something new to your program .

Tips for using the high and low pulley correctly

Do not lay the foundation for muscle development

During the initial phase of almost any strength training program, muscle mass and strength should be gained first, so this is not the stage where pulleys should be used frequently. 

Instead, you’ll stick to barbell and dumbbell presses, deadlifts, squats , and various pull-ups while occasionally working on pulleys. You should consider finishing work when your muscles have already acquired a certain volume. 

Don’t take heavy

Whether you’re advanced or not, you train hard to increase your strength and mass . In this case, pulleys are not the best choice. Again, stick to the bars and dumbbells.

Of course, there are exceptions. For example, vertical pulls can be done with heavy loads and give excellent results. The same is true of the horizontal pulling which is useful for thickening the musculature of the back.

Top 3 High Pulley Exercises

High Pulley Incline Extension

  • Set up an incline bench at 30° and place it in front of the high pulley so that the backrest is pointing towards the loads. Attach a straight or EZ bar to the end of the high pulley cable. Sit on the bench so that your back is pressed against the backrest.
  • Pass the bar through your partner, grab it with both hands, palms up, so your elbows are bent and your arms are perpendicular to the floor. This is the starting position.
  • Keeping your arms stationary, strongly contract your triceps to extend your elbows until you lock. Exhale as you push off during the most difficult phase of the movement. Hold the final position for a moment to get a powerful contraction of the triceps.
  • Slowly raise the bar back to the starting position, inhaling either during the descent or once you have returned to the starting position. Repeat to do the number of repetitions.

Fly cable to the high pulley

  • This next pulley chest exercise works the middle of the pectoralis major. Attach a single handle above shoulder height on each turn of the cable.
  • With a handful in each hand, stand in the middle of the turns and step forward into a split stance. Shift your weight to your front foot by bending your front knee. Start with your arms outstretched, creating a slight stretching sensation across your chest and shoulders .
  • Maintaining a small bend in your elbows and keeping your chest straight, pull the cables together in a sweeping motion so that your hands meet in front of your body with your palms facing each other. 
  • Hold this position for a second and feel the muscle tension in your chest. Then return to the starting position, controlling the weight all the way.

Cable crossed at the high pulley

  • This pulley chest exercise mainly works the lower pectoralis major. Attach only one handle to the highest setting on each turn of the cable. With a handful in each hand, stand in the middle of the towers and come into a staggered position.
  • Place your weight on your front foot creating a slight forward lean through your torso. Start with your arms wide apart, far enough behind you to create a stretching sensation through your pecs.
  • With a slight bend in your elbows, pull the cables down in front of you, crossing one arm over the other at full extension. Slowly return to the starting position. Do your crossovers with alternating arms on each rep.
  • That is to say, right arm above and left arm below, then vice versa. Keep your torso almost still and let your chest pull the weight forward, don’t use momentum.

Top 3 low pulley exercises

Low Pulley Pulldown

  • Use a pull-up machine, or failing that, place a bench facing the low pulley, then install a V pull-up handle on the pulley. Sit down and place your feet against the pulley supports or in the dedicated spaces. The legs should not be completely straight, but slightly bent.
  • Grasp the handle attached to the pulley, palms facing each other, and keep your arms straight. Straighten and contract your back so that it is straight and perpendicular to your thighs. Pull out your pecs and hold your shoulders back.
  • Pull the handle towards you by contracting your back and keeping your arms close to your chest. Immobilize your torso perfectly and keep your back straight and shoulders back. Continue until the elbows are just behind the torso and the handle touches the abs.
  • At the end of the movement, contract the muscles of the back and tighten the shoulder blades as much as possible. Hold the contraction for one to two seconds then return very slowly, and controlling, to the starting position, arms outstretched. Repeat the entire movement as many times as necessary. Exhale slowly during the pulling phase. Inhale as you return to the starting position.

Low pulley standing kickback

  • Position the ankle straps and connect one to the low pulley. Standing facing the pulley, place your hands on the device and step back to stretch the cable.
  • Resting on a slightly bent leg , push the leg far back by contracting the glutes and abdominals. Do not pull on the lower back. Exhale as you push back. Control the movement on the return while inhaling.
  • This exercise strengthens the buttocks while obtaining a good curve in profile. An additional voluntary contraction at the top of the movement by holding it for a few seconds will make the exercise more effective.

Low pulley goblet squat

  • Attach a rope to the pulley set in the low position. “Curl” the rope so that the cable is under tension, you are then in a position similar to a goblet squat.
  • Like a traditional squat, push your hips back and bend your knees to lower your glutes toward the floor. Stop when your thighs are parallel to the floor or below, stay in this position for a second.
  • Straighten up by pushing off the floor and contract your glutes well at the top of the movement before moving on to the next repetition.

Make sure you are close to the pulley so that the tension is vertical.

In summary on the high and low pulley

However, you have to remember to take all the precautions to avoid hurting yourself and to use it at the right time and in the right way.

The high and low pulley stations are a must-have machine in the weight room. Thanks to the high and low pulley, you can perform many exercises for the whole body.

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