Healthy dinner Recipes to lose weight Fit Dinner: – 7 Recipes for a Quick and Healthy Dinner

Dinner is the moment when you wonder what to eat and whether it will be too heavy for the night.

Or maybe I shouldn’t eat dinner at all because it’s too late ?!

Although breakfast is the most important meal of the day, we should not skip dinner!

Usually, it is done by people who want to lose weight or who are going on a diet. Unfortunately, this is a big mistake and shouldn’t be done!

So when should we eat dinner and what should be in it?

What should a healthy dinner consist of?

Well, we often forget what we should deliver to our body during the day and at what time.

We don’t need as much energy for the evening as we do during the day , so dinner should be light and low-calorie.

It should be roughly 250-300 calories, so we won’t be “heavy”, crammed and lethargic.

Our body also works during the night, but a lot of it is slow, so we cannot overload it with digesting fatty and heavy things.

Therefore, it is best for our last meal to be 2-3 hours before going to bed. It is a myth that after 6 p.m. we cannot eat …

Everyone goes to sleep at a different time and that is why we should individually adjust our last meal. So that we fall asleep without feeling hungry, and that hunger does not pull us out of sleep.

For dinner, we should eat:

  • Lean dairy
  • Whole wheat bread
  • Kefir
  • Natural yogurt
  • Cottage cheese
  • Vegetables
  • Fish

Fit Dinner – What to Avoid?

Of course, there are also foods that we shouldn’t add to our dinners.

When composing a healthy dinner, first of all, we must avoid fatty meat products, fried and reheated in fat.

We should also beware of sweet snacks, they contain simple sugars that rapidly increase blood glucose.

This is what contributes to night snacking , because after about 2 hours, we feel like something sweet again.

Foods high in fiber should be avoided. With too much fiber, we may experience an unpleasant feeling of fullness, abdominal pain or pressure.

7 Quick and Healthy Recipes for Fit Dinners!

Egg paste with mackerel


  • 10 eggs
  • 1 mackerel
  • onion
  • chives
  • Mayonnaise
  • salt and pepper


Hard-boil the eggs in salted water for about 10 minutes. Pour cold water over it and wait for it to cool down. At this point, we can cut one onion and chop the chives. Pour it into the bowl and add one plucked mackerel to it (he does it by hand, separating it in pieces, also checking if I am not throwing in the bones).

When the eggs have cooled down, peel and cut them into cubes or squeeze them through a vegetable strainer. If you prefer a paste with a firmer consistency, crush the eggs with a fork. Add mayonnaise (if you like), salt and pepper and it’s ready!

Zucchini pancakes with tzatziki sauce


  • 3 tablespoons of buckwheat flour / wholemeal / or regular 45 g
  • 1 egg
  • 50 g of onion
  • A clove of garlic 5 g
  • 1 zucchini 300 g
  • Salt pepper

Tzatziki sauce:

  • Natural yogurt
  • Cucumber
  • Salt pepper
  • Garlic fresh or granulated


Grate the courgettes on a coarse-mesh grater, drain them and put them into a bowl. Add egg, pepper, salt, garlic and mix. In the meantime, let’s add the flour slowly. Heat up oil or olive oil in a frying pan and put a tablespoon of the dough. Fry each side, put it on paper and degrease it.

He can also bake them in the oven: Put the pancakes on paper in a preheated oven to 200 degrees, bake them for 15 minutes, turn them over and after another 10 minutes they should be ready!


Grind the cucumber on coarse meshes. Add salt, pepper, old cucumber and garlic to the yogurt. We mix and it’s ready! 🙂

Cottage cheese pancakes with banana


  • Country cheese packaging
  • Not a whole half cup of flour
  • 2 medium eggs
  • A teaspoon of villi sugar
  • A teaspoon of baking powder (optional)
  • Oil

Remove the eggs and cream cheese in advance, so that they are at room temperature. Crack the eggs into a bowl and add a teaspoon of sugar, slightly puff it up with a whisk. Pour the flour and baking gilt, as well as the wrappers of cottage cheese into the eggs. All mix thoroughly with a spoon.

Pour the dough (pancakes) with a spoon over the heated frying pan. One side is about 2 minutes frying (so we should check it anyway).

I recommend the pancakes with natural yoghurt, fruit, vanilla cheese, nutella, banana, jam and other toppings you like 🙂

Toasts with cottage cheese with chives and radish


  • Cottage cheese packaging
  • Yogurt or Cream 18
  • Chives
  • Radish
  • Salt and pepper


Crush the curd with a fork, add cream or yoghurt (if desired). Season with salt and pepper. Add the sliced ​​chives, radish and mix forks until combined.

Boiled vegetables with a light yoghurt sauce


  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower
  • Carrot
  • Courgette
  • Green Beans


  • Natural yogurt
  • Garlic
  • Dill
  • Salt and pepper


Wash the vegetables, and divide the broccoli and cauliflower into smaller florets. Peel the carrots and cut into wider slices. Also cut the courgettes into thicker slices.

Put water with salt and sugar in a pot. Vegetables should be cooked for generations: carrots, about 7 minutes, green beans 10 minutes, broccoli 5 minutes, cauliflower 5 minutes, zucchini 3-4 minutes. After taking the vegetables out, quench them with cold water.

In the meantime, prepare the sauce: Mix the natural Jagurt with pressed garlic, dill, salt and pepper.

To serve, heat the vegetables in hot water, put them on a plate and pour over the sauce. Ready!

Couscous With Vegetables


  • Peppers
  • Tomato
  • Courgette
  • Onion
  • Mushrooms
  • Garlic
  • Couscous
  • Oil / butter
  • Chili pepper


Cut the vegetables into slices so that the vegetables are in smaller pieces. fry in a little oil or butter. Adds salt, pepper, Provencal herbs and chilli. In the meantime, cook the couscous. He adds the cooked groats to the fried vegetables and fry them for a while, stirring, to combine the vegetables with the groats.

Strawberry coctail


  • Under the cottage cheese
  • Frozen strawberries
  • Milk
  • Sugar at your discretion


Put the cottage cheese, one and a half handful of strawberries into the blender (it depends on who is how big), half a glass of milk and sugar. We mix everything to a smooth consistency and we have a ready meal to drink!


Dinner should be easily digestible with adequate nutritional value. Let’s not provide our body with empty calories at night.

During the night, our digestion is much slower, therefore, we should support our body and not overeat at night, appropriately only at the time of eating the last meal. Thanks to this, we will sleep much better, and the mornings will not be as hard as before.

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