Hair loss – What are the symptoms and causes of hair loss ?

Hair loss! Hair diseases are one of the more common reasons for visiting a dermatologist. There are many causes of hair loss, therefore a detailed interview with the patient is a very important element of the medical examination. Hair loss may be the result of a history of disease, stress, iron deficiency anemia, inadequate diet, taking certain medications (e.g. cytostatics, immunosuppressants, vitamin A, β-blockers). Systemic diseases that can lead to hair loss include: thyroid diseases, infectious diseases, diabetes, cancer , some connective tissue diseases and diseases of the scalp ( e.g. psoriasis , mycosis , seborrheic dermatitis )). Androgenetic alopecia is also the cause of excessive hair loss and it should be remembered that it is the most common cause of hair loss in men.

It should also be mentioned about “physiological” hair loss in women after childbirth or during the menopause, which are caused by disorders of the hormonal balance. In some women, discontinuation of the pill may also contribute to hair loss. Incorrect care (improper combing and brushing of hair, straightening hair, perming, using a blow dryer, too long exposure to sunlight) also contribute to excessive hair loss.

How common is hair loss?

Hair loss is a very common dermatological problem and, to some extent, it affects practically everyone.

What are the symptoms of hair loss?

The main symptoms include excessive hair loss. In addition, the hair can become dry, thin, dull and dull.

What to do in the event of hair loss?

In the event of excessive hair loss, contact a health care physician or a dermatologist. Early treatment can inhibit any further hair loss.

How does the doctor recognize hair loss?

The clinical picture is typical for this disease entity. An important element is a detailed interview and evaluation of the hairy scalp. In the case of hair loss, it is important to look for the cause of the problem (laboratory tests, including morphology , thyroid hormone concentrations , iron ). Diagnostics can be supplemented with additional tests: trichoscopy, trichogram or histopathological examination of a section from the scalp.

Trichoscopy is a painless microscopic examination of the hair using a videodermatoscope. A trichogram is an examination of the hair of the head on the basis of an assessment of their roots under a light microscope (this examination is sometimes unpleasant due to the need to pull out a certain number of hairs for examination).

What are the treatments for hair loss?

The most important element of treatment is finding the cause of hair loss, because then there is a high probability that after eliminating it, the hair will grow back. Supportively, you can use dietary supplements, appropriate shampoos for weakened and falling out hair. Pharmacological treatment includes topical preparations such as minoxidil or steroid preparations. In the case of androgenetic alopecia, finasteride is used in men, and in women, anti-androgen drugs. Another method of treating androgenetic alopecia is hair transplant surgery.

What to do to reduce the risk of hair loss?

In some cases, hair loss is difficult to prevent. Examples include androgenetic alopecia, infectious diseases (especially those with  fever ), medications or cancer. Diet, vitamin deficiencies, and improper hair care are conditions that can be influenced and thus prevent hair loss.

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