FRENCH BULLDOG: Is French Bulldog a good pet

In your quest to know if French Bulldog a good pet? Where exactly did the French bulldogs come from? Of course, from… England. So why is French in the name? Because it was in this country that a group of English weavers settled, who, in search of work, emigrated from their homeland during the industrial revolution, taking their beloved dogs with them – small bulldogs.

The exact course of the breed formation is difficult to recreate, but the hypotheses are that the French Bulldog arose from a cross between an English bulldog and pugs or small bulldogs and dogs to exterminate rats from France and Belgium. There is no doubt that their ancestors were bulldogs – dogs used for the disgusting entertainment of bullfighting.

When it was banned in Great Britain in 1835, severe bulldogs began to be mixed with smaller and lighter dogs until a miniature of an old fighting dog was created. The first association of French bulldog lovers was formed in France in 1880, and eight years later the first breed standard was created.

The real ennoblement for bulldogs and the beginning of their great popularity, which continues to this day, was the appearance of a dog of this breed at the court of King Edward VII of England. French bulldogs appeared in Poland almost a hundred years ago – in 1937 the French Bulldog Club was established.


French Bulldogs are very social dogs with great social contact needs. Usually, they like to spend time with their people and friendly dogs, and too long loneliness can be difficult for them to bear. On the other hand, it is worth remembering that the excessive intensity and intensity of meetings with new people or dogs, even for a social bulldog, can be troublesome, stressful and unpleasant. The company does, but in reasonable numbers. French Bulldogs are lively, energetic and lively dogs. Due to their rather massive and strong body and short legs, they will not be good companions for jogging or very long trips. On the other hand, they will gladly snore next to the caregiver on the couch. Because French bulldogs, due to their construction – a short mouth – make a lot of specific sounds – snoring, grunting, gasping, wheezing.


Unfortunately, they are not long-lived dogs. Due to relatively common health problems, their average life expectancy is 9-11 years. French Bulldogs belong to the brachycephalic breeds which, due to the unusual structure of the skull (short muzzle), have breathing problems and apnea. French Bulldogs do not tolerate heat well, so remember to provide them with shade and access to water in summer so as not to expose them to a stroke or other health problems


Bulldogs are dogs willing to cooperate with their owners, quite easy to train and raise, if we provide them with the opportunity to meet their needs. It is worth, as with almost every dog, to go to a good dog school to learn basic skills under the supervision of a trainer or trainer. Obedience or trick training is a great way to deepen our bond with your bulldog and provide him with valuable entertainment. It is worth remembering that bulldogs get tired quickly, so the training should not be too long and intense. For this reason, and the limitations resulting from a strong, compact body, dog sports in which they need jumping or speed are not recommended for French bulldogs. However, they will work great in a nasal or rally-o.


The advantages of the French bulldog can be seen at first glance – it looks charming. Their crooked bite, bulging eyes, and bats’ ears immediately make their carers smile. Certainly, one of the great advantages of the French Bulldog is its cheerful and sociable nature. He feels great with people and other dogs. Although the latter have trouble with bulldogs, they are disturbed by the specific gurgling sounds made by brachycephalic dogs. The disadvantage of this breed is quite common health problems.


Bulldogs are dogs that are good … for almost everyone. Whether in small or large families, with or without children – the bulldog will be a great companion. We do not recommend this breed only to those who would like to do a lot of sport with their dog and are looking for a companion for strenuous physical activity. Due to the difficulties in climbing stairs, French bulldogs will not be a good choice for people living on high floors in buildings without a lift