Female condoms – how to put on ladies condom? Are women’s condoms an effective means of contraception?

Femidoma condoms (female condoms) are made of a thin, soft plastic – polyurethane. It is a mechanical contraceptive that prevents sperm from entering the uterus. They are placed in the vagina. Their effectiveness in protecting against unplanned pregnancy was estimated at 95%. What are the advantages and disadvantages of women’s condoms?

Condoms for women – what are they?

The female condom is made of polyurethane – a thin, soft material. To be an effective form of contraception, it must be inserted into the vagina. It belongs to a mechanical form of contraception – it prevents sperm from entering the uterus. In Poland, female condoms are not a popular means of contraception.

When used correctly during vaginal intercourse, they protect against pregnancy, infection and sexually transmitted diseases . Condoms, for both men and women, are the only form of contraception that protects against pregnancy and against sexually transmitted diseases.

Are female condoms effective?

When used correctly, femidomas are 95% effective in preventing pregnancy. This means that 5 out of 100 women using a female condom could become pregnant each year. Importantly, the use of a female condom protects against both pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.

A female condom should be placed in the vagina before the first vaginal contact with a member. As with a male condom, it should be stored in a cool and shaded place and protected from damage by sharp or abrasive objects including fingernails. When using this contraceptive, it is worth checking that the condom is not inserted too deep into the vagina. Do not use a condom more than once.

Female condoms are much less comfortable than male condoms. They are placed in the vagina to create a physical barrier that prevents sperm from entering the uterus. It is important to use the condom correctly and make sure that the penis does not come into contact with the vagina before inserting it – some semen may flow out of the penis before it is fully ejaculated. Preejaculate almost always contains fertilizing sperm. Therefore, as part of the foreplay , partners should protect themselves, e.g. to reduce the risk of transferring ejaculate on the hands to the genital tract. A female condom can be put on eight hours before intercourse.

It happens that despite the use of condoms, both those for men and women, semen will enter the woman’s genital tract. This can happen when the penis comes into contact with the vagina before putting on the condom. In the case of a female condom, this can happen if it is pushed too far into the vagina. It also happens that the penis is accidentally inserted between the condom and the vaginal wall . However, the most common cause of ineffectiveness of this form of contraception is physical damage to the condom, e.g. with a fingernail. If a female condom comes off or fails, emergency contraception can be used to prevent pregnancy . It should only be used in situations of increased risk of unwanted pregnancy.

How to put on a female condom?

To be fully effective, you must:

  • take the condom out of the package, taking care not to damage it – do not open the package with your teeth, be careful with your nails;
  • squeeze the smaller ring at the blind end of the condom and insert it into the vagina;
  • make sure the large ring around the open end of the condom covers the area around the vaginal opening;
  • make sure the penis is inserted into the condom and not between the condom and the vaginal wall;
  • gently remove the condom immediately after intercourse – you can twist the large ring, preventing semen leakage.

Condoms come pre-wetted so they are easier to use, but you can also use an additional wetting agent. Moistening reduces the risk of the condom breaking. Any wetting agents can be used with women’s polyurethane condoms. If you are using male latex condoms, do not use greasy wetting agents such as olive oil, petroleum jelly, or creams. These can damage the latex and make the condom break more easily. There are no serious risks with female condoms.

Advantages and disadvantages of female condoms

It is important that the partners make the decision to use a particular type of contraception together. Care should be taken to select the correct condom and consider using another form of contraception as additional protection.

Advantages of female condoms:

  • protect against infection with many sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV;
  • when used correctly and consistently, they are an effective method of preventing pregnancy;
  • they are used only during intercourse;
  • in most cases there are no medical side effects associated with their use;
  • a female condom can be put on eight hours before intercourse.

The disadvantages of female condoms:

  • condoms are very strong but can break or tear if not used correctly;
  • female condoms are not as widely available as male condoms and are more expensive.

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