Domain – what is it?

Domain: Even though we use the Internet every day, the basic concepts of the network may be completely incomprehensible to us. First of all, it is worth paying attention to the domain here. We use them every day, although a relatively small percentage of people will be able to determine what it is. In this article we will try to answer this bothering question.

What is a domain?

What is a domain? It is a user-friendly address that allows you to find resources on the Internet. Each internet domain is unique and consists of a name and an extension. It is also worth emphasizing that Internet domains are also associated with DNS (Domain Name System), the task of which is to translate the domain name to a specific IP address that will be understood by network devices. This allows you to locate a specific address on the hosting.

An internet domain is made up of two basic elements

  • domain name
  • extension (.pl .com. edu)

When a protocol is also added to the domain (eg https: //, then we will get the full URL address. It is worth mentioning that subdomains may also appear in the address (eg

As is well known, domain names can be diverse, because they can contain letters, numbers, and hyphens that separate words in the name of the site. The domain is case-insensitive. It should also be remembered that we cannot use Polish characters in network addresses.

Types of domains

Domains do not have types by themselves, only extensions have their variants, which depend primarily on the nature of the site:

  • national extensions (ccTLD): .pl, .ru,. fr., .eng
  • functional extensions (gTLD): .edu, .org, .net, .biz
  • Second degree functional extensions (SLD):,,,,
  • regional (SLD):,,
  • global (TLD) top level: .com, .org, .info ,. eu

What is hosting and domain

Many people unfamiliar with the functioning of the Internet often confuse hosting with a domain. Also remember that the terms hosting and server are often used interchangeably because they are related directly to each other. From a technical point of view, a server is a device that aims to provide a certain amount of resources (capacity, power, memory, system, etc.). There are separate hosting services in the server, and these generally constitute ready-made proposals for the end customer.

Hosting is defined as the “place” where we store our files to make them available on the web to other users. We can connect the domain to the server if we want to display specific content at the domain address.

The contents of the server are files that can be displayed after entering the domain address in the browser. These files will most often be the website itself, because it consists of many data that must be stored in a specific place so that they can be transferred to other network users.

How to set up a website?

Contrary to appearances, setting up a website these days is very simple. We only need a CMS tool, the best example of which is the WordPress environment. There, without any major problems, we will be able to design our website in such a way that it meets all expectations. In WordPress settings, we can personalize every aspect of the website, we can only be limited by our imagination!

When we finalized our project, we then have to decide on hosting services. If we choose an offer, the next step will be to determine the domain address. We can choose any combination that has not been used before. If we finalize all the steps, we only need to put all system files on the server’s memory. From now on, the site is visible to all Internet users!

Domain FAQ

What do you mean by domain?

In the broadest sense, a domain can be thought of as either a sphere of knowledge or an area under one’s control. 1) A area of knowledge that can be referred to by a specific name is referred to as a domain in the fields of computing and communications in general. Typically, the knowledge consists of a collection of facts about a few different program entities or a few of different network points or addresses.

What are examples of domains?

  • com – commercial business (the most common TLD)
  • org – organizations (typically, nonprofit)
  • gov – government agencies.
  • edu – educational institutions.
  • net – network organizations.
  • mil – military.

How do you find your domain?

To discover who hosts your domain, make use of the ICANN Lookup tool. Visit the website at Simply type your domain name into the search form and then click the Lookup button. On the page displaying the results, go all the way down to Registrar Information.

What are the types of domain?

  • Top-Level Domains (TLDs) Each website’s URL can be broken down into different parts. …
  • Country Code Top-Level Domain (ccTLD) As we alluded to earlier, there are actually multiple types of TLDs. …
  • Generic Top-Level Domain (gTLD) …
  • Second-Level Domain (SLD) …
  • Third-Level Domain. …
  • Premium Domain.

What does domain mean in business?

What Does It Mean to Have a Business Domain? A business domain is what determines the whole area of activity that a company is involved in. In a broad sense, it can be understood to refer to the service that the company offers to its customers.

What are the 3 types of domain?

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