Does WWE pay for hotels? – There are 20 things that WWE fans don’t know about these superstars’ travel schedules.

In terms of the travel schedules of WWE superstars, there are 20 things that fans aren’t aware of.

It is a demanding schedule for WWE Superstars. Every day, they are on the road, traveling from one state to another, performing in front of audiences all over the world. On the surface, they look like circus performers.

Numerous people believe that WWE Superstars lead a life of luxury. In exchange for their time, they get to travel, see new cities, earn a lot of money, and simply live a comfortable life with nice cars and large homes.

However, they must put themselves through the wringer in order to have a chance at becoming successful enough to receive such luxuries. Aside from the fact that they are constantly traveling from city to city doing shows, they also have to spend little time at home, work out frequently, and eat well. This puts an additional strain on their physical health.

A look at the grueling travel schedules that the WWE Superstars endure.

  1. Only those with exceptional talent are permitted to sleep on flights!

There are a slew of rules that anyone who is hired by WWE must adhere to. Non-talent employees are not permitted to sleep on flights, according to, which reports that Vince McMahon has a rule against it. Only the most talented individuals are able to catch some z’s while traveling by plane.

Just so you know, he despises anyone who sneezes in his vicinity.

2. Before signing their contracts, they must acknowledge that they will be subjected to difficult travel schedules.

Some people may wonder why WWE Superstars put up with such a demanding schedule of appearances and appearance fees.

In the opinion of, they are powerless to do anything. Getting signed up by WWE is a significant opportunity; however, some wrestlers rush into it without thoroughly reviewing their contracts. When it comes to resigning, they are much more discerning and request travel upgrades as well as a limited number of days off in exchange.

3. Vince McMahon Not Only Has His Own Private Jet, But Also His Own Personal Chauffeur

Vince McMahon is one of the WWE employees who enjoys all of the perks that come with being a billionaire boss, which is to be expected of a man who earns billions of dollars.

Vince not only has his own private jet that allows him to travel from show to show with ease, but he also has ground transportation, which is typically in the form of a limousine or SUV, with his own personal driver who chauffeurs him around.

4. No Union Can Help Them

Forming a union can sometimes make a significant difference in the traveling schedules of certain employees.

Although WWE Superstars have attempted to form a union in the past, according to, they have been unsuccessful because they are classified as “independent contractors” rather than employees in their contracts, which makes organizing a union difficult.

5. They are not compensated in any way extra for participating in PR interviews.

WWE would not be as successful as it is today if it did not promote itself.

According to, the WWE utilizes its wrestlers to promote the brand throughout the world through a variety of live events and talk shows, among other things. One would assume that being selected to participate in an interview or special event would result in some form of overtime compensation, but unfortunately, while the company does pay for travel and hotel accommodations, that is about all they get out of the experience.

6. Superstars are fortunate to be able to spend two to three days per week at home with their families.

The best part of the day is over when you get home to see your loved ones after a long day at work.

As reported by, WWE superstars are unable to return home immediately following a performance because they must travel to the next promotional event or appearance. For most of the year, they only have two or three days off per month. In the case of a parent, this is especially difficult.

7. Special VIP Air Travel Is Reserved For The “Greats”

Wrestlers are responsible for their own ground transportation and lodging, but WWE will cover the cost of their air travel.

Many WWE stars will be forced to fly economy, but a select few veterans will be able to fly first class, according to

8. In some weeks, they’ll be working on as many as four different shows.

Despite the fact that WWE Superstars are contracted to one of the company’s brands (Raw or Smackdown), this does not mean that they only appear on that one show.

The reports that on average, they perform up to four shows a week, in four different cities, on average. On top of all that, there is the monthly PPV and all the promos and interviews that go along with that.

9. Traveling limits one’s ability to fully experience the places they visit.

WWE enjoys planning show after show in a variety of venues around the world. When this occurs, Superstars have a limited amount of time to enjoy the area in which they are currently located before being shipped off to a new city.

Although company veterans have figured out how to balance traveling, sleeping, and enjoying their surroundings, according to some of the company’s new talent is having difficulty, particularly with sleep and rest.

10. They Don’t Have To Make Any Changes To Their Schedules When They Travel Abroad.

A WWE Superstar’s work schedule will not lighten simply because he or she is traveling outside of the country to perform.

In addition, according to, when traveling abroad, WWE likes to put on as many live events as possible, which means they could be in Milan one night and in Rome the next.

11. As far as gyms go, superstar athletes are on their own.

There is a lot of gym time required for WWE Superstars to maintain their peak physical condition.

Traveling Superstars are on their own to find a gym, according to This can be difficult for new wrestlers who haven’t yet gotten a feel for the cities they’re visiting, and WWE isn’t going to assist them in this regard.

12. Traveling Outside the United States, there aren’t many safeguards in place.

There have been a few instances where security was almost non-existent when traveling abroad.

Wrestlers have been swarmed by fans in the past, according to This is not the first time Triple H has been attacked by fans on the plane, but it was one of the worst incidents.

13. Now, Only International Travel Is Performed on the Company’s Private Plane.

A private plane was often used by WWE in the past for long-distance shows.

Many incidents occurred in the air during this period because wrestlers were drinking excessively while flying. So the WWE’s private plane is now primarily reserved for overseas appearances and the transport of special guests, like wrestlers.

14. In some wrestling shows, wrestlers sit backstage but are never called upon to perform.

Some people may see this as a fantasy. Not having to perform any work in exchange for a salary.

According to, wrestlers who weren’t needed could stay at home back in the old days. When it comes to live events, Vince wants all of his talent present, even if they aren’t on stage at the time.

15. Just Their Flight Expenses Will Be Paid, No Other Costs!

Although WWE does not cover wrestlers’ ground travel, hotels, or meals, they do cover their airfare.

Flights that are just the bare minimum, however, are what describes. Visitors and wrestlers who aren’t part of a stable don’t have access to first-class facilities. Traveling first class is reserved for those who have earned it, such as Randy Orton and The Miz.

16. Traveling, they buy their own food.

Superstars in WWE are expected to be in peak physical condition at all times. Providing wrestlers with nutritious meals would be a good way to help them keep up with their rigorous training schedules.

For the most part, Superstars are responsible for their own meals on the road. It’s all WWE does is serve food at shows, and it’s not always healthy food.

17. After a Performance, They Typically Make Their Way to Their Next One.

Many people assume that when a WWE show ends around 11:00 p.m. local time, the wrestlers simply return to their hotels and go to bed.

Even though they wish they could, reports that the majority of the time, they pack up and move on to the next location. There is a tendency for WWE to schedule their events close to one another.

18. They Also Have To Make Their Own Hotel Reservations.

Booking and paying for a hotel for a Superstar is just like renting a car; they do it themselves.

According to, this is not a new phenomenon. When it comes to lodging, wrestlers have always been responsible for their own arrangements. A lot of wrestlers will try to save money by sharing a hotel room.

19. No one gets the day off just because an event falls on a holiday.

During the holidays, most businesses allow their employees to spend time with their loved ones.

As far as WWE’s employees are concerned, it’s just another day at the office. However, the WWE throws a fantastic Christmas party for them backstage and covers all of their travel and hotel expenses.

20. Ground Transportation Is Their Own Responsibility.

As a result, many fans believe that WWE covers everything.

It appears, however, that they will be responsible for their own ground transportation. To help wrestlers with car rentals, they used to have tour buses in the past. Until recently, however, wrestlers were able to book and pay for their own lodgings while on the road.

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