Diabetic foot – what is it? Treatment

Diabetic foot is a syndrome that occurs in people with improperly treated diabetes. See what the first symptoms are.

It is estimated that the diabetic rate affects up to 10% of diabetics. The risk of its occurrence increases in people with muscle atrophy, calluses and skin cracks. The predisposing factors also include recurrent mechanical damage and the lack of proper hygiene.

What is a diabetic foot?

Diabetic foot is a group of characteristic lower limb ailments to which people suffering from diabetes are exposed. It is one of the most serious complications of this disease, which can even lead to amputation of the leg, and thus to disability and deterioration of the quality of life .

The causes of the diabetic foot

The main causes of diabetic feet are untreated or inadequately treated type 1 or type 2 diabetes. Persistent high blood glucose levels over a long period of time damage the blood vessels and nerve fibers in the feet. As a result, the tissues are hypoxic. Therefore, when they are damaged (even by seemingly harmless irritation of the epidermis), wounds do not heal and are susceptible to infection.

On the other hand, damage to nerve fibers results in sensory disturbances. Therefore , a sick person does not feel pain when injured or burned . This situation exposes her to the deterioration of the foot.

What are the symptoms of a diabetic foot?

The beginnings of the diabetic foot may go unnoticed by the patient. The first symptoms are usually numbness and tingling sensations in the foot, as well as abnormal sensations of temperature, pressure and pain. The tension in the muscles is also weakened, therefore the lower limb may be deformed . As the condition progresses, other symptoms of the diabetic foot appear:

  • deformation of bones and nails,
  • swelling of the foot,
  • a bluish skin
  • hard-to-heal wounds,
  • the appearance of ulcers on the foot,
  • prints,
  • deterioration of the epidermis (the skin is dry, cracked and flaky),
  • tissue necrosis.

The symptoms of a diabetic foot mainly affect the dorsal and plantar parts of the foot.

Treatment and care of the diabetic foot

The treatment of the diabetic foot consists of balancing the blood sugar level and proper skin care. The sick person must have a different treatment method. This means that you need to start insulin therapy or modify the current doses of the drug .

On the other hand, the care of a diabetic foot involves the use of appropriate dressings for ulcers and difficult-to-heal wounds. If they are infected, antibiotic therapy is required. Patients who develop necrosis should undergo surgery to excise the dead tissue.

Treatment of a diabetic foot is very difficult and does not always have the desired effect. Often, the necrosis progresses, and limb amputation is necessary. This, in turn, is associated with hospital stays, long-term rehabilitation, disability, and the inability to continue working. If you have diabetes, you can protect yourself against losing your livelihood by getting medical care. 

Diabetic foot prophylaxis

Preventing a diabetic foot involves several important steps:

  • compliance with medical recommendations regarding the treatment of diabetes,
  • daily foot care and hygiene,
  • wearing comfortable shoes,
  • avoiding going barefoot,
  • practicing physical activity.

In the prevention of the diabetic foot, it is also important to carefully inspect the skin and quickly implement the treatment of abrasions or corns.

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