
Condoms – types, effectiveness, mode of action

The condom is the most frequently chosen method of contraception. It is widely available and requires no prescription. When placed on the penis during an erection, it blocks the sperm cells from reaching the egg. Moreover, it is the only one that protects against sexually transmitted diseases. Find out how a condom works, how effective it is and what…

Anal sex – how to grow, positions, hygiene, diseases. Is anal sex safe?

Anal sex is a form of activity intended for mature and responsible people, both homosexual and heterosexual. It requires proper preparation, delicacy, imagination and safety rules due to the higher risk of disease transmission and bacterial infections. Grown without protection, it carries the risk of contracting HIV, viral hepatitis or HPV. How to safely have anal sex and…

Karezza – method, action, application, who is it good for?

Karezza is a type of art of love that involves having sex, but without ejaculating or with the maximum time at which ejaculation occurs. It is not a form of natural contraception. This type of love-making can extend intercourse. Karezza is to enhance pleasant feelings and bring partners together. It does not prevent you from getting pregnant. What is…

Best zodiac sign Sex Position , the sexual position that makes you the most enticing

Knowing the best zodiac sign Sex Position could give you the most enticing moment with your partner. Based on your zodiac sign, the sexual position is as follows: No doubt, when it comes to spicing things up in the bedroom, we believe you are deserving, nay, entitled, to the knowledge and skills necessary to have…

What horoscopes are good in bed? – The Best and Worst Zodiac Signs in Bed

It’s not easy to find sexual compatibility. Zodiac signs can be useful in predicting some of a person’s general characteristics and temperament.We can easily deduce which zodiac signs are the best in bed based on this information. Each sign, on the other hand, has its own way of reacting in sexual situations, and it’s crucial…