Flu (Influenza)- symptoms, causes, treatment, complications. Flu vaccine

Influenza is a serious viral respiratory infection with the highest death rate. Influenza epidemiology covers seasonality (winter months of the year), worldwide prevalence, and virus type. Changes in the antigens of the individual strains of the virus are observed every year. The incidence of influenza only gives short-term immunity – up to several months, and only against the…

Bacterial dysentery and Shigella. Symptoms of dysentery

Bacterial dysentery is an infectious intestinal disease, contagious, caused by the bacteria of the bacillus (Shigella). Typical lesions that occur in the intestines: large and straight. Dysentery, or bloody diarrhea (dysentery), was described by Hippocrates as a clinical unit in antiquity. It is still endemic and epidemic in developing countries. A few words about bacterial dysentery … –…

Diarrhea – causes, types, symptoms. How To Treat Diarrhea?

The common condition known as diarrhea is a condition that causes a person to defecate more frequently than normal. It is frequently accompanied by a shift in the consistency of the stools as well as a change in their smell. There is a possibility that diarrhea will cause the body to experience general weakness, fever,…

What is insulin resistance? Treatment, Causes, Symptoms

Insulin resistance (IR) is a condition in which the body’s cells become less sensitive to insulin. Obesity is the most common cause. It is important to know that the decreased sensitivity of cells to insulin leads to the development of type 2 diabetes. There are many symptoms of insulin resistance, including for example: constant fatigue, hypertension, elevated…


Overweight (fat people) – causes, consequences, how to fight overweight |I am overweight – Why is being overweight a problem?

Being overweight or fat is defined as the abnormal or excessive accumulation of fat that can adversely affect your health. There are several indicators of being overweight. The effects of excessive caloric intake increase the risk of developing many diseases, such as obesity, cardiovascular disease and diabetes, in both adults and children. The diagnosis of overweight or obesity…


Cryotherapy – near me Location what is low temperature treatment?

If you just search for cryotherapy-near me information before you discuss Cryotherapy is a physical therapy procedure that uses extremely low temperatures to produce a therapeutic effect. A well-chosen dose of the applied cold allows for a very wide application in all types of locomotor injuries, as well as in various diseases. What is cryotherapy? Cryotherapy aims…

Muscle tension |Increased tension in babies and adults – is it manifested and how to effectively treat it?

Increased muscle tension (the so-called hypertonia) is a condition in which excessive tension in the muscles of the limbs and postural muscles is clearly observed, which makes it difficult for the patient to function properly. The extent and symptoms of the body’s motor disorders depend on the degree of damage to the nervous system. Rehabilitation of…

Bakers cyst treatment Symptoms causes and treatment of a popliteal cyst

A Baker’s cyst, also called a Baker’s cyst or a popliteal cyst, forms under the knee and is easy to palpate. It poses no immediate health risk, but can sometimes damage blood vessels and nerves, so should be seen by a doctor. Too much synovial fluid in the joint cavity can cause a cyst to form . A…

Rheumatoid factor RA – factor test examination, norm, positive, negative – result interpretation

Rheumatoid factor (RF) is a test that can indicate that your body is developing rheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematosus, Sjogren’s syndrome, sarcoidosis, or Lyme disease. Interestingly, it does not have to be a parameter that only proves the development of these diseases, because in up to 20% of the population it occurs physiologically. The most common symptom is…