Brain tumors

Brain tumors | Symptoms and Treatment | What is the main cause of brain tumors?

A brain tumor is not only a tumor, but also any other structure foreign to the brain, the formation and development of which causes an increase in intracranial tightness. The most common brain tumors are a brain abscess, aneurysm, parasite, or arachnoid cyst. The symptoms are caused by increased intracranial and focal pressure. WHAT ARE THE SYMPTOMS…

Secondary arterial hypertension

Secondary (symptomatic) hypertension| What is the most common cause of secondary hypertension? |Symptoms, Treatment

Secondary arterial hypertension is also referred to as symptomatic because it is not a primary disease in itself, but is only a secondary symptom and consequence of a condition in the course of which hypertension occurs. Symptoms experienced by a person with secondary hypertension are the same as with primary hypertension. In addition to the symptoms characteristic…

Lung diseases

Pulmonary disease|Breathing Problems| Symptoms and What is the most common cause of pulmonary disease?| Respiratory Failure

Lung disease is a concept that covers many diseases of various etiology, course, and prognosis. The most important lung diseases are lung cancer, tuberculosis, asthma, and pneumoconiosis. In the prevention of such ailments, it is important to limit contact with substances in the form of cigarette smoke and coal dust. What is Lung Disease? Lung diseases are…

sudden weight loss

Sudden weight loss can be a serious symptom, What are the Causes and How do I stop unintentional weight loss?

Sudden weight loss can be a serious symptom of concern. Rarely does anyone worry if they lose a few pounds effortlessly. However, when weight loss continues, you need to find out why. Sudden weight loss can have a completely innocent cause, but it can also be a sign of a serious disease – hyperthyroidism, diabetes, depression, or…

liver cancer

Liver cancer – treatment, Causes, symptoms, prognosis. What are the warning signs of liver cancer?

Liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma, HCC) is an insidious disease. It is a malignant neoplasm with a difficult course and an unfavorable prognosis. Small liver tumors usually don’t show any symptoms. Tumors very often arise in the cirrhotic liver, and then the picture of the underlying disease dominates. Cancer may appear as a result of previous infection with a type…

cirrhosis of the liver

Cirrhosis of the liver – symptoms, Causes. How is cirrhosis of the liver treated?

Liver cirrhosis is a chronic disease. The disease leads to the formation of liver fibrosis and often irreversible changes in the parenchyma of this organ. Alcoholism, viral hepatitis, and other diseases can lead to cirrhosis of the liver. How is cirrhosis of the liver manifested? How to recognize the disease and how do you treat it? Although cirrhosis of…

viral hepatitis

Viral hepatitis – symptoms, Causes, prevention. Hepatitis and cancer. What cures viral hepatitis?

Viral hepatitis is an organ disease caused by hepatotropic and non-hepatotropic viruses. Hepatitis is necrosis of the liver, which is most often transmitted through the digestive tract, e.g. when we eat it with dirty hands that have previously been in contact with the virus. Stages of hepatitis B or C infection Hepatitis B or C infection…

Overactive Parathyroid Glands

Overactive Parathyroid Glands: symptoms, Causes, Treatment

Overactive Parathyroid Glands or Hyperfunction of the Parathyroid Glands is a medical condition that depends on the excessive secretion of parathyroid hormone (PTH) by the adenomatous overgrowth of the parathyroid gland. As a result, there is an increase in the concentration of calcium (Ca) and a decrease in phosphorus (P) in the plasma, with subsequent changes…

Constipation remedies

Severe Constipation treatments, What is the main cause of constipation? What is the fastest home remedy for constipation?

You want the fastest home remedy for constipation. Constipation occurs when intestinal contents remain in the digestive tract for an extended period of time. It is considered correct to pass one stool once a day (every day), but in practice, people with normal bowel movements can still include those who have bowel movements at least three…


Enteritis (Inflammation of the Small Intestine): Causes, Types, and Symptoms. What is enteritis prevention and treatment?

Enteritis – Inflammation of the intestines refers to a group of conditions that occur when bacteria or toxins adversely affect the gut. A characteristic symptom is chronic diarrhea that prevents normal functioning during the day. An immediate recommendation in the case of inflammation of the intestine is a strict diet and hydration of the body. What is…