Cervical Radiculopathy – what is it and how it is manifested, causes | cervical and lumbar radiculopathy, diagnosis, treatment

Radiculopathy, also called radiculitis or radiculitis, is a disease that most often occurs as a result of damage to the spinal roots. Pain, paralysis, and paralysis can be observed in the course of radiculopathy. What else is worth knowing about radiculopathy? How is it diagnosed?  What is radiculopathy? Radiculopathy, often referred to as radiculopathy or radiculitis, involves damage…

Spondylosis – types and diagnosis. Treatment of spine degeneration

Spondylosis is a degenerative change in the spine, mainly the vertebrae and intervertebral discs, cartilage, and articular structures of the spine and its ligamentous system. Symptoms of abnormalities cause pain, which makes functioning difficult. Degenerative changes, unfortunately, cannot be undone, you can only slow down the development of the disease. What is worth knowing? What is spondylosis? Degeneration…

Pain in the lower abdomen – Treatment, causes, symptoms. Why does it hurt in the lower abdomen?

Pains in the lower abdomen can have many sources and affect both sexes in a different way. The most common examples are lower abdominal pain in women during pregnancy or after ovulation, and lower abdominal pain in men – e.g. after intercourse. Such ailments can also result from many diseases. So let’s know the causes and methods of…

Pain in the neck: Treatment, causes, what does it mean and how do you prevent Neck pain?

Penetrating Pain in the neck can occur for many reasons. Sometimes it is short-lived and results from improper or sudden head movement. In other cases, it may indicate serious medical conditions. If neck pain lasts longer than you expect, please consult your primary care physician. The keys to treatment are pharmacology and physiotherapy. The most severe cases of pain…

Female condoms – how to put on ladies condom? Are women’s condoms an effective means of contraception?

Femidoma condoms (female condoms) are made of a thin, soft plastic – polyurethane. It is a mechanical contraceptive that prevents sperm from entering the uterus. They are placed in the vagina. Their effectiveness in protecting against unplanned pregnancy was estimated at 95%. What are the advantages and disadvantages of women’s condoms? Condoms for women – what are they? The…


Condoms – types, effectiveness, mode of action

The condom is the most frequently chosen method of contraception. It is widely available and requires no prescription. When placed on the penis during an erection, it blocks the sperm cells from reaching the egg. Moreover, it is the only one that protects against sexually transmitted diseases. Find out how a condom works, how effective it is and what…

Anal cancer – symptoms , causes, and treatment of cancer of the edge and anal canal

Anal cancer can involve both the margins of the anus and the anal canal. Anal cancers are malignant neoplastic tumors. Symptoms include rectal bleeding, rectal mucus, itching, gas and faecal incontinence. Treatment of anal cancer involves surgery – removal of the tumor, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Unfortunately, after treatment, there is a high risk of complications. The prognosis of anal…

Sexually transmitted diseases (STD) : Types, Symptoms, Treatment

sexually transmitted diseases. STDs are also known as venereal diseases. The most frequently diagnosed of them are: genital herpes, gonorrhea, chlamydiosis, and genital warts. Bacterial and viral diseases give their characteristic symptoms – discharge, burning, itching, lumps, blisters, vaginal bleeding. Their recognition is a key element in determining the therapy. Treatment of venereal diseases on your own is always…

Overactive bladder treatment, causes, symptoms| Urgent incontinence | frequent urination Men / Women

An overactive bladder is a syndrome of problems associated with the urinary system. The characteristic symptoms include: frequent urination, urgency and nocturia. Bladder overactivity is caused by neurological disorders of the nerves responsible for the proper functioning of the urinary system. How is overactive bladder syndrome treated?   Overactive bladder syndrome is manifested by frequent, often uncontrolled urination with a…