Atopic Dermatitis – Symptoms and Treatment. What’s the prognosis?

Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a condition that occurs most often as a result of contact with allergenic food and / or inhalation allergens. Bacterial and viral antigens released from chronic intracorporeal foci also play an important role. Atopic dermatitis often coexists with bronchial asthma and a predisposition to dry and keratinized skin. What is atopic dermatitis? Atopic…

Infectious erythema

Infectious erythema is a disease caused by parvovirus B19 infection. Usually it concerns several-year-old children. The characteristic symptoms are a garland-like rash and a butterfly-shaped erythema on the face. This symptom usually lasts about 11 days and resolves without peeling. Children with a rash are generally not contagious. Infectious erythema Infectious erythema is one of the common rash diseases…

Infectious mononucleosis – symptoms, treatment, complications. Mononucleosis in children. kissing disease

Mononucleosis is called the kissing disease, and it has symptoms similar to the flu. It’s an infectious disease. The pathogen of infectious mononucleosis is the Epstein-Barr virus from the herpes virus group. Mononucleosis-like syndrome can also be caused by other viruses and the Toxoplasma gondii protozoan. Children and teenagers are the most vulnerable to infection, and the virus that…

Herpes zoster (shingles) – Symptoms and causes, Treatment

Shingles is a viral infection. It is caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox—herpes virus. The etiological factor of herpes zoster is the VZV virus, which causes smallpox at the first contact (most often in childhood) with a non-immune person. After the infection has been extinguished, the virus is not eliminated from the patient’s body, but remains…

Sudden erythema (three-day fever) – symptoms and treatment in children

Sudden erythema (three-day fever) is often the first infectious disease in infants and young children aged 6 months to 3 years. It is caused by the HHV virus. A characteristic symptom is a fever that lasts for several days, followed by a rubella-like rash. Treatment is only symptomatic. Sudden erythema (three-day fever) – definition Sudden erythema is an…

Scarlet fever – symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, complications

Scarlet fever, also known as scarlet fever, is an infectious disease caused by group A streptococci, Streptococcus pyogenes . Although scarlet fever is considered a childhood disease, it can also affect adults. Usually the disease is mild, but in some cases it may be severe. Sometimes there are complications as well. How can you become infected with scarlet fever? What are the…

Measles rash – risk of infection, symptoms, complications, vaccination, treatment

Measles is an infectious disease that usually occurs in childhood. It is caused by the rapidly spreading measles virus (paramyxovirus), which makes it very contagious. Infection with measles occurs through droplets, i.e. through direct contact with an infected person. The characteristic symptoms of measles are fever, rash and photophobia. What is Measles – information about the disease Measles…

Muscle pain: What causes pain in the muscles?

Muscle pain is very often accompanied by general breakdown, fever, joint pain and sore throat. Muscle pain can occur after strenuous exercise, especially when we haven’t trained for a long time. Almost everyone knows the above symptoms: flu and overtraining from personal experience. However, muscle pain, especially chronic pain that persists despite rest, may be a harbinger of…

Chickenpox – symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, ways to get rash

Chicken pox is one of the most infectious diseases in children. Smallpox is accompanied by fever and vesicular rash on the skin and mucous membranes. People with chickenpox or shingles are a source of chickenpox infection. Man is the only host and reservoir of virus in nature, which quickly dies outside the human body. Chickenpox Chickenpox is an…