Ronnie Coleman

How to train like Ronnie Coleman in 2022?

Ronnie Coleman remains a bodybuilder and bodybuilding role model in the year 2022. This eight-time Mr. Olympia winner is one of the most gigantic athletes in the world, even bigger than Arnold Schwarzenegger. “I trained harder and harder,” Ronnie Coleman says when asked what his secret is. Ronnie Coleman trainer Chad Nicholls also contribute to his success With his 1.80m and 136 kilos, he is a fan of training with heavy loads and few repetitions, while favoring free weights, which allow a better range of motion and more flexibility. We will therefore discover Ronnie Coleman’s sports routine in 2022, as well as the 5 best tips he himself has given for bodybuilders…

Are push-ups harder with bars? Push-ups with handles: Exercises and tips for use

Are push-ups harder with bars? Push-ups with handles: Exercises and tips for use

Have you ever done push-ups with handles to effectively work the pectoral muscles ? Push-ups are one of the basic bodybuilding exercises, and they are without a doubt one of the most effective fitness moves around ! You can do push-ups to strengthen your chest muscles and various other parts of your upper body. Are push-ups harder with bars? Push-ups with handles are a great way to get the most…

Bird Dog Exercise: All about the exercise of the bird dog in bodybuilding

Bird Dog Exercise: All about the exercise of the bird dog in bodybuilding

The bird in bodybuilding corresponds to the lateral raises , carried out with more or less heavy loads, which make it possible to strengthen the deltoids and the shoulders in depth. This movement is sometimes presented as a movement of pure aesthetics, but it is false: it helps to build strong and healthy shoulders , and should be included in all weight training programs . However, this exercise of…

How do you get a gluteal fold

Gluteal fold exercise: How do you get a gluteal fold ? Top 6 exercises to strengthen the under gluteal fold | gluteal fold anatomy

You want to know more about the gluteal fold and anatomy? What gluteal fold exercise should you consider and how to strengthen the gluteal fold? The gluteal fold is the area just below your buttocks that represents the space on the lower edge of the gluteus maximus muscle. This is also the upper back of your thigh. Many…

tight psoas muscles

How and why to strengthen the psoas? How do you know if your psoas is tight or weak?

Why is it important to strengthen the psoas? And how do you know if your psoas is tight or weak? Your psoas muscles are deep core muscles that are part of your hip flexors. You have one on each side of your body. They provide stability to your lower back, pelvis, and hips. Often neglected in sports or yoga training, they are nevertheless essential for a good central balance ….

bodybuilding program for a triathlon 

Triathlon: What is the best strength training for triathlon?

Are you looking for a bodybuilding program for a triathlon ? For this type of physical test , it is important to save some time in the gym, but training with heavy weights will not really help you. It is even possible that it bothers you if it is poorly done. For your weight training sessions, it is best that you focus on lighter…

Video games and bodybuilding

Video games and bodybuilding: 5 truths that apply to these two worlds

Bodybuilding games; Have you ever drawn parallels between video games and bodybuilding? Indeed, the battles you fight in virtual worlds can help you win real-life bodybuilding battles! Games are often seen as just a pastime for children. Yet they teach important life lessons . Your brain remains active when you play: you develop a certain state of mind and useful skills to take up challenges or…

how many times a week should you do hiit workouts

HIIT(High Intensity Interval Training): how many times a week should you do hiit workouts?

In HIIT, how many times a week should you do hiit workouts? HIIT, or High Intensity Interval Training, is very popular in gyms right now. And with all these incentives around you, you are tempted to train very often to reap the multiple benefits promised by this form of exercise. However, many athletes make the mistake of underestimating the muscular effort…

Is it OK to do HIIT everyday?

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) Workout: Is it OK to do HIIT everyday?

Can you do HIIT every day? Is it safe for our health? High-intensity interval training burns fat and builds muscle; it’s a very popular form of exercise today. The problem is that many athletes train too much and badly, which harms their muscle recovery and hinders their sports results. And this makes me ask again: Is it OK to do HIIT every day? In fact, HIIT is most…

Tom Hardy's Workout Routine:

Tom Hardy’s Workout Routine: Train like him | Tom Hardy Bodybuilding

Tom Hardy’s strength training is an unconventional take on the muscle confusion technique: he breaks his muscle-building sessions into short workouts four times a day. Workouts typically take place in the early morning, noon, early evening, and before bed and last around 20 minutes, with an emphasis on strength training . It’s a rhythm that not everyone can follow, but you can take…