Triceps sural: How to work the triceps sural?

The calves are muscles that are often visible, especially in the summer or at the gym. The triceps surae that make them up are usually worked to be sharp, toned, firm and shapely. It is a muscle group that we use every day, for simply walking, running, or climbing stairs. This is why it is essential to build them well . This article gives…

Ketogenic Diet Face Before and After

The ketogenic diet , also called keto , is very popular. We hear about it everywhere. This low-carb diet is particularly popular with athletes to lose weight by effectively burning fat. It also improves athletic performance. But then what is it? How do I get good results? What to do before and after this ketogenic diet ? This article gives you all the information you need before you get started. Ketogenic diet and weight…

How does an RM chart work in bodybuilding? 

Different calculation methods exist to determine your RM chart . We detail them in this article so that your performance is at the top! Indispensable for bodybuilding , the RM tablewill allow you to calculate your maximum repetition load (1 RM) as well as other load percentages generally used in bodybuilding programs . The maximum load in bodybuilding (more often called 1RM or 1 rep max) is the…

Evolution of Bodybuilding: How to accelerate your evolution in bodybuilding?

When you start bodybuilding training , with a specific objective, many of you ask yourself the question about the time frame to see results . After only a few days or weeks, many are already impatient and long to see real physical evolution . However, to be in shape, your training will have to be regular, that you spend time there. Optimize your…