
Bull terrier – breed characteristics. A volcano of energy that cannot be overlooked

The bull terrier, despite its bad reputation, is a dog full of joy in life and extremely friendly. The breed is prone to many diseases, but with proper care and good breeding decisions, your dog can stay with you for many years. Check how to achieve it!

A bull terrier is a dog with a difficult past. Bred for dog fights, back in the nineties it was associated almost exclusively with violence and fear. Meanwhile, it is an extremely sensitive and loving animal that bestows affection on almost everyone it meets. Why is it worth choosing a bull terrier? Read on and learn more about it!

Bull Terrier – breed description

Bull terrier dogs are characterized by a very strongly muscled figure. Both dogs and female dogs reach a size of between 35 and 50 cm at the withers. The weight of bull terriers varies between 20 and even 40 kg. 

What does a bull terrier look like?

Bull terriers are therefore characterized by a solid posture, visible at first glance. Dogs of this breed have:

  • long neck;
  • bent torso;
  • strong back;
  • wide chest.

Of course, the shape of the head is the most distinctive in the appearance of bull terriers. It is large, slightly ovoid in shape. The eyes of the dogs are triangular and narrow, black or brown in color. If you want to see if it’s a precise description of the bull terrier, you will find the photos without any problems.

Bull terrier – standard and color

The bull terrier ointment comes in many varieties. The most popular is white, with acceptable markings and clearances on the head. You can also meet tricolor, fawn and red dogs. There is also a black bull terrier. Brindle bull terriers are the most desirable, but the breed standard does not allow for a color such as blue or chocolate. 

The hair of bull terriers is very short and hard to the touch. With proper care, the coat of dogs will shine healthy. In winter, these dogs develop a soft undercoat.

Bull terrier – character

Not very favorable opinion for bull terriers makes them see dogs of aggressive temperament and unfriendly, but the reality is different. Bull terriers are very affectionate and cheerful dogs. They enjoy every moment they spend in the company of their beloved caregivers. 

A bull terrier, a dog eager for attention

The dogs we are describing prefer the company of people they know, but they also like strangers. For this reason, they are sometimes perceived as overly intrusive, as they constantly and eagerly demand human attention. They can jump at a person and bark loudly. 

Why should you devote a lot of time to this dog?

Bull Terriers love petting, stroking and play, which stimulates them both physically and mentally; ignoring the dog will make him unhappy and frustrated. The excess of rising energy will have to be discharged somehow. This, in turn, can lead to the bull terrier adopting harmful habits. He will start destroying objects around him, and maybe even try to escape to somehow get rid of the excess of negative emotions. 

How to use the bull terrier’s energy?

If you want to ensure your pet a happy and prosperous life, you must devote a lot of time and attention to him. Every day, long walks will be necessary, regardless of whether we live in the city or in a house with a garden. Activities such as agility or flyball will also be attractive for the dog.

Bull terrier – training

It is worth starting the upbringing of a bull terrier with proper training , from his puppy years. This will make your dog calmer, your dog’s reactions will be more balanced, and he will better cope with frustration. Learning various commands is also recommended when training a bull terrier. However, you should be prepared for the fact that they are stubborn dogs and it is not easy to make them obey certain commands. 

Bull Terriers are intelligent and extremely social dogs. People who live actively, who are looking for an affectionate and devoted dog, will surely find an ideal companion in this breed. 

Bull terrier – health

Although bull terriers are relatively resistant dogs, they are very often affected by various diseases that potential owners should be aware of. 

The most common diseases of bull terriers

Various types of allergies and skin problems, such as pyoderma, are quite common among bull terriers. Many dogs suffer from kidney and heart conditions. The white bull terrier is often deaf. It is also worth remembering that bull terriers can suffer from joint and bone diseases, such as hip dysplasia or patellar dislocation. There are also problems of a neurological (epilepsy) and even psychological (OCD) nature. 

Check your dog regularly

If you decide to adopt a dog of this breed, be mindful of the above conditions. Bull terriers from good breeding and with proper care of the owner will of course be less exposed to them. Still, it’s still a good idea to keep your finger on the pulse and get your dogs checked regularly. 

Bull terrier dog – grooming

Caring for a bull terrier’s hair is not a demanding task, but you shouldn’t neglect it completely. Dogs should be groomed regularly of dead hair and skin. Bull Terriers don’t lose much hair, but they shed almost all the time. Bathing should be done with the use of mild shampoos designed for the care of dogs. These quadrupeds often suffer from skin problems and various allergies, so you need to adjust the preparation especially for them.

Other aspects of bull terrier care

You should also remember to systematically inspect and clean your dogs’ eyes and ears. From an early age, it is worth getting the bull terriers used to clipping claws. Their so-called the dewclaw has no chance of self-abrasion, because it is not in contact with the ground.

How do bull terriers withstand extreme temperatures?

In winter, bull terriers have a soft undercoat. However, it protects dogs relatively little. Therefore, during severe frosts, you should limit yourself to slightly shorter walks so as not to unnecessarily expose your dog to discomfort. 

Most bull terriers tolerate high temperatures and even heat. At the same time, however, it should be remembered that there are areas not covered with hair on the dog’s body. You have to protect them from sunburn. A good solution may be to encourage your dog to stay in the shade and to use creams with a UV filter. 

Bull terrier diet

The dogs we describe are extremely greedy, which often leads to their excessive weight. However, a responsible guardian should not allow his bull terrier to feed when he does not need it and he gains too much weight, as this can have a very negative impact on the health and quality of life of the dog. You need to adjust the portions to the age and activity of your pet. If you are in doubt as to whether you are feeding him properly, you can ask your dietitian for advice. 

Bull terrier – breeding

Bull Terriers are a very specific breed, but they are adored by many people both in Poland and abroad. People value their energy, cheerful disposition and the attachment they have for their caretakers. Finding a good breeding bull terrier should therefore not be a big challenge. After all, it is worth asking long-term dog owners about a reputable kennel (FCI). They will be able to identify the issuing site for dogs not burdened with genetic defects. 

Bull terrier – price

The price for a bull terrier will depend mainly on what breeding it comes from. The average amount is fall between $500 and $3,500 . So, bull terrier puppies are very price-differentiated. 

Bull Terrier – the history of the breed

The ancestors of the bull terrier breed most likely include the bulldog and the white English terrier. This cross was used for hunting rats and fighting other dogs. Over time, the new breed was also merged with the Dalmatian . Some have suggested common genes with pointers and greyhounds .

James Hinks, who started breeding dogs in the mid-nineteenth century, is considered to be the father of the breed. His work was continued by children. The appearance of dogs took a long time to take on the present form that we all know.

Bull terriers in the world

Initially, the English were very reluctant to sell these dogs outside their country. They considered them to be one of their greatest treasures. Dogs appeared in country like Poland in the interwar period, but the first documented cases are known only from the post-war period. Nowadays, bull terriers are a well-known breed and have many admirers around the world, including the miniature bull terrier .

Bull terrier – for whom? 

Bull Terriers are very energetic and cheerful dogs. They become easily attached to the caregiver and quickly become loved members of many families. At the same time, it is worth remembering that these animals are not for everyone.

What should a bull terrier guardian be like?

Bull terriers need a sensitive, patient, but also consistent, strong guardian who will be able to properly take care of them and train them. While these dogs do not show aggressive behavior, they can be unpredictable and very stubborn. This nature can make it difficult to function daily with other family members, including pets. 

Bull terriers and other animals

Speaking of animals – a well-socialized bull terrier will be able to find himself in the company of other pets. While it may be difficult to accustom him to the presence of cats and smaller animals, it is not a completely doomed task, it only requires proper socialization. 

In the past, bull terriers were bred to fight other dogs, but nowadays they should not show aggression towards them. Nevertheless, it is worth keeping them under strict control, as their energy and enthusiasm may not meet the favor of less patient dogs.

Bull terriers and children

Bull terriers are very fond of the company of children, but they should not be left alone without the close supervision of a guardian. This is mainly due to the fact that dogs can be a bit rough in showing their enthusiasm, especially when playing. Proper training and care of a responsible owner is a recipe for a bull terrier to stay at home with children.

Is a bull terrier a good companion for an elderly person?

The dogs we write about have a lot of energy, so they are not suitable companions for the elderly. Bull Terriers need an active and strong person who will be able to provide them with an appropriate daily dose of exercise. Elderly and sick people may not be able to cope with it. 

Bull terrier – interesting facts

Breeders often refer to bull terriers as pigs (due to some resemblance to pigs). 

Many famous people have bull terrier dogs, incl. Tom Hardy, Lily Allen, Marc Jacobs, Eric Clapton. A carer who decides to adopt a bull terrier should be physically active. He must have a lot of self-denial, time and energy. This will allow him to raise a dog that is obedient and, above all, happy.

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