Breast augmentation: details that interest you

Breast augmentation is a basic requirement for some women who are struggling with a small size or a problem with the shape of the breast that causes a woman to lose some of her self-confidence and femininity. In this article, we will provide you with the details of breast augmentation that a plastic surgeon should choose. Experienced knowledge of these surgeries to be performed for you:

What are the methods of breast augmentation?

Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure to increase the size of the breast or restore it to its normal size appropriate for the body. Breast augmentation can be done in several ways, including:

  1. Breast augmentation with silicone implants.
  2. Zoom in using a salt / water solution.
  3. Breast augmentation with autologous fat injection.

The first method is the best and most popular method in the world and locally.

How does breast augmentation work?

Breast augmentation is done as follows:

  1. Clinical consultation

In a clinical consultation, the doctor checks the size of the breast with a test device, which is a tool that measures the breast in millimeters and determines the percentage of breast sagging and the difference in millimeters between the breasts.

  1. Choosing the right silicone pad

In terms of shape, they are round and teardrop fillings, and in terms of texture, they are soft and coarse-grained.

In terms of volume, breast implants are measured in cubic centimeters (CC) and there are different sizes of breast implants from 100 to 700 cubic centimeters, but the most commonly used sizes in the Arab world are 300-450 cubic centimeters.

The size of the breasts is taken into account in relation to the normal size of the body.

  1. Ensuring the patient’s safety and setting the date of the operation

There are many tests a patient must undergo before any surgery to ensure the operation is safe, and the day of surgery is then determined and scheduled.

  1. Performing the procedure

After preparation and sterilization, the patient goes through the anesthesia stage, and then a 3-5 cm incision is made under the breast folds, as this is the best place to insert silicone implants. It is worth noting that the incision often disappears or is almost completely hidden with time after surgery.

Then, the silicone implants are inserted through a completely sterile funnel so that the implants do not touch anything, and with the intention of increasing sterilization, the implant site is between the pectoral muscles and the breast tissue, thanks to which it takes advantage of the advantages of being behind the muscle and not moving continuously.

  1. Waking up and then exiting the hospital

A few hours after waking up, the patient leaves the hospital and it is recommended to follow the doctor’s instructions.

Placement of a film with the stages of the breast augmentation process

What are the reasons for using breast augmentation?

After we mentioned the details of the breast augmentation process, we need to answer the reasons why the breast augmentation process is used as there are many factors and reasons that lead to a small bust size, namely:

  1. GOUT

This is one of the most common causes of a small bust, just like everything about your body, family history will determine the basis of your bust size.

If your family history has a small breast, you are more likely to have small breasts and vice versa.

  1. hormones

If genes are the basis, the effects of your hormones will have the most tangible effect on your breasts.

They grow as a result of hormonal changes during puberty and tend to swell as the body ovulates. As explained in the next paragraph, pregnancy hormones play their own role.

  1. pregnancy

While it is closely related to hormones, changing what you get during this period is very important.

Hormonal changes caused by pregnancy may increase the size of the breast, and the presence of breastfeeding milk may increase the size slightly.

But this is only a temporary increase in size; They will return to their previous size approximately three to six months after you stop breastfeeding.

  1. Weight loss

The breast is made up of several tissues, mainly connective tissue and fat. The exact proportions depend on the person; For women whose breasts are made up of more fat than connective tissue, you may notice a significant difference in breast size when gaining or losing weight.

  1. medical conditions

Certain medical conditions, such as Poland’s syndrome or Turner syndrome, can affect the development of the breasts during or before puberty.

Frequently asked questions about breast augmentation

Here are some questions you may have about breast augmentation:

  • Do silicone implants cause breast cancer?

There is no scientific evidence for this, and the fillings used are approved by the US Food and Drug Administration and the Arab Food and Drug Administration, which means they comply with international standards and specifications.

silicone video mode

There are cases when the bust is small and saggy, and here we perform breast augmentation and firming in one operation.

Finally, breast augmentation depends on the health and mental state of the patient. If you are in good health and you do not have psychological problems with your breasts, do not attend plastic surgery, but if you have health problems due to breast enlargement or mental problems due to atrophy, small breasts and a lack of confidence, you can use one of the surgery plastic breasts.

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