Black Tea Good For You: A Super drink that Aids in Fat Burning and Gut Health

Aside from water and coffee, black tea is among the most popular beverages in the world.

Did you realise that?

A cup of hot tea is soothing, especially when the weather is cold.

While the benefits of green tea are numerous and well-known, new study has revealed that black tea has a good influence on weight reduction, cardiovascular health, and leads to a healthy gut microbiome.
Due to its antioxidants and compounds that reduce systemic inflammation, black tea has a variety of health benefits.

Black tea is high in antioxidants, is good for the heart, lowers LDL blood pressure and cholesterol, lowers the risk of stroke, and improves intestinal health, which is the focus of today’s discussion.

According to some research, the microorganisms in your intestine can help you avoid diseases like type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity, and even cancer.

Black tea improves gut microbiota and intestinal function, according to a study published in the European Journal of Nutrition by the University of California.

Susanne Henning, the study’s lead author, claims that our gastrointestinal tract is home to trillions of microorganisms and diverse bacterial communities known as the gut microbiota.

The microbiota is a diverse ecological community of microorganisms that includes both beneficial and potentially harmful bacteria.

The human intestine resembles that of a rat and contains more than 100 trillion microorganisms.

As soon as we are born, the colonies begin to live in our intestines.
They are required for the proper development of our immune system, as well as a variety of neurobiological and physiological functions.

Isn’t it intriguing?

Drinking four or more cups of black tea per day, according to studies in the Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, and Western Australia, increases the benefits.

It lowers the risk of a variety of diseases and disorders, including strokes, heart attacks, hypertension, diabetes, and even cancer.

Participants who drank more than six cups of black tea per day had a significantly lower risk of developing cancer.

According to a study conducted by King Saud University, those who did have a lower risk of developing coronary heart disease than those who did not.

These and many other advantages make black tea a good choice for a non-sweet, low-calorie beverage with less caffeine than coffee and energy drinks.

Black tea has a distinct flavor and is widely available in natural health supermarkets.

If you haven’t tried black tea yet, you should.

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